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-Subject: Re: Do you now when amarok 2 pakages in experimental?
-Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:43:18 +0200
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-BasaBuru wrote:
-> Aupa
-> I liked amarok, and i look any pages with them, amarok 2 beta, is prety.
-> I'm compile beta 2 but isn't boot.
-> the message is very extrange.
-> said:
-> Amarok could not find any collection plugins. Amarok is now updating the KDE
-> configuration database. Please wait a couple of minutes, then restart Amarok.
-> If this does not help, it is likely that Amarok is installed under the wrong
-> prefix, please fix your installation using:
-> $ cd /path/to/amarok/source-code/
-> $ su -c "make uninstall"
-> $ ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` && su -c "make install"
-> $ kbuildsycoca4
-> $ amarok
-> the solution is absurd, for compile beta 2 you must be use cmake, isn't
-> .configure
-> I'm look for information on the net and nothing. :) i'm a few inutil, think so
-> I'm think is more well and confiable if the kde team, compile packages for us.
-> izan funtsa
-> BasaBuru
-You could try these:
-To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
-with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
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-Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 11:51:28 +0200
-From: Ana Guerrero <ana@debian.org>
-To: Magnus Pedersen <bofhenator@gmail.com>
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-Subject: Re: Do you now when amarok 2 pakages in experimental?
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+I gave up on local clients and moved to online RSS readers like google
+reader or bloglines...
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-On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 11:43:18AM +0200, Magnus Pedersen wrote:
-> BasaBuru wrote:
-> >Aupa
-> >
-> >I liked amarok, and i look any pages with them, amarok 2 beta, is prety.
-> >
-> >I'm compile beta 2 but isn't boot.
-> >
-> >the message is very extrange.
-> >
-> >said:
-> >
-> >Amarok could not find any collection plugins. Amarok is now updating the
-> >KDE configuration database. Please wait a couple of minutes, then restart
-> >Amarok.
-> >If this does not help, it is likely that Amarok is installed under the
-> >wrong prefix, please fix your installation using:
-> >$ cd /path/to/amarok/source-code/
-> >$ su -c "make uninstall"
-> >$ ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` && su -c "make install"
-> >$ kbuildsycoca4
-> >$ amarok
-> >the solution is absurd, for compile beta 2 you must be use cmake, isn't
-> >.configure
-> >I'm look for information on the net and nothing. :) i'm a few inutil,
-> >think so
-> >I'm think is more well and confiable if the kde team, compile packages for
-> >us.
-> >izan funtsa
-> >BasaBuru
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> >
-> You could try these:
-> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Amarok+2?content=85474
-Please do not recommend non official stuff... quality can be good or not so
-good, and they can break your system.
-AFAIK, current amarok's mantainer have not uploaded packages yet because they
-are too much experimental :)
-To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
-with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
-From - Sun Aug 03 21:06:32 2008
-X-Mozilla-Status: 0011
-X-Mozilla-Status2: 00000000
->From bounce-debian-kde=bremner=unb.ca@lists.debian.org Thu Jul 31 07:38:39 2008
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-Subject: Re: Do you now when amarok 2 pakages in experimental?
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-Ana Guerrero wrote:
->> You could try these:
->> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Amarok+2?content=85474
-> Please do not recommend non official stuff... quality can be good or not so
-> good, and they can break your system.
-> AFAIK, current amarok's mantainer have not uploaded packages yet because they
-> are too much experimental :)
+<div dir="ltr"><a href="http://www.google.com/reader">www.google.com/reader</a><br></div>
+From chris@mretc.net Fri Sep 26 11:31:53 2008
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+To: bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+Subject: NewsGator service
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+All of the NewsGator RSS readers can sync automatically to the NewsGator
+I don't think any Linux clients support it currently, but there is an
+open API, so they could:
+- Chris
+From javierdimauro@gmail.com Fri Sep 26 11:32:07 2008
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+From: "Javier Di Mauro" <javierdimauro@gmail.com>
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+Subject: Why not Google Reader?
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-I agree that the quality of non-official packages is an unknown, but
-from there to not link to them is, IMHO, a long way?
