+import Mechanics;
+import ElectroMag;
+real u = 1cm;
+real L = 3;
+real dy = 1;
+int n=3;
+Charge q = aCharge((0,0)*u, q=1, L="$q$");
+Vector v = Velocity(q.center, L="$v$");
+Wire top_plate = Wire((0,0.5*dy)*u, (L,.5*dy)*u);
+Wire bottom_plate = Wire((0,-.5*dy)*u, (L,-.5*dy)*u);
+path p = q.center;
+real x;
+real y;
+for (int i=0; i<=100; i+= 1) {
+ x = q.center.x+L*i/n;
+ y = q.center.y+.4*dy*(x/L)**2;
+ p = p..((x,y)*u);
+draw(p, grey);
+Vector E;
+for (int i=0; i<n; i+=1) {
+ E = EField((L*(i+.5)/n, -.4*dy)*u, mag=.8*dy*u, dir=90, L="$E$");
+ E.draw();
From the forces on the drop in each direction