-- Big Jimmy.
-> Maybe we should use George? As you point out - it doesn't actually
-> have to do any user authentication. It seems like a waste to have a
-> virtual machine that does nothing but deny people's ssh connections.
-> And - george is already setup and ready to go.
-> -- Sir Jam Jam
+Maybe we should use George? As you point out - it doesn't actually
+have to do any user authentication. It seems like a waste to have a
+virtual machine that does nothing but deny people's ssh connections.
+And - george is already setup and ready to go.
+-- Sir Jam Jam
I like the idea of using George for this. There's nothing wrong with
denying people's ssh connections. Also, we could make public user
You can verify george's ssh host key with the monkeysphere
before you connect to the host. Here's how...