--- /dev/null
+// Circ.asy
+// Version 0.1
+// An Asymptote library for drawing electical circuit diagrams.
+// Strongly based on makecirc.mp by GS Bustamante Argañaraz.
+// Copyright (c) 2003 GS Bustamante Argañaraz, 2008 WT King.
+// This program may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+// of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this
+// license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version
+// of this license is in http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt.
+// This program consists of the file Circ.asy
+// Command definitions for easier labeling
+texpreamble("\def\modarg#1#2{\setbox0=\hbox{$\mkern-1mu/#2^\circ$}\dp0=.21ex $#1\underline{\box0}$}");
+int rotatelabel = 0;
+int norotatelabel = 1;
+int labeling = rotatelabel;
+// Macros for the pens, I define them as such so when they expand,
+// look for the last value assigned to linewd and use it
+// (thanks to JLD). The linewd value assigns it as newinternal to
+// be able to change it «from out».
+real linewd = 0.25mm;
+pen line = makepen(scale(0.5*linewd)*unitcircle);
+pen misc = makepen(scale(0.4*linewd)*unitcircle);
+// Arrowhead definitions
+real ahlength = 4bp; // Arrowhead length
+real ahangle = 30; // Arrowhead angle
+path miscahead (path p)
+ real t = reltime(p, 1.0);
+ pair A = point(p,t);
+ pair u = -dir(p,t);
+ path a = shift(A)*((0,0)--(scale(ahlength)*rotate(15)*u));
+ path b = shift(A)*((0,0)--(scale(ahlength)*rotate(-15)*u));
+ return (a & reverse(a) & b & reverse(b))--cycle;
+path fullhead (path p, real length=ahlength, real angle=ahangle)
+ real t = reltime(p, 1.0);
+ pair A = point(p,t);
+ pair u = -dir(p,t);
+ path a = shift(A)*((0,0)--(scale(length)*rotate(angle/2)*u));
+ path b = shift(A)*((0,0)--(scale(length)*rotate(-angle/2)*u));
+ return (A -- a -- reverse(b) --cycle);
+path bjtahead (path p)
+ pair A = point(p,reltime(p,0.7));
+ pair u = -dir(p,reltime(p,0.5));
+ path a = shift(A)*((0,0)--(scale(ahlength)*rotate(20)*u));
+ path b = shift(A)*((0,0)--(scale(ahlength)*rotate(-20)*u));
+ return (a & reverse(a) & b & reverse(b))--cycle;
+path txtahead (path p)
+ pair A = point(p,reltime(p,1.0));
+ pair B = point(p,reltime(p,0.97));
+ pair u = dirtime(p,reltime(p,1.0));
+ return A{-u}..(A - scale(7)*rotate(15)*u)--B
+ --(A - scale(7)*rotate(-15)*u)..A{u}--cycle;
+// function to wire the symbols together
+int nsq=0, udsq=2, rlsq=3, usq=4;
+void wire(pair pin_beg, pair pin_end, int type)
+ if (type==nsq) {
+ draw(pin_beg--pin_end, line);
+ } else if (type==udsq) {
+ draw(pin_beg--(pin_beg.x,pin_end.y)--pin_end, line);
+ } else if (type==rlsq) {
+ draw(pin_beg--(pin_end.x,pin_beg.y)--pin_end, line);
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized wire type",type);
+ }
+// function to connect two branches in parallel
+void wireU(pair pin_beg, pair pin_end, real dist, int type)
+ if (type==udsq) {
+ draw(pin_beg--(pin_beg+(0,dist))--(pin_end.x,pin_beg.y + dist)
+ --pin_end, line);
+ } else if (type==rlsq) {
+ draw(pin_beg--(pin_beg+(dist,0))--(pin_beg.x + dist,pin_end.y)
+ --pin_end, line);
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized wireU type",type);
+ }
+// Macro to center text among two pins
+bool witharrow=false, noarrow=true;
+void ctext(pair pin_beg, pair pin_end, string txt, bool type)
+ picture ctxt;
+ if (type==noarrow) {
+ ; // pass
+ } else if (type==witharrow) {
+ draw(ctxt, pin_beg--pin_end);
+ draw(ctxt, txtahead(pin_beg--pin_end));
+ draw(ctxt, txtahead(reverse(pin_beg--pin_end)));
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized ctext type",type);
+ }
+ label(ctxt, txt, 0.5(pin_beg+pin_end));
+ add(currentpicture, ctxt);
+// Definition of lbsep (label separation), distance among symbol and label.
+real lbsep=3mm;
+// ----- Here the symbols begin --------
+struct TwoTerminal {
+ pair beg;
+ pair end;
+ pair mid;
+ real len;
+ real ang;
+ real lchar;
+ real lcharv;
+ string name;
+ string val;
+ path pLine[]; // cyclic paths are filled in
+ path pMisc[];
+ void operator init(pair beg, real len, real ang, real lchar, real lcharv, string name, string val, path pLine[]={}, path pMisc[]={}) {
+ this.beg = beg;
+ this.end = beg+rotate(ang)*(len,0);
+ this.mid = (this.beg + this.end)/2;
+ this.len = len;
+ this.ang = ang % 360;
+ this.lchar = lchar;
+ this.lcharv = lcharv;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.val = val;
+ this.pLine = pLine;
+ this.pMisc = pMisc;
+ }
+ void putlabel(picture pic=currentpicture) {
+ picture picL;
+ pair pName, pVal; // point
+ real rName, rVal; // rotated by
+ align aName, aVal;
+ if (labeling==rotatelabel) {
+ pName = (lchar+lbsep)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv+lbsep)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = NoAlign;
+ aVal = NoAlign;
+ if (ang <= 90 || ang > 270) {
+ rName = ang;
+ rVal = ang;
+ } else if (ang > 90 && ang <= 270) {
+ rName = 180+ang;
+ rVal = 180+ang;
+ }
+ } else if (labeling==norotatelabel) {
+ rName = 0;
+ rVal = 0;
+ if (ang == 0) {
+ pName = (lchar+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv+.25lbsep)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = N;
+ aVal = S;
+ } else if (ang < 90) {
+ pName = (lchar)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = NW;
+ aVal = SE;
+ } else if (ang == 90) {
+ pName = (lchar+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv+.25lbsep)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = W;
+ aVal = E;
+ } else if (90 < ang && ang < 180) {
+ pName = (lchar)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = SW;
+ aVal = NE;
+ } else if (ang == 180) {
+ pName = (lchar+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv+.25lbsep)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = S;
+ aVal = N;
+ } else if (ang > 180 && ang < 270) {
+ pName = (lchar)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = SE;
+ aVal = NW;
+ } else if (ang == 270) {
+ pName = (lchar+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv+.25lbsep)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = E;
+ aVal = W;
+ } else if (270 < ang && ang < 360) {
