-DIST mpd-0.17.6.tar.bz2 585951 SHA256 9788948175157dc1c4da4a7d36e04a4b4812cb3a79f6b935e4fc9f93cb60c332 SHA512 014629b913e7bd537f38303ffee295648b55fe18dc0ea669b463b82c3d60334792eeedb624f96849c834cf32e0bb5107f804e59d62be293ff78d3d940dbbb9e2 WHIRLPOOL dee52fe02174b3818ce4483385b7b91e0667fddfd4912023551032b29a67b80a9d3aba2f2d49781266eceb25d5af2c3fe1285f46ad1513cafcd0f5d3766d2705
-DIST mpd-0.18.16.tar.xz 587724 SHA256 7524c7a7695acfc6a5ce4117b30c74b172cef681a4bb9032db20c3671ad5765a SHA512 bddd0236066bae97ef690b24a0eac46d892fe10ce7c5455634cb8b84210bf2ceb1b5ee8c7754fcf581de7fbd165c9b805f179e243b88bc87e6254e72fa6c8f45 WHIRLPOOL cdf7488fee33b18880b24686bcc86b8d4696023e72011d1310d81f067a8ae99590441c61214e5e371b3cd4da6fb99575963343765c9defa4fb3b41582193c407
-DIST mpd-0.18.20.tar.xz 587320 SHA256 0de4f79fb4f0788ec7e7db7d5abc18bd54d32b7bdaf6fbd244c44e5d56b69f2b SHA512 743761c9ab9bf3c856e2355f417f90a9dfb8d8df5d75d3fc904d874516743ffee969f6ae225f88ed128588e508d82e558a7a279f3b18888c29f7f9d592ce9a29 WHIRLPOOL 21ab9870a42be68d8073d84422ea368ab58c1435e41f81daf9e151230b5b64022f8b91b2856d2c01c585a219e5082d97eb8bde0c16b99b7ddaef585c19da4f2b
-DIST mpd-0.18.23.tar.xz 584160 SHA256 647cf5a27ca68307ab4b28b0c58a3f7461d1f8dad1ab4d3e2ac9a2c380d92e70 SHA512 99641514b4c7dac8d814f891072e0131efa54bc03d9abd54165cbbea3398fb21b01236ab43374a763184c4aad06b3b27cc9455c6f78168e2bf49d7c8c945b975 WHIRLPOOL 9416e88e0071966fc06bd9cfb6ec4a536cf2eeb5c66f3646fb3425a9ffd7edd268858d0ef1b23fbff374306b2c4d4b61610862fd60aa06d5502de313754c1f1c
DIST mpd-0.19.10.tar.xz 701668 SHA256 c386eb3d22f98dc993b5ae3c272f969aa7763713483c6800040ebf1791b15851 SHA512 037e1ccd69456bd7d388cbcba26de83144816684fb266995b173df960051e84203d3fc7255d7766eee5dbe0629dbb7745b9821664486158d33da4f29189edef8 WHIRLPOOL 02c2ec2c898fbeb9bf39ae9a2b57d85881825489a033f56b6140602f7cd6176f39d4aa09f0dfd2391214bd70d3ffab0e7a7eefcba8085e5ea7d15168028efa53
-DIST mpd-0.19.6.tar.xz 703328 SHA256 fac25376ee46b89249ee28a1ae13b2d5d1df7ff62464340c33c077015364d1e0 SHA512 b679c42169ad0815c69de817b7d59531e6afb9a88ed15ddbe4648f103815b513605081ffddb12a92c9e52e402fcb80c9df984c05c70491a4f3cc4f7efc5e3d86 WHIRLPOOL 7c02eaf842a89417e2a97ee0d6bae4ab22e3233c015496b8bb93bcff2eca40104ae5bdbe50a91d27a1130e531be515e2ff551424f0466cc5525953eb29ab044c
-DIST mpd-0.19.9.tar.xz 701480 SHA256 47851423053cd38cfad65be5985b41b7cd5bdbe8d0d13378e11748a28b19f26f SHA512 7d74254e009008ed142ce0b69e75fe6f255ec2c814b246f570225af715ec5c3a5c75276f4720bc1ad351d48be5b20f9797843c03aae9380a6062796539507bf4 WHIRLPOOL 04ee826f55512c5f4b28f0bfbf78e23710070970be2f7da07b421483da1d9dad20b0b3513a2529f88d83c92f8202cb57bad09fee894eb18387cbc156312e3a06
+++ /dev/null
-Index: mpd-0.16/doc/mpdconf.dist
---- mpd-0.16.orig/doc/mpdconf.dist
-+++ mpd-0.16/doc/mpdconf.dist
-@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
- # be disabled and audio files will only be accepted over ipc socket (using
- # file:// protocol) or streaming files over an accepted protocol.
