temperature | temperature.Controller instance or None
Optional temperature monitoring and control.
+ >>> import os
+ >>> import tempfile
>>> from pycomedi.device import Device
- >>> from pycomedi import constant as _constant
- >>> import pypiezo.config as _pypiezo_config
- >>> import pyafm.config as _config
+ >>> from pycomedi import constant
+ >>> import pypiezo.config
+ >>> import pyafm.config
+ >>> import pyafm.storage
+ >>> from h5config.storage.hdf5 import pprint_HDF5
+ >>> fd,filename = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.h5', prefix='pyafm-')
+ >>> os.close(fd)
>>> device = Device('/dev/comedi0')
>>> device.open()
- >>> config = _config.AFMConfig()
- >>> config['piezo'] = _pypiezo_config.PiezoConfig()
+ >>> config = pyafm.config.AFMConfig()
+ >>> config['piezo'] = pypiezo.config.PiezoConfig()
>>> config['piezo']['name'] = 'test piezo'
- >>> config['piezo']['axes'] = [_pypiezo_config.AxisConfig()]
+ >>> config['piezo']['axes'] = [pypiezo.config.AxisConfig()]
>>> config['piezo']['axes'][0]['channel'] = (
- ... _pypiezo_config.OutputChannelConfig())
+ ... pypiezo.config.OutputChannelConfig())
>>> config['piezo']['axes'][0]['channel']['name'] = 'z'
- >>> config['piezo']['inputs'] = [_pypiezo_config.InputChannelConfig()]
+ >>> config['piezo']['inputs'] = [pypiezo.config.InputChannelConfig()]
>>> config['piezo']['inputs'][0]['name'] = 'deflection'
- >>> config['stepper'] = _config.StepperConfig()
- >>> config['stepper']['port'] = _config.DigitalPortConfig()
+ >>> config['stepper'] = pyafm.config.StepperConfig()
+ >>> config['stepper']['port'] = pyafm.config.DigitalPortConfig()
>>> config['stepper']['port']['channels'] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
- >>> config['stepper']['port']['direction'] = _constant.IO_DIRECTION.output
+ >>> config['stepper']['port']['direction'] = constant.IO_DIRECTION.output
>>> config['stepper']['port']['name'] = 'stepper port'
>>> config['stepper']['name'] = 'test stepper'
- >>> config['temperature'] = _config.TemperatureConfig()
+ >>> config['temperature'] = pyafm.config.TemperatureConfig()
>>> config['temperature']['name'] = 'test temperature'
>>> afm = AFM(config=config, devices=[device])
max-current: 0.0
far: 3e-05
+ >>> pyafm.storage.save_afm(afm=afm, filename=filename)
+ >>> pprint_HDF5(filename=filename) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF
+ /
+ <HDF5 dataset "far": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 3e-05
+ <HDF5 dataset "main-axis": shape (), type "|S1">
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S1">
+ /piezo
+ /piezo/axes
+ /piezo/axes/0
+ /piezo/axes/0/channel
+ <HDF5 dataset "analog-reference": shape (), type "|S6">
+ ground
+ <HDF5 dataset "channel": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 0
+ <HDF5 dataset "conversion-coefficients": shape (2,), type "<f8">
+ [ -1.00000000e+01 3.05180438e-04]
+ <HDF5 dataset "conversion-origin": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 0.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "device": shape (), type "|S12">
+ /dev/comedi0
+ <HDF5 dataset "inverse-conversion-coefficients": shape (2,), type "<f8">
+ [ 0. 3276.75]
+ <HDF5 dataset "inverse-conversion-origin": shape (), type "<f8">
+ -10.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "maxdata": shape (), type "<i8">
+ 65535
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S1">
+ z
+ <HDF5 dataset "range": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 0
+ <HDF5 dataset "subdevice": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 1
+ <HDF5 dataset "gain": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 1.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "maximum": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 10.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "minimum": shape (), type "<f8">