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+Content-Disposition: inline
+I read feeds on both home and work, and this is my preferred method to do
+it. I think it's the simpler way to centralize what you've read and what
+I choose Google Reader, but maybe are others like this out there. The bad
+news is that google knows even more about myself, but i believe i can afford
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-Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 13:51:41 +0200
-From: Ana Guerrero <ana@debian.org>
-To: Magnus Pedersen <bofhenator@gmail.com>
-Cc: debian-kde@lists.debian.org
-Subject: Re: Do you now when amarok 2 pakages in experimental?
-Message-ID: <20080731115140.GA14760@ekaia.org>
-References: <200807311046.37761.basaburu@basatu.org> <g6s1fp$2hr$1@ger.gmane.org> <20080731095128.GA13782@ekaia.org> <g6s4m6$d3t$1@ger.gmane.org>
+<div dir="ltr">I read feeds on both home and work, and this is my preferred method to do it. I think it's the simpler way to centralize what you've read and what not.<br>I choose Google Reader, but maybe are others like this out there. The bad news is that google knows even more about myself, but i believe i can afford it.<br>
+From rswarbrick@googlemail.com Fri Sep 26 11:39:22 2008
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+Subject: Google?
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-On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 12:37:55PM +0200, Magnus Pedersen wrote:
-> Ana Guerrero wrote:
-> >>You could try these:
-> >>http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Amarok+2?content=85474
-> >>
-> >
-> >Please do not recommend non official stuff... quality can be good or not so
-> >good, and they can break your system.
-> >AFAIK, current amarok's mantainer have not uploaded packages yet because
-> >they
-> >are too much experimental :)
-> I agree that the quality of non-official packages is an unknown, but
-> from there to not link to them is, IMHO, a long way?
-who said you can not link it? you do not know the knowledge of the person who
-you are answering so making a notice about it coming from non official repos
-(that are not supported), is a very good idea.
-I guess a better rewording of my email would be:" do not recommend non offcial
-stuff without stating it is non official and it could break your system".
-To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
-with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
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-Subject: Re: Do you now when amarok 2 pakages in experimental?
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+... as the subject line: I'm a Uni student, so use desktop PCs at Uni
+and have a laptop which I sometimes carry with me and always use at
+home. The only solutions I've managed to find are Google Reader and
+Bloglines. And Google's one was nicer 12 months ago.
+From madduck@piper.oerlikon.madduck.net Fri Sep 26 13:36:10 2008
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-El Thursday 31 July 2008 11:43:18 Magnus Pedersen escribi=F3:
-> You could try these:
-> http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Amarok+2?content=3D85474
-Yes i now. but...
+X-Sender-Verified: madduck@piper.oerlikon.madduck.net
+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
-1. Is unoffical, then you maybe have any problems.
-2. Is only for i386 i can't probe
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
+Content-Disposition: inline
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
-3. i'm not sure what is make compile.=20
+rss2email and offlineimap.
-4. If official package is not, i prefer compile it's my self
+And you are lucky I replied because when I read "Can I haz...",
+I cringed. :)
-thanks for link
+martin | http://madduck.net/ | http://two.sentenc.es/
+"wer schmetterlinge lachen h=F6rt,
+ der weiss wie wolken schmecken."
+ -- freiherr friedrich von hardenberg
+spamtraps: madduck.bogus@madduck.net
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+Content-Description: Digital signature (see http://martin-krafft.net/gpg/)
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+Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
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+From loz.hurst@gmail.com Fri Sep 26 13:36:19 2008
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+Subject: rss2email
+Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 16:10:21 +0100
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+I, personally, use rss2email to read rss feeds via my existing email
+infrastructure. I can read the rss anywhere I can get at my email from
+(which is anywhere with a web-browser, thanks to webmail) and as my
+email is accessed via imap the 'read' status is also maintained
+centrally on my mail server.
+Laurence Hurst
+The contents of this email are strictly confidential and intended for
+the named addressee only.
+If you have received this email in error please delete it immediately
+and inform the sender of the error.
+From nicoe@nutellux.ath.cx Fri Sep 26 13:36:29 2008
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
-I've upgraded my system to 4.1 by aptitude -t experimental install kde4.
-looks a bit scary so i created backup and got the install done.
-The upgrade was fine ! Great job ! KDE 4.1 looks and works nice !
-But ... there are a few problems left, that i can not fix:
-* Where did my address book and my calender go in kontact ? Can i import
-* them
-again in kontact 4.1 ? My mail and my mail settings seems fine.
-* At First my alt-tab was working accordingly the settings of "Desktop
-* Effects
-Settings" but now is it only using some old alt-tab behavior and does it
-listen to changes in the "Desktop Effect Settings". Probably it's just a
-setting somewhere, but i can not find it.
-* How do i added programs (-links) to the panel ?
-* The effects are a little bit slow on a 'Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU
-* 2Gz, Intel
-Mobile GM965/GL960'. Is that normal ?
-To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
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-Subject: Re: Upgrade was mostly fine, but a few problems left
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- =?utf-8?q?Q1I=26fUN=0A=094?=<\TGcR5=
+I had the same kind of problem (added to the fact that I find=20
+newsreader so slow). So instead of using the google news reader I=20
+decided to use rss2email to receive each blog post as an email in an=20
+imap folder sync with mbsync. It works for me.
+Nicolas =C9vrard | Web: http://www.openhex.com
+Li=E8ge - Belgique
+From Peter.Mann@tuke.sk Fri Sep 26 13:36:40 2008
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+i'm using rss2email together with IMAP account (offlineimap + mutt)
+From david@planetwatson.co.uk Fri Sep 26 13:36:54 2008
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+Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 16:40:12 +0100
+From: David Watson <david@planetwatson.co.uk>
+To: bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+Subject: rss2email
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+ the administrator of that system for details. Content preview: I had the
+ same problem until I started using rss2email, so now I can read my feeds from
+ any computer using imap. -- David Watson - Debian GNU/Linux Developer
+ david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx@debian.org [...] Content analysis details:
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+I had the same problem until I started using rss2email, so now I can
+read my feeds from any computer using imap.
-On Thursday 31 July 2008 12:49:58 Ferdinand Smit wrote:
-> Hi,
-> I've upgraded my system to 4.1 by aptitude -t experimental install kde4.
-> It
-> looks a bit scary so i created backup and got the install done.
-> The upgrade was fine ! Great job ! KDE 4.1 looks and works nice !
-> But ... there are a few problems left, that i can not fix:
-> * Where did my address book and my calender go in kontact ? Can i import
-> * them
-> again in kontact 4.1 ? My mail and my mail settings seems fine.
-They didn't go. KDE 4 is using ~/.kde4 to store all data, while KDE 3 uses=
-What I did was to copy ~./kde/share/ to ~./kd/share, in a console without k=
-running. It is not the best solution I guess, but it worked for me.
-The rest I cannot say. I don't use effects as I have a %$&$%&$% NVidia card=
-La ciencia sin la religi=F3n es renga,
-la religi=F3n sin la ciencia es ciega.
- Albert Einstein
+David Watson - Debian GNU/Linux Developer
+xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, xxxxxxx@debian.org
+Jabber: dwatson@planetwatson.co.uk
+Web: http://planetwatson.co.uk/blog
+From kbloom@gmail.com Fri Sep 26 13:37:09 2008
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+Subject: NNTP and RSS on multiple computers is just a special case
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-Lisandro Dami=E1n Nicanor P=E9rez Meyer
+Content-Type: text/plain
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-Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
+While it is definitely true that one wastes time on multiple computers,
+and NNTP and RSS suffer the same problem, so do most other programs.
+There has been a push lately for bookmark sharing (usually through
+something like del.icio.us), email sharing (IMAP), calendar sharing, and
+contact sharing (several protocols for this, but none is exactly
+"standard"), there's no general solution for "sharing all the data I
+might need".
+Personally, I find that by keeping my $HOME in subversion, I can
+synchronize my .newsrc, just by checking the .newsrc into my repository
+just like everything else. An RSS reader's list of read messages would
+just be another config file to check in to my repository.
+Now, when one checks a config file into a version control system, there
+is a small matter of reconciling conflicts, where we could stand to do a
+lot better. However, having solved the general problem, the specific
+problem of avoiding conflicts with a specific application can always be
+solved by adjusting your working habits to commit and update when moving
+computers, if no more automatic and permissive solution can be found.
+Ken (Chanoch) Bloom. PhD candidate. Linguistic Cognition Laboratory.
+Department of Computer Science. Illinois Institute of Technology.
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+Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part
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+Subject: Yes, but...
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-El Thursday 31 July 2008 18:12:34 Lisandro Dami=E1n Nicanor P=E9rez Meyer=20
-> The rest I cannot say. I don't use effects as I have a %$&$%&$% NVidia ca=
-Do you true the new nvidia driver???
-It's no work?
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+That's why I use Google reader. OK, It's not _the_ reader, and someone may say
+(most surely correctly) that that gives Google more data, but for now it's a
+tradeoff :-(
+From mbanck@gmx.net Fri Sep 26 14:13:53 2008
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+Google Reader.
+From wbruna@yahoo.com Fri Sep 26 14:20:43 2008
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+I use Thunderbird, rss2email and an IMAP account.
+From christoph.langner@gmail.com Fri Sep 26 14:21:07 2008
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+Hello David!
+You've got a couple of choices
+ * Google Reader: http://www.google.com/reader
+ * http://www.bloglines.com/
+ * Tiny Tiny RSS: http://tt-rss.org/trac/
+ * Gregarius: http://gregarius.net/
+Gragarius is afaik pretty dead, tt-rss is really nice, but i do prefer
+Google Reader. I save a LOT of time using it :)
+From marius@gedmin.as Fri Sep 26 18:13:58 2008
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
-On Thursday 31 July 2008 13:54:43 BasaBuru wrote:
-> El Thursday 31 July 2008 18:12:34 Lisandro Dami=E1n Nicanor P=E9rez Meyer
-> escribi=F3:
-> > The rest I cannot say. I don't use effects as I have a %$&$%&$% NVidia
-> > card
-> Do you true the new nvidia driver???
-> It's no work?
-It has always been a disaster on my system, but the only way to get GLSL an=
-OpenGL working.
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
+Content-Disposition: inline
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
-She got her good looks from her father. He's a plastic surgeon.
- -- Groucho Marx
+This is why I finally bit the bullet and started using Google Reader.
-Lisandro Dami=E1n Nicanor P=E9rez Meyer
+Offline operation is a bit painful, though.
+Marius Gedminas
+Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature.
+ -- Rich Kulawiec
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-Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
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+From greg.grossmeier@gmail.com Fri Sep 26 18:14:16 2008
+Return-path: <greg.grossmeier@gmail.com>
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+Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 16:14:27 -0400
+From: Greg Grossmeier <greg.grossmeier@gmail.com>
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+To: bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+Subject: Tiny Tiny RSS
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+ bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+I use Tiny Tiny RSS, which is a self hosted web-based RSS reader like
+Google Reader.
+See my blog post at: http://blog.grossmeier.net/2008/09/02/tiny-tiny-rss/
+From trygve.vea@gmail.com Sat Sep 27 18:25:18 2008
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+Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:43:39 +0200
+From: "Trygve Vea" <trygve.vea@gmail.com>
+To: bremner-comment-blog~posts~can-i-haz-a-distributed-rss@pivot.cs.unb.ca
+Subject: Google Reader
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+Google Reader is a service who covers what you say you're looking for.
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+Trygve Vea
+From clee991@gmail.com Sun Sep 28 07:53:18 2008
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+https://www.google.com/reader/ does that trick for me wherever I am - even
+has a Blackberry client. Yahoo has something similar too.
-I've upgraded my system to 4.1 by aptitude -t experimental install kde4. It
-looks a bit scary so i created backup and got the install done.
+Tiny Tiny RSS certainly looks interesting though
-The upgrade was fine ! Great job ! KDE 4.1 looks and works nice !
-But ... there are a few problems left, that i can not fix:
-* Where did my address book and my calender go in kontact ? Can i import them
-again in kontact 4.1 ? My mail and my mail settings seems fine.
-* At First my alt-tab was working accordingly the settings of "Desktop Effects
-Settings" but now is it only using some old alt-tab behavior and does it not
-listen to changes in the "Desktop Effect Settings". Probably it's just a
-setting somewhere, but i can not find it.
-* How do i added programs (-links) to the panel ?
-* The effects are a little bit slow on a 'Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU 2Gz, Intel
-Mobile GM965/GL960'. Is that normal ?
-To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-kde-REQUEST@lists.debian.org
-with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org
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+<div dir="ltr"><a href="https://www.google.com/reader/">https://www.google.com/reader/</a> does that trick for me wherever I am - even has a Blackberry client. Yahoo has something similar too. <br><br>Tiny Tiny RSS certainly looks interesting though<br clear="all">