- #
--#music_directory "~/music"
-+music_directory "/var/lib/mpd/music"
- #
- # This setting sets the MPD internal playlist directory. The purpose of this
- # directory is storage for playlists created by MPD. The server will use
- # playlist files not created by the server but only if they are in the MPD
- # format. This setting defaults to playlist saving being disabled.
- #
--#playlist_directory "~/.mpd/playlists"
-+playlist_directory "/var/lib/mpd/playlists"
- #
- # This setting sets the location of the MPD database. This file is used to
- # load the database at server start up and store the database while the
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- # MPD to accept files over ipc socket (using file:// protocol) or streaming
- # files over an accepted protocol.
- #
--#db_file "~/.mpd/database"
-+db_file "/var/lib/mpd/database"
- #
- # These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon.
- # These logs are great for troubleshooting, depending on your log_level
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- # The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This
- # setting defaults to logging to syslog, otherwise logging is disabled.
- #
--#log_file "~/.mpd/log"
-+log_file "/var/lib/mpd/log"
- #
- # This setting sets the location of the file which stores the process ID
- # for use of mpd --kill and some init scripts. This setting is disabled by
-@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
- # it was brought down. This setting is disabled by default and the server
- # state will be reset on server start up.
- #
--#state_file "~/.mpd/state"
-+state_file "/var/lib/mpd/state"
- #
- # The location of the sticker database. This is a database which
- # manages dynamic information attached to songs.
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
- # initialization. This setting is disabled by default and MPD is run as the
- # current user.
- #
--#user "nobody"
-+user "mpd"
- #
- # This setting specifies the group that MPD will run as. If not specified
- # primary group of user specified with "user" setting will be used (if set).
-@@ -78,10 +78,10 @@
- # This setting can deny access to control of the daemon.
- #
- # For network
--#bind_to_address "any"
-+bind_to_address "localhost"
- #
- # And for Unix Socket
--#bind_to_address "~/.mpd/socket"
-+bind_to_address "/var/lib/mpd/socket"
- #
- # This setting is the TCP port that is desired for the daemon to get assigned
- # to.
+++ /dev/null
-Fix build with FFmpeg 2.0.
-Upstream status: Better patch sent and merged upstream.
-Index: mpd-0.17.4/src/decoder/ffmpeg_decoder_plugin.c
---- mpd-0.17.4.orig/src/decoder/ffmpeg_decoder_plugin.c
-+++ mpd-0.17.4/src/decoder/ffmpeg_decoder_plugin.c
-@@ -47,6 +47,10 @@
- #undef G_LOG_DOMAIN
- #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "ffmpeg"
-+#define AVCODEC_MAX_AUDIO_FRAME_SIZE 192000 // 1 second of 48khz 32bit audio
- static GLogLevelFlags
- level_ffmpeg_to_glib(int level)
- {
+++ /dev/null
-From: Julian Ospald <hasufell@gentoo.org>
-Date: Sun May 4 11:59:48 UTC 2014
-Subject: fix linking
---- mpd-0.17.6/configure.ac
-+++ mpd-0.17.6/configure.ac
-@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@
- AM_CONDITIONAL(ENABLE_FLAC_ENCODER, test x$enable_flac_encoder = xyes)
- dnl ---------------------------- Ogg Vorbis Encoder ---------------------------
--MPD_AUTO_PKG(vorbis_encoder, VORBISENC, [vorbisenc],
-+MPD_AUTO_PKG(vorbis_encoder, VORBISENC, [vorbisenc vorbis ogg],
- [Ogg Vorbis encoder], [libvorbisenc not found])
- if test x$enable_vorbis_encoder = xyes; then
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-depend() {
- need localmount
- use net netmount nfsmount alsasound esound pulseaudio
-checkconfig() {
- if ! [ -f /etc/mpd.conf ]; then
- eerror "Configuration file /etc/mpd.conf does not exist."