+ pName = (lchar)*dir (90+ang);
+ pVal = (lcharv)*dir (270+ang);
+ aName = NE;
+ aVal = SW;
+ }
+ }
+ Label lName = rotate(rName)*Label(name);
+ label(picL, lName, pName, aName);
+ Label lVal = rotate(rVal)*Label(val);
+ label(picL, lVal, pVal, aVal);
+ add(pic, picL, (end-beg)/2);
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture) {
+ picture picT;
+ for (int i=0; i< pLine.length; i+=1) {
+ draw(picT, rotate(ang)*pLine[i], line);
+ if (cyclic(pLine[i]))
+ fill(picT, rotate(ang)*pLine[i], line);
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i< pMisc.length; i+=1) {
+ draw(picT, rotate(ang)*pMisc[i], misc);
+ if (cyclic(pMisc[i]))
+ fill(picT, rotate(ang)*pMisc[i], misc);
+ }
+ putlabel(picT);
+ add(pic, picT, beg);
+ }
+// --- Resistor (Resistencia) ---
+real rstlth=2mm;
+int normal=0, variable=2;
+TwoTerminal resistor(pair beg, int type, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine, pMisc[]={};
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ pLine = (0,0)--(2rstlth,0)--(2.25rstlth,.75rstlth);
+ for (real i=.5; i<=2.5; i+=0.5)
+ pLine = pLine--((2.25+i)*rstlth,((-1)**(2i))*.75rstlth);
+ pLine = pLine -- (5rstlth,0)--(7rstlth,0);
+ if (type==normal) {
+ ; //pass
+ } else if (type==variable) {
+ ahlength=.8rstlth;
+ pMisc.push((2rstlth,-rstlth)--(5.5rstlth,rstlth));
+ pMisc.push(miscahead((2rstlth,-rstlth)--(5.5rstlth,rstlth)));
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized resistor type",type);
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 7rstlth, ang, .8rstlth, .8rstlth, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+// --- Inductor (bobina) ---
+real coil=2mm;
+int Up=0, Down=1;
+TwoTerminal inductor(pair beg, int type, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ if (type==Up) {
+ pLine = (0,0)--(coil,0);
+ for (int i=2; i<=4; i+=1)
+ pLine = pLine{N}..{S}(i*coil,0);
+ pLine = pLine{N}..{S}(5coil,0)--(6coil,0);
+ } else if (type==Down) {
+ pLine = (0,0)--(coil,0);
+ for (int i=2; i<=4; i+=1)
+ pLine = pLine{S}..{N}(i*coil,0);
+ pLine = pLine{S}..{N}(5coil,0)--(6coil,0);
+ // the original makecirc changed labelangle to ang-180
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized inductor type",type);
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 6coil, ang, coil, coil, name, val, pLine);
+ // the original makecirc used .5coil for lcharv
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+// --- Capacitor (condensador) ---
+real platsep=1mm;
+int normal=0, electrolytic=1, variable=2, variant=3;
+TwoTerminal capacitor(pair beg, int type, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine[]={}, pMisc[]={};
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(3platsep,0));
+ pLine.push((4platsep,0)--(7platsep,0));
+ if (type==normal) {
+ pLine.push((3platsep,-2.5platsep)--(3platsep,2.5platsep));
+ pLine.push((4platsep,-2.5platsep)--(4platsep,2.5platsep));
+ } else if (type==electrolytic) {
+ pLine.push((3platsep,-1.8platsep)--(3platsep,1.8platsep));
+ pLine.push((2platsep,-2.5platsep)--(4platsep,-2.5platsep)
+ --(4platsep,+2.5platsep)--(2platsep,2.5platsep));
+ } else if (type==variable) {
+ pLine.push((3platsep,-2.5platsep)--(3platsep,2.5platsep));
+ pLine.push((4platsep,-2.5platsep)--(4platsep,2.5platsep));
+ pMisc.push((platsep,-2.5platsep)--(6platsep,2.5platsep));
+ ahlength=1.7platsep;
+ pMisc.push(miscahead((platsep,-2.5platsep)--(6platsep,2.5platsep)));
+ } else if (type==variant) {
+ pLine.push((3platsep,-2.5platsep)--(3platsep,2.5platsep));
+ pLine.push((4.5platsep,-2.5platsep)..(4platsep,0)..(4.5platsep,2.5platsep));
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized capacitor type",type);
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 7platsep, ang, 2.5platsep, 2.5platsep, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+// --- Diode (diodo) ---
+real diodeht=3.5mm;
+int zener=1, LED=2;
+// I droped the pin parameters, since other device (e.g. electrolytic
+// capacitors) are also polarized. The positioning macros centerof,
+// etc provide enough flexibility.
+TwoTerminal diode(pair beg, int type, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine[]={}, pMisc[]={};
+ real lchar, lcharv;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(diodeht,0)--(diodeht,.5diodeht)--(2diodeht,0)--(diodeht,-.5diodeht)--(diodeht,0));
+ pLine.push((2diodeht,0)--(3diodeht,0));
+ lchar = 0.6diodeht; lcharv = 0.6diodeht;
+ if (type==normal) {
+ pLine.push((2diodeht,-.5diodeht)--(2diodeht,.5diodeht));
+ } else if (type==zener) {
+ pLine.push((2.5diodeht,-.5diodeht)--(2diodeht,-.5diodeht)--(2diodeht,.5diodeht)--(1.5diodeht,.5diodeht));
+ } else if (type==LED) {
+ path a = (diodeht,.5diodeht)--(2diodeht,0);
+ pair u = unit((.5,1)); // perpendicular to a
+ path b = (0,0)--diodeht*u;
+ pLine.push((2diodeht,-.5diodeht)--(2diodeht,.5diodeht));
+ lchar = 1.5diodeht;
+ pMisc.push(shift(point(a,reltime(a,0.25))+point(b,0.33))*((0,0)--diodeht*u));
+ pMisc.push(shift(point(a,reltime(a,0.60))+point(b,0.33))*((0,0)--diodeht*u));
+ pMisc.push(fullhead(pMisc[0], 0.4diodeht, 30));
+ pMisc.push(fullhead(pMisc[1], 0.4diodeht, 30));
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized capacitor type",type);
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 3diodeht, ang, lchar, lcharv, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+//--- Battery (bater'ia) ---
+real bsize = 6mm;
+TwoTerminal battery(pair beg, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine[]={}, pMisc[]={};
+ real lchar, lcharv;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(0.4bsize,0));
+ pLine.push((1.4bsize,0)--(1.8bsize,0));
+ for (int i=0; i<3; i+=1) {
+ pLine.push(((0.4+0.4i)*bsize, -0.2bsize)--((0.4+0.4i)*bsize, 0.2bsize));
+ pLine.push(((0.6+0.4i)*bsize, -0.6bsize)--((0.6+0.4i)*bsize, 0.6bsize));
+ }
+ lchar = 0.6bsize; lcharv = 0.6bsize;
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 1.8bsize, ang, lchar, lcharv, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+//--- Switches (Llaves) ---
+int NO=0, NC=1;
+real ssep=3mm, swt=1.2ssep; // TODO remove swt?
