any of the student's care about PGP, but it's the principle of the
thing ;), since there's no way I'm going to send them raw gpg output
(they would die) and there's also no way I'm going to hold Mutt's hand
-while it signs the emails. I dunno why Mutt doesn't have some --batch
-mode options to support PGP, but there it is.
+while it signs the emails. I dunno why Mutt doesn't have some
+`--batch` mode options to support PGP, but there it is.
-So I wrote my own. Not very complicated really, just implementing the
-[RFC 3156]( specs. There's
-obviously room for improvement, but it works well enough to make me
-happy at the momemt. You're welcome to [take a
-look](/~wking/code/python/send_pgp_mime) and [[email me|contact]] with
-[encrypted!] feedback.
+So I [wrote my own][]. Not very complicated really,
+just implementing the [RFC 3156][] specs. There's obviously room for
+improvement, but it works well enough to make me happy at the momemt.
+[[Email me|contact]] with (encrypted!) feedback.
+ echo 'use_agent' >> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
+ export GPG_TTY=$(tty)
+ eval $(gpg-agent --daemon)
+ FROM="From:"
+ for student in $(cat big_list); do
+ HEAD=$(echo -e "$FROM\nTo: $\nSubject: Grades")
+ BODY=$(echo -e "$STUDENT,\n\nGood job!")
+ send_pgp_mime -H <(echo "$HEAD") -B <(echo "$BODY") --mode sign
+ done
+Note that I'm brushing some `gpg-agent` details under the rug. `man
+gpg-agent` does a reasonable job of clarifying.
+[RFC 3156]:
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