- return 1
- fi
- return 0
-start() {
- checkconfig || return 1
- ebegin "Starting Music Player Daemon"
- start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --wait 50 --exec /usr/bin/mpd --pidfile /var/run/mpd.pid --make-pidfile -- --no-daemon /etc/mpd.conf 2>/dev/null
- eend $?
-stop() {
- ebegin "Stopping Music Player Daemon"
- start-stop-daemon --stop --exec /usr/bin/mpd --pidfile /var/run/mpd.pid
- eend $?
<flag name="id3tag">Support for ID3 tags</flag>
<flag name="inotify">Use the Linux kernel inotify subsystem to notice changes to mpd music library</flag>
<flag name="lame">Support for MP3 streaming via Icecast2</flag>
- <flag name="lastfmradio">Support listening to last.fm radio stations</flag>
<flag name="libmpdclient">Enable support for remote mpd databases</flag>
<flag name="libsoxr">Enable the libsoxr resampler</flag>
<flag name="mpg123">Enable support for mp3 decoding over media-sound/mpg123</flag>
<flag name="sid">Build with SID (Commodore 64 Audio) support</flag>
<flag name="signalfd">Use the signalfd function in MPD's event loop</flag>
<flag name="soundcloud">Build plugin to access soundcloud</flag>
- <flag name="soup">Use <pkg>net-libs/libsoup</pkg> for HTTP streaming</flag>
<flag name="systemd">Enable support for systemd socket activation</flag>
<flag name="twolame">Support twolame MPEG-2 encoding</flag>
<flag name="wildmidi">Enable MIDI support via wildmidi</flag>
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2014 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit autotools eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm hppa ppc ppc64 ~sh x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="+alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug faad +fifo +ffmpeg flac
-fluidsynth gme +id3tag inotify ipv6 jack lame lastfmradio mms libsamplerate +mad
-mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack +network ogg openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder
-selinux sid sndfile soundcloud soup sqlite systemd tcpd twolame unicode vorbis wavpack
-wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-INPUT_PLUGINS="audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod modplug mpg123
- musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- || ( ${INPUT_PLUGINS} )
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- lastfmradio? ( curl )"
- dev-libs/glib:2
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? ( virtual/ffmpeg )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- soup? ( net-libs/libsoup:2.4 )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- virtual/pkgconfig"
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is unset."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.16.conf.patch \
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.17.4-ffmpeg2.patch \
- "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.17.6-opus-linking.patch
- if has_version dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia; then
- sed -i \
- -e 's:cdio/paranoia.h:cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h:' \
- src/input/cdio_paranoia_input_plugin.c || die
- fi
- eautoreconf
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--disable-despotify --disable-documentation --disable-ffado
- --disable-mvp --disable-roar --enable-largefile
- --enable-tcp --enable-un --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable lastfmradio lastfm) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable soup) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/mpd.init mpd
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="amd64 arm hppa ppc ~sh x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug faad +fifo +ffmpeg flac
- fluidsynth gme +id3tag inotify ipv6 jack lame mms libav libmpdclient
- libsamplerate +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack +network ogg openal opus
- oss pipe pulseaudio recorder selinux sid sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd
- twolame unicode vorbis wavpack wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- opus? ( ogg )"
- dev-libs/glib:2
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
- if has_version dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia; then
- sed -i \
- -e 's:cdio/paranoia.h:cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h:' \
- src/input/CdioParanoiaInputPlugin.cxx || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--disable-despotify --disable-documentation --disable-roar
- --enable-largefile --enable-tcp --enable-un
- --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~sh ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug faad +fifo +ffmpeg flac
- fluidsynth gme +id3tag inotify ipv6 jack lame mms libav libmpdclient
- libsamplerate +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack +network ogg openal opus
- oss pipe pulseaudio recorder selinux sid sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd
- twolame unicode vorbis wavpack wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- opus? ( ogg )"
- dev-libs/glib:2
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
- if has_version dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia; then
- sed -i \
- -e 's:cdio/paranoia.h:cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h:' \
- src/input/CdioParanoiaInputPlugin.cxx || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--disable-despotify --disable-documentation --disable-roar