+/* `switch' is a Asymptote keyword (or it should be), so append SPST
+ * for Single Pole Single Throw.
+ */
+TwoTerminal switchSPST(pair beg, int type, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine[]={}, pMisc[]={};
+ real lchar, lcharv;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(0.7ssep,0));
+ pLine.push((1.7ssep,ssep/3)--(1.7ssep,0)--(2.4ssep,0));
+ lchar = 0.6ssep; lcharv = 0.6ssep;
+ if (type==NO) {
+ pLine.push((0.7ssep,0)--(1.8ssep,0.7ssep));
+ } else if (type==NC) {
+ pLine.push((0.7ssep,0)--(2ssep,ssep/3));
+ } else {
+ write("Error, unrecognized switchSPST type",type);
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 2.4ssep, ang, lchar, lcharv, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+//--- Current (Corriente) ---
+real isize=2mm;
+// adjusted from makecirc original to center arrowhead under text
+TwoTerminal current(pair beg, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine[]={}, pMisc[]={};
+ real lchar, lcharv;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ lchar = 0.4isize; lcharv = 0.4isize;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(1.5isize,0));
+ pLine.push((1.5isize,0)--(2isize,0));
+ pMisc.push(fullhead(pLine[0], isize, 45));
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 2isize, ang, lchar, lcharv, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+//--- Sources (fuentes de alimentaci'on) ---
+real ssize=6mm;
+int AC=0,DC=1,I=2,V=3;
+TwoTerminal source(pair beg, int type, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine[]={}, pMisc[]={};
+ real len, lchar, lcharv;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ if (type == AC || type == I || type == V) {
+ len = 2ssize;
+ lchar = 0.5ssize; lcharv = 0.5ssize;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(.5ssize,0));
+ pLine.push(shift((ssize,0))*scale(ssize/2)*unitcircle);
+ pLine.push((1.5ssize,0)--(2ssize,0));
+ if (type == AC) {
+ pLine.push((2ssize/3,0ssize){NE}..{E}((1/3+.5)*ssize,.2ssize)..{SE}(ssize,0)..{E}((2/3+.5)*ssize,-.2ssize)..{NE}(4ssize/3,0));
+ } else if (type == I) {
+ pLine.push((2ssize/3,0)--(4ssize/3,0));
+ pLine.push(fullhead(pLine[3], 4ssize/15, 30));
+ } else if (type == V) {
+ pLine.push((1.05ssize,0)--(1.45ssize,0));
+ pLine.push((1.25ssize,-.2ssize)--(1.25ssize,.2ssize));
+ pLine.push((.95ssize,0)--(.55ssize,0));
+ }
+ } else if (type == DC) {
+ len = ssize;
+ lchar = 0.6ssize; lcharv = .6ssize;
+ pLine.push((0,0)--(0.4ssize,0));
+ pLine.push((.6ssize,0)--(ssize,0));
+ pLine.push((.4ssize,-.2ssize)--(.4ssize,.2ssize));
+ pLine.push((.6ssize,-.6ssize)--(.6ssize,.6ssize));
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, len, ang, lchar, lcharv, name, val, pLine, pMisc);
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+//%%<--- Transistor --->%%%
+newinternal npn, pnp, cnpn, cpnp, bjtlth;
+npn=1; pnp=-1; cnpn=0; cpnp=2; bjtlth=7mm;
+vardef transistor@#(expr z,type,ang)=
+ save BJT;
+ pair T@#.B,T@#.E,T@#.C; % pines: Base, Emisor, Colector %
+ T@#.B=z;
+ T@#.E=(z+(bjtlth,-.75bjtlth)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ T@#.C=(z+(bjtlth,.75bjtlth)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture BJT;
+ BJT=nullpicture;
+ addto BJT doublepath z--(z+(.5bjtlth,0)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT doublepath (z+(.5bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))--(z+(.5bjtlth,.5bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT doublepath (z+(.5bjtlth,.2bjtlth))--(z+(bjtlth,.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(bjtlth,.75bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ if type=npn:
+ addto BJT doublepath (z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth))--(z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(bjtlth,-.75bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT contour bjtahead (z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth))
+ --(z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ elseif type=cnpn:
+ addto BJT doublepath (z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth))--(z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(bjtlth,-.75bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT contour bjtahead (z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth))
+ --(z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT doublepath fullcircle scaled 1.3bjtlth shifted (z+(.65bjtlth,0))
+ withpen line;
+ elseif type=pnp:
+ addto BJT doublepath (z+(bjtlth,-.75bjtlth))--(z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT contour bjtahead (z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ elseif type=cpnp:
+ addto BJT doublepath (z+(bjtlth,-.75bjtlth))--(z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT contour bjtahead (z+(bjtlth,-.5bjtlth))
+ --(z+(.5bjtlth,-.2bjtlth)) withpen line;
+ addto BJT doublepath fullcircle scaled 1.3bjtlth shifted (z+(.65bjtlth,0)) withpen line;
+ fi;
+ draw BJT rotatedaround(z,ang);
+//%%<--- Measurement instruments (Intrumentos de medicion)--->%%%
+newinternal volt, ampere, watt;
+volt=0; ampere=1; watt=2;
+vardef meains@#(expr z,type,ang,name)=
+ save meter;
+ pair mi@#.l, mi@#.r, mi@#.p; % pines %
+ mi@#.l=z; mi@#.r=(z+(2ssize,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture meter; meter=nullpicture;
+ addto meter doublepath z--(z+(.5ssize,0));
+ addto meter doublepath (z+(1.5ssize,0))--(z+(2ssize,0));
+ if (type=volt) || (type=ampere):
+ addto meter doublepath fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0));