+ -10.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "monitor": shape (), type "|S1">
+ <HDF5 dataset "sensitivity": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 1.0
+ /piezo/inputs
+ /piezo/inputs/0
+ <HDF5 dataset "analog-reference": shape (), type "|S6">
+ ground
+ <HDF5 dataset "channel": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 0
+ <HDF5 dataset "conversion-coefficients": shape (2,), type "<f8">
+ [ -1.00000000e+01 3.05180438e-04]
+ <HDF5 dataset "conversion-origin": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 0.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "device": shape (), type "|S12">
+ /dev/comedi0
+ <HDF5 dataset "inverse-conversion-coefficients": shape (2,), type "<f8">
+ [ 0. 3276.75]
+ <HDF5 dataset "inverse-conversion-origin": shape (), type "<f8">
+ -10.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "maxdata": shape (), type "<i8">
+ 65535
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S10">
+ deflection
+ <HDF5 dataset "range": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 0
+ <HDF5 dataset "subdevice": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 0
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S10">
+ test piezo
+ /stepper
+ <HDF5 dataset "backlash": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 100
+ <HDF5 dataset "delay": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 0.01
+ <HDF5 dataset "full-step": shape (), type "|b1">
+ True
+ <HDF5 dataset "logic": shape (), type "|b1">
+ True
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S12">
+ test stepper
+ /stepper/port
+ <HDF5 dataset "channels": shape (4,), type "<i4">
+ [1 2 3 4]
+ <HDF5 dataset "device": shape (), type "|S12">
+ /dev/comedi0
+ <HDF5 dataset "direction": shape (), type "|S6">
+ output
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S12">
+ stepper port
+ <HDF5 dataset "subdevice": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 2
+ <HDF5 dataset "subdevice-type": shape (), type "|S3">
+ dio
+ <HDF5 dataset "step-size": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 1.7e-07
+ /temperature
+ <HDF5 dataset "baudrate": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 9600
+ <HDF5 dataset "controller": shape (), type "<i4">
+ 1
+ <HDF5 dataset "device": shape (), type "|S10">
+ /dev/ttyS0
+ <HDF5 dataset "max-current": shape (), type "<f8">
+ 0.0
+ <HDF5 dataset "name": shape (), type "|S16">
+ test temperature
+ <HDF5 dataset "units": shape (), type "|S7">
+ Celsius
+ >>> afm2 = pyafm.storage.load_afm(filename=filename, devices=[device])
+ >>> afm2.get_temperature() # doctest: +SKIP
+ 297.37
It's hard to test anything else without pugging into an actual AFM.
>>> device.close()
+ Cleanup our temporary config file.
+ >>> os.remove(filename)
def __init__(self, config, piezo=None, stepper=None, temperature=None,
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright
+import os.path as _os_path
+import h5py as _h5py
+from h5config.storage.hdf5 import HDF5_Storage as _HDF5_Storage
+from . import LOG as _LOG
+from .afm import AFM as AFM
+from .config import AFMConfig as _AFMConfig
+DEFAULT_FILENAME = _os_path.expanduser(_os_path.join(
+ '~', '.config', 'pyafm-default.h5'))
+def save_afm(afm, filename=None, group=None):
+ if filename is None:
+ if group is None:
+ assert group.endswith('/'), group
+ _LOG.info('saving AFM config to {} {}'.format(filename, group))
+ storage = _HDF5_Storage(filename=filename, group=group)
+ storage.save(config=afm.config)
+def load_afm(filename=None, group=None, devices=None):
+ if filename is None:
+ if group is None:
+ assert group.endswith('/'), group
+ _LOG.info('loading AFM config from {} {}'.format(filename, group))
+ config = _AFMConfig(storage=_HDF5_Storage(filename=filename, group=group))
+ _LOG.debug(
+ 'constructing AFM from configuration:\n{}'.format(config.dump()))
+ return AFM(config=config, devices=devices)