- --enable-largefile --enable-tcp --enable-un
- --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~sh ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug faad +fifo +ffmpeg flac
- fluidsynth gme +id3tag inotify ipv6 jack lame mms libav libmpdclient
- libsamplerate +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack +network ogg openal opus
- oss pipe pulseaudio recorder selinux sid sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd
- twolame unicode vorbis wavpack wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- opus? ( ogg )"
- dev-libs/glib:2
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
- if has_version dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia; then
- sed -i \
- -e 's:cdio/paranoia.h:cdio/paranoia/paranoia.h:' \
- src/input/CdioParanoiaInputPlugin.cxx || die
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--disable-documentation --disable-roar --enable-largefile
- --enable-tcp --enable-un --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug expat faad +fifo +ffmpeg
- flac fluidsynth +glib gme +icu +id3tag +inotify +ipv6 jack lame mms
- libav libmpdclient libsamplerate libsoxr +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack
- +network nfs ogg openal opus oss pipe pulseaudio recorder samba selinux sid
- sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd twolame unicode upnp vorbis wavpack
- wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- ao? ( glib )
- gme? ( glib )
- jack? ( glib )
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} )
- glib )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- sid? ( glib )
- soundcloud? ( glib )
- sqlite? ( glib )
- opus? ( ogg )
- upnp? ( expat )
- vorbis? ( glib )
- wavpack? ( glib )"
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- expat? ( dev-libs/expat )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- glib? ( dev-libs/glib:2 )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- nfs? ( net-fs/libnfs )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- samba? ( || ( <net-fs/samba-4.0.25[smbclient] >=net-fs/samba-4.0.25 ) )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- libsoxr? ( media-libs/soxr )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- upnp? ( net-libs/libupnp )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- dev-libs/boost
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--enable-database --disable-roar --disable-documentation
- --enable-dsd --enable-largefile --disable-despotify --disable-osx
- --disable-shine-encoder --disable-solaris-output --enable-tcp
- --enable-un --disable-werror
- --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- if use samba || use upnp; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-neighbor-plugins"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable expat) \
- $(use_enable upnp) \
- $(use_enable adplug) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable samba smbclient) \
- $(use_enable nfs) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable libsoxr soxr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_enable icu) \
- $(use_enable glib) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug expat faad +fifo +ffmpeg
- flac fluidsynth +glib gme +icu +id3tag +inotify +ipv6 jack lame mms
- libav libmpdclient libsamplerate libsoxr +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack
- +network nfs ogg openal opus oss pipe pulseaudio recorder samba selinux sid
- sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd twolame unicode upnp vorbis wavpack
- wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- ao? ( glib )
- gme? ( glib )
- jack? ( glib )
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} )
- glib )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- sid? ( glib )
- soundcloud? ( glib )
- sqlite? ( glib )
- opus? ( ogg )
- upnp? ( expat )
- vorbis? ( glib )
- wavpack? ( glib )"
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- expat? ( dev-libs/expat )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- glib? ( dev-libs/glib:2 )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- nfs? ( net-fs/libnfs )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- samba? ( net-fs/samba[smbclient] )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- libsoxr? ( media-libs/soxr )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- upnp? ( net-libs/libupnp )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- dev-libs/boost
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--enable-database --disable-roar --disable-documentation
- --enable-dsd --enable-largefile --disable-despotify --disable-osx
- --disable-shine-encoder --disable-solaris-output --enable-tcp
- --enable-un --disable-werror
- --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- if use samba || use upnp; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-neighbor-plugins"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable expat) \
- $(use_enable upnp) \
- $(use_enable adplug) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable samba smbclient) \
- $(use_enable nfs) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable libsoxr soxr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_enable icu) \
- $(use_enable glib) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm hppa ppc ppc64 ~sh x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug expat faad +fifo +ffmpeg