+ if type=volt:
+ addto meter also thelabel(latex("\textsf{V}") scaled (ssize/6mm)
+ rotated (-ang), (z+(ssize,0)));
+ elseif type=ampere:
+ addto meter also thelabel(latex("\textsf{A}") scaled (ssize/6mm)
+ rotated (-ang), (z+(ssize,0)));
+ fi;
+ elseif (type=watt):
+ mi@#.p=(z+(ssize,-ssize)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ addto meter doublepath (z+(.5ssize,-.5ssize))--(z+(.5ssize,.5ssize))
+ --(z+(1.5ssize,.5ssize))--(z+(1.5ssize,-.5ssize))--cycle;
+ addto meter doublepath (z+(ssize,-.5ssize))--(z+(ssize,-ssize));
+ addto meter also thelabel(latex("\textsf{W}") scaled (ssize/6mm)
+ rotated (-ang), (z+(ssize,0)));
+ fi;
+ draw meter rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+ if labeling=rotatelabel:
+ if ((ang > (-90)) && (ang <= 90)) || ((ang > 270) && (ang <= 450)):
+ label(latex(name) rotatedaround (.5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r],ang),
+ (.5ssize+lbsep)*dir (90+ang) shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif ((ang > 90) && (ang <= 270)) || ((ang > (-270)) && (ang <= (-90))):
+ label(latex(name) rotatedaround (.5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r],180+ang),
+ (.5ssize+lbsep)*dir (90+ang) shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ fi;
+ elseif labeling=norotatelabel:
+ if (ang = 0):
+ label.top(latex(name), (.5ssize+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif (ang > 0) && (ang < 90):
+ label.ulft(latex(name), (.5ssize)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif (ang = 90):
+ label.lft(latex(name),(.5ssize+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif (90 < ang) && (ang < 180):
+ label.llft(latex(name),(.5ssize)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif (ang = 180) || (ang = (-180)):
+ label.bot(latex(name), (.5ssize+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif ((ang > 180) && (ang < 270)) || ((ang > (-180)) && (ang < (-90))):
+ label.lrt(latex(name),(.5ssize)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif (ang = 270) || (ang = (-90)):
+ label.rt(latex(name), (.5ssize+.25lbsep)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ elseif ((270 < ang) && (ang < 360)) || ((ang < 0) && (ang > (-90))):
+ label.urt(latex(name),(.5ssize)*dir (90+ang)
+ shifted .5[mi@#.l,mi@#.r]);
+ fi;
+ fi;
+// --- Electrical machines (maquinas electricas) ---
+TwoTerminal motor(pair beg, real ang, string name, string val)
+ path pLine;
+ TwoTerminal term;
+ if (type==Up) {
+ pLine = (0,0)--(coil,0);
+ for (int i=2; i<=4; i+=1)
+ pLine = pLine{N}..{S}(i*coil,0);
+ pLine = pLine{N}..{S}(5coil,0)--(6coil,0);
+ } else if (type==Down) {
+ pLine = (0,0)--(coil,0);
+ for (int i=2; i<=4; i+=1)
+ pLine = pLine{S}..{N}(i*coil,0);
+ pLine = pLine{S}..{N}(5coil,0)--(6coil,0);
+ // original makecirc changed labelangle to ang-180
+ }
+ term = TwoTerminal(beg, 6coil, ang, coil, coil, name, val, pLine);
+ // original makecirc used .5coil for lcharv
+ term.draw();
+ return term;
+ M@#.D=z; M@#.B=(z+(2ssize,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture mot; mot=nullpicture;
+ addto mot doublepath z--(z+(.4ssize,0));
+ addto mot doublepath (z+(1.6ssize,0))--(z+(2ssize,0));
+ addto mot doublepath fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0));
+ addto mot also thelabel(latex("\textsf{M}") scaled (ssize/6mm)
+ rotated (-ang), (z+(ssize,0)));
+ path p,q,r,s,ca,cb,c,hc;
+ p=(z+(.6ssize,.075ssize))--(z+(.4ssize,.075ssize));
+ q=(z+(.4ssize,.075ssize))--(z+(.4ssize,-.075ssize));
+ ca=(z+(.4ssize,-.075ssize))--(z+(.6ssize,-.075ssize));
+ r=(z+(1.4ssize,.075ssize))--(z+(1.6ssize,.075ssize));
+ s=(z+(1.6ssize,.075ssize))--(z+(1.6ssize,-.075ssize));
+ cb=(z+(1.6ssize,-.075ssize))--(z+(1.4ssize,-.075ssize));
+ c=fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0));
+ hc=halfcircle scaled ssize rotated 270 shifted (z+(ssize,0));
+ addto mot contour buildcycle(p,q,ca,c);
+ addto mot doublepath buildcycle(p,q,ca,c);
+ addto mot contour buildcycle(cb,s,r,hc);
+ addto mot doublepath buildcycle(cb,s,r,hc);
+ draw mot rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+ putlabel(M@#.D,M@#.B,.5ssize,.5ssize,ang,name,val);
+vardef generator@#(expr z,ang,name,val)=
+ save gen;
+ pair G@#.D, G@#.B; % pines %
+ G@#.D=z; G@#.B=(z+(2ssize,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture gen; gen=nullpicture;
+ addto gen doublepath z--(z+(.5ssize,0));
+ addto gen doublepath (z+(1.5ssize,0))--(z+(2ssize,0));
+ addto gen doublepath fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0));
+ addto gen also thelabel(latex("\textsf{G}") scaled (ssize/6mm)
+ rotated (-ang), (z+(ssize,0)));
+ draw gen rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+ putlabel(G@#.D,G@#.B,.5ssize,.5ssize,ang,name,val);
+newinternal mid, Fe, auto;
+mid=1; Fe=2; auto=3;
+vardef transformer@#(expr z,type,ang)=
+ save trafo;
+ pair tf@#.pi, tf@#.ps, tf@#.si, tf@#.ss, tf@#.m;
+ tf@#.pi=z; tf@#.ps=(z+(0,8coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.si=(z+(2.4coil,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.ss=(z+(2.4coil,8coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.m=(z+(3.4coil,4coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture trafo; trafo=nullpicture;
+ if type=normal:
+ tf@#.pi=z; tf@#.ps=(z+(0,8coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.si=(z+(2.4coil,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.ss=(z+(2.4coil,8coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ addto trafo doublepath z--(z+(0,coil)){right}..
