Allowed settings are:
-%s""" % ('\n'.join(get_bugdir_settings()),)
+Note that this command does not provide a good interface for some of
+these settings (yet!). You may need to edit the bugdir settings file
+(`.be/<bugdir>/settings`) manually. Examples for each troublesome
+setting are given below.
+Add the following lines to override the default severities and use
+your own:
+ severities:
+ - - target
+ - The issue is a target or milestone, not a bug.
+ - - wishlist
+ - A feature that could improve usefulness, but not a bug.
+You may add as many name/description pairs as you wish to have; they
+are sorted in order from least important at the top, to most important
+at the bottom. The target severity gets special handling by `be
+Note that the values here _override_ the defaults. That means that if
+you like the defaults, and wish to keep them, you will have to copy
+them here before adding any of your own. See `be severity --help` for
+the current list.
+Add the following lines to override the default statuses and use your
+ active_status:
+ - - unconfirmed
+ - A possible bug which lacks independent existance confirmation.
+ - - open
+ - A working bug that has not been assigned to a developer.
+ inactive_status:
+ - - closed
+ - The bug is no longer relevant.
+ - - fixed
+ - The bug should no longer occur.
+You may add as many name/description pairs as you wish to have; they
+are sorted in order from most important at the top, to least important
+at the bottom.
+Note that the values here _override_ the defaults. That means that if
+you like the defaults, and wish to keep them, you will have to copy
+them here before adding any of your own. See `be status --help` for
+the current list.
+""" % ('\n'.join(get_bugdir_settings()),)
def get_bugdir_settings():
settings = []
Severity levels are:
-You can overide the list of allowed severities on a per-repository basis.
-In order to do so, you must edit your be settings file. This can be found within your .be/xxx-xxx directory.
-Add the following lines to override the default severities and use your own:
- - - target
- - The issue is a target or milestone, not a bug.
- - - wishlist
- - A feature that could improve usefulness, but not a bug.
-You may add as many name/description pairs as you wish to have; they are sorted in order from least important at the top, to most important at the bottom.
-Note that the values here _override_ the defaults. That means that if you like the defaults, and wish to keep them, you will have to copy them here before adding any of your own.
+You can overide the list of allowed severities on a per-repository
+basis. See `be set --help` for details.
""" % ('\n '.join(severity_levels))
return ret
Inactive status levels are:
-You can overide the list of allowed statuses on a per-repository basis.
-In order to do so, you must edit your be settings file. This can be found within your .be/xxx-xxx directory.
-Add the following lines to override the default statuses and use your own:
- - - unconfirmed
- - A possible bug which lacks independent existance confirmation.
- - - open
- - A working bug that has not been assigned to a developer.
- - - closed
- - The bug is no longer relevant.
- - - fixed
- - The bug should no longer occur.
-You may add as many name/description pairs as you wish to have; they are sorted in order from most important at the top, to least important at the bottom.
-Note that the values here _override_ the defaults. That means that if you like the defaults, and wish to keep them, you will have to copy them here before adding any of your own.
+You can overide the list of allowed statuses on a per-repository
+basis. See `be set --help` for details.
""" % ('\n '.join(active_statuses), '\n '.join(inactive_statuses))
return ret