- flac fluidsynth +glib gme +icu +id3tag +inotify +ipv6 jack lame mms
- libav libmpdclient libsamplerate libsoxr +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack
- +network nfs ogg openal opus oss pipe pulseaudio recorder samba selinux sid
- sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd twolame unicode upnp vorbis wavpack
- wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- ao? ( glib )
- gme? ( glib )
- jack? ( glib )
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} )
- glib )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- sid? ( glib )
- soundcloud? ( glib )
- sqlite? ( glib )
- opus? ( ogg )
- upnp? ( expat )
- vorbis? ( glib )
- wavpack? ( glib )"
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- expat? ( dev-libs/expat )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- glib? ( dev-libs/glib:2 )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- nfs? ( net-fs/libnfs )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- samba? ( || ( <net-fs/samba-4.0.25[smbclient] >=net-fs/samba-4.0.25 ) )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- libsoxr? ( media-libs/soxr )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- upnp? ( net-libs/libupnp )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- dev-libs/boost
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--enable-database --disable-roar --disable-documentation
- --enable-dsd --enable-largefile --disable-osx --disable-shine-encoder
- --disable-solaris-output --enable-tcp --enable-un --disable-werror
- --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- if use samba || use upnp; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-neighbor-plugins"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable expat) \
- $(use_enable upnp) \
- $(use_enable adplug) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable samba smbclient) \
- $(use_enable nfs) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable libsoxr soxr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_enable icu) \
- $(use_enable glib) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic linux-info multilib readme.gentoo systemd user
-DESCRIPTION="The Music Player Daemon (mpd)"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~hppa ~ppc ~ppc64 ~sh ~x86 ~x86-fbsd ~x64-macos"
-IUSE="adplug +alsa ao audiofile bzip2 cdio +curl debug expat faad +fifo +ffmpeg
- flac fluidsynth +glib gme +icu +id3tag +inotify +ipv6 jack lame mms
- libav libmpdclient libsamplerate libsoxr +mad mikmod modplug mpg123 musepack
- +network nfs ogg openal opus oss pipe pulseaudio recorder samba selinux sid
- sndfile soundcloud sqlite systemd tcpd twolame unicode upnp vorbis wavpack
- wildmidi zeroconf zip"
-OUTPUT_PLUGINS="alsa ao fifo jack network openal oss pipe pulseaudio recorder"
-DECODER_PLUGINS="adplug audiofile faad ffmpeg flac fluidsynth mad mikmod
- modplug mpg123 musepack ogg flac sid vorbis wavpack wildmidi"
-ENCODER_PLUGINS="audiofile flac lame twolame vorbis"
- ao? ( glib )
- gme? ( glib )
- jack? ( glib )
- network? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} )
- glib )
- recorder? ( || ( ${ENCODER_PLUGINS} ) )
- sid? ( glib )
- soundcloud? ( glib )
- sqlite? ( glib )
- opus? ( ogg )
- upnp? ( expat )
- vorbis? ( glib )
- wavpack? ( glib )"
- adplug? ( media-libs/adplug )
- alsa? ( media-sound/alsa-utils
- media-libs/alsa-lib )
- ao? ( media-libs/libao[alsa?,pulseaudio?] )
- audiofile? ( media-libs/audiofile )
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- cdio? ( dev-libs/libcdio-paranoia )
- curl? ( net-misc/curl )
- expat? ( dev-libs/expat )
- faad? ( media-libs/faad2 )
- ffmpeg? (
- libav? ( media-video/libav:0= )
- !libav? ( media-video/ffmpeg:0= )
- )
- flac? ( media-libs/flac[ogg?] )
- fluidsynth? ( media-sound/fluidsynth )
- glib? ( dev-libs/glib:2 )
- gme? ( >=media-libs/game-music-emu-0.6.0_pre20120802 )
- icu? ( dev-libs/icu:= )
- id3tag? ( media-libs/libid3tag )
- jack? ( media-sound/jack-audio-connection-kit )
- lame? ( network? ( media-sound/lame ) )
- libmpdclient? ( media-libs/libmpdclient )
- libsamplerate? ( media-libs/libsamplerate )
- mad? ( media-libs/libmad )
- mikmod? ( media-libs/libmikmod:0 )
- mms? ( media-libs/libmms )
- modplug? ( media-libs/libmodplug )
- mpg123? ( >=media-sound/mpg123-1.12.2 )
- musepack? ( media-sound/musepack-tools )
- network? ( >=media-libs/libshout-2
- !lame? ( !vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis ) ) )
- nfs? ( net-fs/libnfs )
- ogg? ( media-libs/libogg )
- openal? ( media-libs/openal )
- opus? ( media-libs/opus )
- pulseaudio? ( media-sound/pulseaudio )
- samba? ( net-fs/samba[smbclient] )
- sid? ( media-libs/libsidplay:2 )
- sndfile? ( media-libs/libsndfile )
- soundcloud? ( >=dev-libs/yajl-2 )
- libsoxr? ( media-libs/soxr )
- sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
- systemd? ( sys-apps/systemd )
- tcpd? ( sys-apps/tcp-wrappers )
- twolame? ( media-sound/twolame )
- upnp? ( net-libs/libupnp )
- vorbis? ( media-libs/libvorbis )
- wavpack? ( media-sound/wavpack )
- wildmidi? ( media-sound/wildmidi )
- zeroconf? ( net-dns/avahi[dbus] )
- zip? ( dev-libs/zziplib )"
- dev-libs/boost
- virtual/pkgconfig"
- selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-mpd )
-pkg_setup() {
- use network || ewarn "Icecast and Shoutcast streaming needs networking."
- use fluidsynth && ewarn "Using fluidsynth is discouraged by upstream."
- enewuser mpd "" "" "/var/lib/mpd" audio
- if use inotify; then
- ERROR_INOTIFY_USER="${P} requires inotify in-kernel support."
- linux-info_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- DOC_CONTENTS="If you will be starting mpd via /etc/init.d/mpd, please make
- sure that MPD's pid_file is _set_."
- cp -f doc/mpdconf.example doc/mpdconf.dist || die "cp failed"
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.18.conf.patch
-src_configure() {
- local mpdconf="--enable-database --disable-roar --disable-documentation
- --enable-dsd --enable-largefile --disable-osx --disable-shine-encoder
- --disable-solaris-output --enable-tcp --enable-un --disable-werror
- --docdir=${EPREFIX}/usr/share/doc/${PF}"
- if use network; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-shout $(use_enable vorbis vorbis-encoder)
- --enable-httpd-output $(use_enable lame lame-encoder)
- $(use_enable twolame twolame-encoder)
- $(use_enable audiofile wave-encoder)"
- else
- mpdconf+=" --disable-shout --disable-vorbis-encoder
- --disable-httpd-output --disable-lame-encoder
- --disable-twolame-encoder --disable-wave-encoder"
- fi
- if use samba || use upnp; then
- mpdconf+=" --enable-neighbor-plugins"
- fi
- append-lfs-flags
- append-ldflags "-L/usr/$(get_libdir)/sidplay/builders"
- econf \
- $(use_enable libmpdclient) \
- $(use_enable expat) \
- $(use_enable upnp) \
- $(use_enable adplug) \
- $(use_enable alsa) \
- $(use_enable ao) \
- $(use_enable audiofile) \
- $(use_enable bzip2) \
- $(use_enable cdio cdio-paranoia) \
- $(use_enable cdio iso9660) \
- $(use_enable curl) \
- $(use_enable samba smbclient) \
- $(use_enable nfs) \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable ffmpeg) \
- $(use_enable fifo) \
- $(use_enable flac) \
- $(use_enable fluidsynth) \
- $(use_enable gme) \
- $(use_enable id3tag id3) \
- $(use_enable inotify) \
- $(use_enable ipv6) \
- $(use_enable jack) \
- $(use_enable soundcloud) \
- $(use_enable tcpd libwrap) \
- $(use_enable libsamplerate lsr) \
- $(use_enable libsoxr soxr) \
- $(use_enable mad) \
- $(use_enable mikmod) \
- $(use_enable mms) \
- $(use_enable modplug) \
- $(use_enable musepack mpc) \
- $(use_enable mpg123) \
- $(use_enable openal) \
- $(use_enable opus) \
- $(use_enable oss) \
- $(use_enable pipe pipe-output) \
- $(use_enable pulseaudio pulse) \
- $(use_enable recorder recorder-output) \
- $(use_enable sid sidplay) \
- $(use_enable sndfile sndfile) \
- $(use_enable sqlite) \
- $(use_enable systemd systemd-daemon) \
- $(use_enable vorbis) \
- $(use_enable wavpack) \
- $(use_enable wildmidi) \
- $(use_enable zip zzip) \
- $(use_enable icu) \
- $(use_enable glib) \
- $(use_enable faad aac) \
- $(use_with zeroconf zeroconf avahi) \
- "$(systemd_with_unitdir)" \
- ${mpdconf}
-src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- insinto /etc
- newins doc/mpdconf.dist mpd.conf
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}2.init ${PN}
- if use unicode; then
- sed -i -e 's:^#filesystem_charset.*$:filesystem_charset "UTF-8":' \
- "${ED}"/etc/mpd.conf || die "sed failed"
- fi
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}.logrotate ${PN}
- use prefix || diropts -m0755 -o mpd -g audio
- dodir /var/lib/mpd
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/music
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/music
- dodir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- keepdir /var/lib/mpd/playlists
- readme.gentoo_create_doc
-pkg_postinst() {
- readme.gentoo_print_elog
- # also change the homedir if the user has existed before
- usermod -d "/var/lib/mpd" mpd