+ for i=2 upto 6: {left}(z+(0,i*coil)){right}.. endfor
+ {left}(z+(0,7coil))--(z+(0,8coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(coil,coil))--(z+(coil,7coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(1.4coil,coil))--(z+(1.4coil,7coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(2.4coil,0))--(z+(2.4coil,coil)){left}..
+ for i=2 upto 6: {right}(z+(2.4coil,i*coil)){left}.. endfor
+ {right}(z+(2.4coil,7coil))--(z+(2.4coil,8coil));
+ elseif type=mid:
+ tf@#.pi=z; tf@#.ps=(z+(0,8coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.si=(z+(2.4coil,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.ss=(z+(2.4coil,8coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.m=(z+(3.4coil,4coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ addto trafo doublepath z--(z+(0,coil)){right}..
+ for i=2 upto 6: {left}(z+(0,i*coil)){right}.. endfor
+ {left}(z+(0,7coil))--(z+(0,8coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(coil,coil))--(z+(coil,7coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(1.4coil,coil))--(z+(1.4coil,7coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(2.4coil,0))--(z+(2.4coil,coil)){left}..
+ for i=2 upto 6: {right}(z+(2.4coil,i*coil)){left}.. endfor
+ {right}(z+(2.4coil,7coil))--(z+(2.4coil,8coil));
+ addto trafo doublepath (z+(2.4coil,4coil))--(z+(3.4coil,4coil));
+ elseif type=Fe:
+ tf@#.pi=z rotatedaround(z,ang); tf@#.ps=(z+(0,5.3coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.si=(z+(14coil,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.ss=(z+(14coil,5.228coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(2coil,-2.5coil)--z+(12coil,-2.5coil)
+ --z+(12coil,7.5coil)--z+(2coil,7.5coil)--cycle;
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(4coil,-.5coil)--z+(10coil,-.5coil)
+ --z+(10coil,5.5coil)--z+(4coil,5.5coil)--cycle;
+ addto trafo doublepath z--z+(2coil,0)--z+(4coil,0.728coil)
+ {right}..{left}z+(4coil,1.3*coil);
+ for i=1 upto 4:
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(2coil,(i+.5)*coil){left}..
+ {right}z+(2coil,i*coil)--z+(4coil,(i+0.728)*coil)
+ {right}..{left}z+(4coil,(i+1.3)*coil);
+ endfor;
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(2coil,5.3coil)--z+(0,5.3coil);
+ for i=0 upto 3:
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(10coil,i*coil){left}..
+ {right}z+(10coil,(i+.5)*coil)--z+(12coil,(i+.5+0.728)*coil)
+ {right}..{left}z+(12coil,(i+.656)*coil);
+ endfor;
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(10coil,4coil){left}..{right}
+ z+(10coil,4.5coil)--z+(12coil,5.228coil)--z+(14coil,5.228coil);
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(12coil,0)--z+(14coil,0);
+ elseif type=auto:
+ tf@#.pi=z rotatedaround(z,ang); tf@#.ps=(z+(0,4coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.si=(z+(4coil,-6coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ tf@#.ss=(z+(4coil,4coil)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ addto trafo doublepath z--z+(2coil,0);
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(2coil,-6coil)--z+(2coil,-5coil){right}..
+ for i=2 upto 10: {left}(z+(2coil,(i-6)*coil)){right}.. endfor
+ {left}(z+(2coil,5coil))--z+(2coil,6coil)--z+(0,6coil);
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(2coil,6coil)--z+(4coil,6coil);
+ addto trafo doublepath z+(2coil,-6coil)--z+(4coil,-6coil);
+ fi;
+ draw trafo rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+//%%<--- Miscellaneous symbols --->%%%
+newinternal gndlth, implth, simple, shield;
+gndlth=5mm; implth=7mm; simple=1; shield=2;
+vardef ground@#(expr z,type,ang)=
+ save GND;
+ pair gnd@#; % unico pin %
+ gnd@#=z;
+ picture GND; GND=nullpicture;
+ addto GND doublepath z--(z+(0,-.5gndlth)) withpen line;
+ if type=shield:
+ addto GND doublepath (z+(-.5gndlth,-.5gndlth))--(z+(.5gndlth,-.5gndlth)) withpen line;
+ addto GND doublepath (z+(-.35gndlth,-.6gndlth))--(z+(.35gndlth,-.6gndlth)) withpen line;
+ addto GND doublepath (z+(-.2gndlth,-.7gndlth))--(z+(.2gndlth,-.7gndlth)) withpen line;
+ elseif type=simple:
+ addto GND doublepath (z+(-.5gndlth,-.5gndlth))--(z+(.5gndlth,-.5gndlth))
+ withpen pencircle scaled 2linewd;
+ fi;
+ draw GND rotatedaround(z,ang);
+newinternal junctiondiam;
+vardef junction@#(expr z,name)(suffix $)=
+ pair J@#; J@#=z;
+ draw z withpen pencircle scaled junctiondiam;
+ label.$(latex(name),z);
+vardef impedance@#(expr z,ang,name,val)=
+ save imp;
+ pair Z@#.l, Z@#.r; % pines %
+ Z@#.l=z;
+ Z@#.r=(z+(1.5implth,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture imp; imp=nullpicture;
+ addto imp doublepath z--(z+(.25implth,0));
+ addto imp doublepath (z+(.25implth,-.18implth))--(z+(.25implth,.18implth))
+ --(z+(1.25implth,.18implth))--(z+(1.25implth,-.18implth))--cycle;
+ addto imp doublepath (z+(1.25implth,0))--(z+(1.5implth,0));
+ draw imp rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+ putlabel(Z@#.l,Z@#.r,.2implth,.2implth,ang,name,val);
+vardef lamp@#(expr z,ang,name,val)=
+ save ampl, p, q, r, s;
+ pair La@#.l,La@#.r; % pines %
+ La@#.l=z; La@#.r=(z+(2ssize,0)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ picture ampl; ampl=nullpicture;
+ addto ampl doublepath z--(z+(.5ssize,0));
+ addto ampl doublepath fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0));
