show_missing_use = False
if unmasked_use_reasons:
# Only show the latest version.
- show_missing_use = unmasked_use_reasons[:1]
+ show_missing_use = []
+ pkg_reason = None
+ parent_reason = None
for pkg, mreasons in unmasked_use_reasons:
- if myparent and pkg == myparent:
- #This happens if a use change on the parent
- #leads to a satisfied conditional use dep.
- show_missing_use.append((pkg, mreasons))
- break
+ if pkg is myparent:
+ if parent_reason is None:
+ #This happens if a use change on the parent
+ #leads to a satisfied conditional use dep.
+ parent_reason = (pkg, mreasons)
+ elif pkg_reason is None:
+ #Don't rely on the first pkg in unmasked_use_reasons,
+ #being the highest version of the dependency.
+ pkg_reason = (pkg, mreasons)
+ if pkg_reason:
+ show_missing_use.append(pkg_reason)
+ if parent_reason:
+ show_missing_use.append(parent_reason)
elif unmasked_iuse_reasons:
masked_with_iuse = False
for pkg in masked_pkg_instances: