-bool isEmailInCertificate( const char* email, const char* certificate )
- /* PENDING(g10) this function should return true if the email
- address passed as the first parameter is contained in the
- certificate passed as the second parameter, and false
- otherwise. This is used to alert the user if his own email
- address is not contained in the certificate he uses for
- signing.
- Note that the parameter email can be anything that is allowed
- in a From: line.
- Another note: OK, OK, we'll handle that in the MUA. You can
- assume that you only get the email address.
- */
- return false; /* dummy*/
+bool isEmailInCertificate( const char* email, const char* fingerprint )
+ GpgmeCtx ctx;
+ GpgmeError err;
+ GpgmeKey rKey;
+ int UID_idx;
+ const char* attr_string;
+ int emailCount = 0;
+ bool bOk = false;
+ int fprLen = strlen( fingerprint );
+ fprintf( stderr, "gpgmeplug isEmailInCertificate looking for fingerprint %s\n", fingerprint );
+ gpgme_new( &ctx );
+ gpgme_set_protocol( ctx, GPGMEPLUG_PROTOCOL );
+ err = gpgme_op_keylist_start( ctx, fingerprint, 0 );
+ if ( GPGME_No_Error == err ) {
+ err = gpgme_op_keylist_next( ctx, &rKey );
+ gpgme_op_keylist_end( ctx );
+ if ( GPGME_No_Error == err ) {
+ /* extract email(s) */
+ for( UID_idx = 0;
+ (attr_string = gpgme_key_get_string_attr(
+ rKey, GPGME_ATTR_EMAIL, 0, UID_idx ) );
+ ++UID_idx ){
+ if (attr_string && *attr_string) {
+ ++emailCount;
+ fprintf( stderr, "gpgmeplug isEmailInCertificate found email: %s\n", attr_string );
+ if( 0 == strcasecmp(attr_string, email) ){
+ bOk = true;
+ break;
+ }else{
+ attr_string = gpgme_key_get_string_attr(
+ rKey, GPGME_ATTR_USERID, 0, UID_idx );
+ if (attr_string && *attr_string == '<'){
+ ++attr_string;
+ if( 0 == strncasecmp(attr_string, email, fprLen) ){
+ bOk = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !emailCount )
+ fprintf( stderr, "gpgmeplug isEmailInCertificate found NO EMAIL\n" );
+ else if( !bOk )
+ fprintf( stderr, "gpgmeplug isEmailInCertificate found NO MATCHING email\n" );
+ gpgme_key_release( rKey );
+ }else{
+ fprintf( stderr, "gpgmeplug isEmailInCertificate found NO CERTIFICATE for fingerprint %s\n", fingerprint );
+ }
+ }else{
+ fprintf( stderr, "gpgmeplug isEmailInCertificate could NOT open KEYLIST for fingerprint %s\n", fingerprint );
+ }
+ gpgme_release( ctx );
+ return bOk;