+ addto ampl doublepath (z+(1.5ssize,0))--(z+(2ssize,0));
+ pair p, q, r, s;
+ p=(-ssize*dir 45 shifted (z+(ssize,0))--(z+(ssize,0))) intersectionpoint
+ (fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0)));
+ q=(ssize*dir 45 shifted (z+(ssize,0))--(z+(ssize,0))) intersectionpoint
+ (fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0)));
+ r=(-ssize*dir (-45) shifted (z+(ssize,0))--(z+(ssize,0))) intersectionpoint
+ (fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0)));
+ s=(ssize*dir (-45) shifted (z+(ssize,0))--(z+(ssize,0))) intersectionpoint
+ (fullcircle scaled ssize shifted (z+(ssize,0)));
+ addto ampl doublepath p--q;
+ addto ampl doublepath r--s;
+ draw ampl rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+ putlabel(La@#.l,La@#.r,.5ssize,.5ssize,ang,name,val);
+//%%<--- Mesh current (corriente de malla) --->%%%
+newinternal cw, ccw;
+cw=0; ccw=1;
+def imesh(expr c,wd,ht,dire,ang,name)=
+ save im,r; picture im; numeric r;
+ ahlength=3platsep; ahangle=20;
+ if ht > wd: r=.2wd elseif ht < wd: r=.2ht fi;
+ im=nullpicture;
+ if dire=cw:
+ addto im doublepath (xpart c - .5wd, ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c - .5wd, ypart c + .5ht-r){up}
+ ..{right}(xpart c - .5wd + r, ypart c + .5ht)
+ --(xpart c + .5wd - r, ypart c + .5ht){right}
+ ..{down}(xpart c + .5wd,ypart c + .5ht - r)
+ --(xpart c + .5wd,ypart c - .5ht + r){down}
+ ..{left}(xpart c + .5wd - r,ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c - .25wd, ypart c - .5ht);
+ addto im contour arrowhead (xpart c - .5wd, ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c - .5wd, ypart c + .5ht-r){up}
+ ..{right}(xpart c - .5wd + r, ypart c + .5ht)
+ --(xpart c + .5wd - r, ypart c + .5ht){right}
+ ..{down}(xpart c + .5wd,ypart c + .5ht - r)
+ --(xpart c + .5wd,ypart c - .5ht + r){down}
+ ..{left}(xpart c + .5wd - r,ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c - .25wd, ypart c - .5ht);
+ elseif dire=ccw:
+ addto im doublepath (xpart c + .5wd, ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c + .5wd, ypart c + .5ht-r){up}
+ ..{left}(xpart c + .5wd - r, ypart c + .5ht)
+ --(xpart c - .5wd + r, ypart c + .5ht){left}
+ ..{down}(xpart c - .5wd,ypart c + .5ht - r)
+ --(xpart c - .5wd,ypart c - .5ht + r){down}
+ ..{right}(xpart c - .5wd + r,ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c + .25wd, ypart c - .5ht);
+ addto im contour arrowhead (xpart c + .5wd, ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c + .5wd, ypart c + .5ht-r){up}
+ ..{left}(xpart c + .5wd - r, ypart c + .5ht)
+ --(xpart c - .5wd + r, ypart c + .5ht){left}
+ ..{down}(xpart c + .5wd,ypart c + .5ht - r)
+ --(xpart c - .5wd,ypart c - .5ht + r){down}
+ ..{right}(xpart c - .5wd + r,ypart c - .5ht)
+ --(xpart c + .25wd, ypart c - .5ht);
+ fi;
+ if labeling=rotatelabel:
+ addto im also thelabel(latex("$" & name & "$"),c);
+ elseif labeling=norotatelabel:
+ addto im also thelabel(latex("$" & name & "$") rotatedaround(c,-ang),c);
+ fi;
+ draw im rotatedaround (c,ang) withpen line;
+//%%<--- Reostatos --->%%%
+newinternal rheolth, Rrheo, Lrheo;
+rheolth=2mm; Rrheo=1; Lrheo=2;
+vardef rheostat@#(expr z,type,ang)=
+ save reo; picture reo; reo=nullpicture;
+ pair rh@#.i, rh@#.s, rh@#.r;
+ rh@#.i=z; rh@#.s=(z+(0,6rheolth)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ rh@#.r=(z+(3rheolth,6rheolth)) rotatedaround(z,ang);
+ ahangle=20; ahlength=rheolth;
+ if type=Lrheo:
+ addto reo doublepath (z+(6rheolth,-3rheolth))--(z+(4rheolth,-3rheolth))
+ --(z+(4rheolth,-.7rheolth));
+ addto reo contour arrowhead (z+(6rheolth,-3rheolth))--(z+(4rheolth,-3rheolth))
+ --(z+(4rheolth,-.9rheolth));
+ addto reo doublepath z--(z+(rheolth,0)){down}.. for i=2 upto 4:
+ {up}(z+(i*rheolth,0)){down}.. endfor {up}(z+(5rheolth,0))--(z+(6rheolth,0));
+ reo=reo rotatedaround(z,90);
+ elseif type=Rrheo:
+ addto reo doublepath (z+(6rheolth,-3rheolth))--(z+(4rheolth,-3rheolth))
+ --(z+(4rheolth,-.7rheolth));
+ addto reo contour arrowhead (z+(6rheolth,-3rheolth))--(z+(4rheolth,-3rheolth))
+ --(z+(4rheolth,-.9rheolth));
+ addto reo doublepath z--(z+(1.5rheolth,0))--(z+(1.75rheolth,.75rheolth))--
+ for i=.5 step .5 until 2.5: (z+((1.75+i)*rheolth,((-1)**(2i))*.75rheolth))--
+ endfor (z+(4.5rheolth,0))--(z+(6rheolth,0)) withpen line;
+ reo=reo rotatedaround(z,90);
+ fi;
+ draw reo rotatedaround(z,ang) withpen line;
+// Definiciones de las longitudes de centrado,
+// las hago como macros para que cambien de
+// valor cuando lo hagan las dimensiones
+// caracter'isticas de cada s'imbolo.
+def res = 3.5rstlth enddef; % 1
+def ind = 3coil enddef; % 2
+def cap = 3.5platsep enddef; % 3
+def sac = ssize enddef; % 4
+def sv = ssize enddef; % 5
+def si = ssize enddef; % 6
+def sdc = .5ssize enddef; % 7
+def mot = ssize enddef; % 8
+def gen = ssize enddef; % 9
+def tra = 4coil enddef; %10
+def ins = ssize enddef; %11
+def dio = 1.5diodeht enddef; %12
+def bjt = .5bjtlth enddef; %13
+def imp = .75implth enddef; %14
+def lam = ssize enddef; %15
+def swt = 1.2ssep enddef; %16
+def bat = .9ssize enddef; %17
+def cur = 1.5platsep enddef; %18
+// Variable to find the center of two pins, for aligning symbols. It returns the point
+// and the input angle for the symbol that we want to place.
+struct Align {
+ pair c;
+ numeric phi;
+Align centreof@#(pair pin_beg, pair pin_end, lchar)=
+ pair c@#; numeric phi@#;
+ c@#= -lchar*dir angle(xpart(pin_end)-xpart(pin_beg),
+ ypart(pin_end)-ypart(pin_beg)) shifted .5[pin_beg,pin_end];
+ phi@#=angle(xpart(pin_end)-xpart(pin_beg),
+ ypart(pin_end)-ypart(pin_beg));
+// Variable to center an element regarding the pins of another, at
+// a distance «dist» of the same one. It returns the point in which we should
+// place the symbol that we want to center.
+vardef centerto.@#(expr pinref_beg,pinref_end)(expr dist,elem)=
+ pair @#;
+ if (xpart(pinref_beg)=xpart(pinref_end)):
+ @#=(.5[pinref_beg,pinref_end]+(dist,-elem))
+ elseif (ypart(pinref_beg)=ypart(pinref_end)):
+ @#=(.5[pinref_beg,pinref_end]+(-elem,dist))
+ fi
+// Macro to scale the circuit when it is concluded.
+def scalecirc expr factor =
+ currentpicture=currentpicture scaled factor
+// END
--- /dev/null
+import geometry;
+// ---------------------- Mass -------------------------
+struct Mass {
+ pair center;
+ real m;
+ real radius;
+ pen outline;
+ pen fill;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair center=(0,0), real m=1, real radius=2mm, pen outline=currentpen, pen fill=grey, Label L="") {
+ this.center = center;
+ this.m = m;
+ this.radius = radius;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.fill = fill;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture) {
+ picture picF;
+ path c = scale(radius)*unitcircle;
+ filldraw(picF, c, fill, outline);
+ label(pic=picF, L=L, position=(0,0));
+ add(pic, picF, center);
+ }
+struct Block {
+ pair center;
+ real m;
+ real width;
+ real height;
+ real direction;
+ pen outline;
+ pen fill;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair center=(0,0), real m=1, real width=5mm, real height=-1, real direction=0, pen outline=currentpen, pen fill=grey, Label L="") {
+ this.center = center;
+ this.m = m;
+ this.width = width;
+ if (height == -1)
+ this.height = width;
+ else
+ this.height = height;
+ this.direction = direction;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.fill = fill;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture) {
+ picture picF;
+ path c = rotate(direction)*scale(width,height)*shift(-.5,-.5)*unitsquare;
+ filldraw(picF, c, fill, outline);
+ label(pic=picF, L=L, position=(0,0));
+ add(pic, picF, center);
+ }
+// ---------------------- Vectors -------------------------
+struct Vector {
+ pair center;
+ real mag;
+ real dir;
+ pen outline;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair center=(0,0), real mag=5mm, real dir=0, pen outline=currentpen, Label L="") {
+ this.center = center;
+ this.mag = mag;
+ this.dir = dir;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ pair pTip() {
+ return this.mag*dir(this.dir)+this.center;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool rotateLabel=false, pair labelOffset=(0,0)) {
+ picture picF;
+ pair p = this.mag*dir(this.dir);
+ path P = (0,0)--p;
+ pair label_rotate = p;
+ draw(picF, P, outline, Arrow);
+ if (rotateLabel == false)
+ label_rotate = (1,0);
+ label(pic = picF,
+ L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) * L,
+ position = p+labelOffset,
+ align = unit(rotate(90)*p));
+ add(pic, picF, center);
+ }
+Vector Velocity(pair center=(0,0), real mag=5mm, real dir=0, Label L="")
+ Vector v = Vector(center=center, mag=mag, dir=dir, L=L, outline=rgb(1,0.1,0.2)); // red
+ return v;
+// ---------------------- Forces -------------------------
+Vector Force(pair center=(0,0), real mag=5mm, real dir=0, Label L="")
+ Vector v = Vector(center=center, mag=mag, dir=dir, L=L, outline=rgb(0.1,0.2,1)); // blue
+ return v;
+// ---------------------- Measures -------------------------
+// Distance derived from CAD.MeasuredLine
+struct Distance {
+ pair pFrom;
+ pair pTo;
+ real scale;
+ pen outline;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair pFrom=(0,0), pair pTo=(5mm,0), real scale=5mm, pen outline=currentpen, Label L="") {
+ this.pFrom = pFrom;
+ this.pTo = pTo;
+ this.scale = scale;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool rotateLabel=true) {
+ picture picF;
+ picture picL;
+ label(picL, L);
+ pair pLabelSize = 1.2 * (max(picL)-min(picL));
+ pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom;
+ path p = (0,0)--pDiff;
+ pair label_rotate=pDiff;
+ if (rotateLabel == false)
+ label_rotate=(1,0);
+ draw(picF, p, outline, Arrows);
+ label(pic = picF,
+ L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) * L,
+ position = pDiff/2
+ + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * pLabelSize.y / 2);
+ //label(pic=picF, L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) format("%g", pDiff/scale), position = TODO);
+ add(pic, picF, pFrom);
+ }
+struct Angle {
+ pair B;
+ pair A; // center of angle
+ pair C;
+ real radius; // radius < 0 for exterior angles.
+ pen outline;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair B, pair A, pair C, real radius=5mm, pen outline=currentpen, Label L="") {
+ this.B = B;
+ this.A = A;
+ this.C = C;
+ this.radius = radius;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool rotateLabel=false) {
+ picture picF;
+ picture picL;
+ bool direction;
+ label(picL, L);
+ pair pLabelSize = 1.2 * (max(picL)-min(picL));
+ real ccw_angle = degrees(C-A)-degrees(B-A);
+ bool direction = CCW;
+ if (ccw_angle < 0) ccw_angle += 360.0;
+ if (ccw_angle > 180)
+ direction = CW;
+ if (radius < 0)
+ direction = !direction;
+ path p = arc((0,0), fabs(radius), degrees(B-A), degrees(C-A), direction);
+ real t = reltime(p, 0.5);
+ pair P = midpoint(p);
+ pair tangent = dir(p, t);
+ if (direction == CW) tangent *= -1.0;
+ pair label_rotate = tangent;
+ if (rotateLabel == false)
+ label_rotate = (1,0);
+ draw(picF, p, outline);
+ label(pic = picF,
+ L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) * L,
+ position = P + unit(P) * pLabelSize.y / 2);
+ add(pic, picF, A);
+ }
+// TODO: ihat, ijhat
+Vector hatVect (string name, pair center=(0,0), real dir=0) {
+ string L = replace("$\mathbf{\hat{X}}$", "X", name);
+ Vector v = Vector(center=center, mag=5mm, dir=dir, L=L, outline=rgb(0,0,0));
+ return v;
+Vector ihat (pair center=(0,0), real dir=0) {
+ Vector v = hatVect(name="i", center=center, dir=dir);
+ return v;
+Vector jhat (pair center=(0,0), real dir=90) {
+ Vector v = hatVect(name="j", center=center, dir=dir);
+ return v;
+// ---------------------- Shapes -------------------------
+struct Wire {
+ pair pFrom;
+ pair pTo;
+ pen outline;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair pFrom=(0,0), pair pTo=(5mm,0), pen outline=currentpen, Label L="") {
+ this.pFrom = pFrom;
+ this.pTo = pTo;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool rotateLabel=true) {
+ picture picF;
+ picture picL;
+ label(picL, L);
+ pair pLabelSize = 1.2 * (max(picL)-min(picL));
+ pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom;
+ path p = (0,0)--pDiff;
+ pair label_rotate=pDiff;
+ if (rotateLabel == false)
+ label_rotate=(1,0);
+ draw(picF, p, outline);
+ label(pic = picF,
+ L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) * L,
+ position = pDiff/2
+ + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * pLabelSize.y / 2);
+ add(pic, picF, pFrom);
+ }
+struct Surface {
+ pair pFrom;
+ pair pTo;
+ real thickness;
+ pen outline;
+ pen filla;
+ pen fillb;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair pFrom=(0,0), pair pTo=(5mm,0), real thickness=5mm, pen outline=currentpen, pen filla=rgb(.5,.5,.5), pen fillb=rgb(.7,.7,.7), Label L="") {
+ this.pFrom = pFrom;
+ this.pTo = pTo;
+ this.thickness = thickness;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.filla = filla;
+ this.fillb = fillb;
+ this.L = L;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool rotateLabel=true) {
+ picture picF;
+ picture picL;
+ label(picL, L);
+ pair pLabelSize = 1.2 * (max(picL)-min(picL));
+ pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom;
+ pair pDepth = rotate(-90)*unit(pDiff)*thickness;
+ path p = (0,0) -- pDiff -- (pDiff+pDepth) -- pDepth -- cycle;
+ pair label_rotate=pDiff;
+ if (rotateLabel == false)
+ label_rotate=(1,0);
+ axialshade(pic=picF, g=p, pena=filla, a=(0,0), penb=fillb,
+ b=pDepth);
+ draw(picF, p, outline);
+ label(pic = picF,
+ L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) * L,
+ position = (pDiff+pDepth)/2);
+ add(pic, picF, pFrom);
+ }
+struct Spring {
+ pair pFrom;
+ pair pTo;
+ real k;
+ real width;
+ real dLength; // length of a single loop (when unstretched)
+ real deadLength; // length before loops start on each end
+ real unstretchedLength;
+ int nLoops;
+ pen outline;
+ Label L;
+ void operator init(pair pFrom=(0,0), pair pTo=(5mm,0), real k=1, real width=3mm, real dLength=1mm, real deadLength=3mm, real unstretchedLength=12mm, pen outline=currentpen, Label L="") {
+ this.pFrom = pFrom;
+ this.pTo = pTo;
+ this.k = k;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.dLength = dLength;
+ this.unstretchedLength = unstretchedLength;
+ this.outline = outline;
+ this.L = L;
+ this.nLoops = floor((unstretchedLength-2*deadLength)/dLength);
+ if (this.nLoops == 0)
+ this.nLoops = 1;
+ this.deadLength = (unstretchedLength-this.nLoops*dLength)/2;
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool rotateLabel=true) {
+ picture picF;
+ picture picL;
+ label(picL, L);
+ pair pLabelSize = 1.2 * (max(picL)-min(picL));
+ pair pDiff = pTo - pFrom;
+ real working_dLength = (length(pDiff) - 2*deadLength) / nLoops;
+ path p = (0,0)--(deadLength,0);
+ path loop = (0,0)
+ --(working_dLength/4, width/2)
+ --(working_dLength*3/4, -width/2)
+ --(working_dLength, 0);
+ pair loopStart;
+ for (int i=0; i<nLoops; ++i) {
+ loopStart = point(p, length(p));
+ p = p--(shift(loopStart)*loop);
+ }
+ loopStart = point(p, length(p));
+ p = p--(loopStart+(deadLength,0));
+ p = rotate(degrees(pDiff)) * p;
+ pair label_rotate=pDiff;
+ if (rotateLabel == false)
+ label_rotate=(1,0);
+ draw(picF, p, outline);
+ label(pic = picF,
+ L = rotate(degrees(label_rotate)) * L,
+ position = pDiff/2
+ + unit(rotate(90)*pDiff) * (width + pLabelSize.y) / 2);
+ add(pic, picF, pFrom);
+ }
+struct Pendulum {
+ pair pivot;
+ Mass mass;
+ Angle angle;
+ Wire str;
+ void operator init(pair pivot=(0,0), Mass mass=Mass()) {
+ this.pivot = pivot;
+ this.mass = mass;
+ this.angle = Angle(mass.center, pivot, pivot-(0,1));
+ this.str = Wire(pivot, mass.center);
+ }
+ void draw(picture pic=currentpicture, bool drawVertical=false) {
+ str.draw(pic=pic, rotateLabel=false);
+ if (drawVertical == true) {
+ pair final = pivot + realmult((0,0.5),(mass.center-pivot));
+ draw(pic=pic, pivot--final, p=currentpen+dashed);
+ }
+ draw(pic=pic, pivot);
+ mass.draw(pic=pic);
+ angle.draw(pic=pic);
+ }
+// The angle argument is deflection from straight down (i.e. 0 degrees = plumb)
+Pendulum makePendulum(pair pivot=(0,0), Mass mass=Mass(), real length=15mm, real angleDeg=0, Label angleL="", Label stringL="") {
+ mass.center = pivot + length*dir(angleDeg-90);
+ Pendulum p = Pendulum(pivot=pivot, mass=mass);
+ p.angle.L = angleL;
+ p.str.L = stringL;
+ return p;
+// TODO: ring, plate, block, cylinder, table