Currently most of the time comes from deciding which 5 card subset to
use for scoring:
Tue Dec 7 13:05:34 2010 profile
775071 function calls (773802 primitive calls) in 30.534 CPU seconds
Ordered by: cumulative time
List reduced from 240 to 20 due to restriction <20>
ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
1 0.000 0.000 30.534 30.534 <string>:1(<module>)
1 0.007 0.007 30.533 30.533 {execfile}
1 0.003 0.003 30.526 30.526 ./<module>)
1 0.034 0.034 30.273 30.273 ./
340 0.036 0.000 28.194 0.083 ./
340 0.164 0.000 23.889 0.070 ./
766 0.026 0.000 23.434 0.031 ./
766 1.232 0.002 23.409 0.031 ./
19089 1.068 0.000 22.004 0.001 ./
16096 6.800 0.000 16.844 0.001 ./
340 0.118 0.000 3.835 0.011 ./
Run internal tests with
nosetests --with-doctest --doctest-test *.py
+Profile with
+ python -m cProfile -o profile ./ a,bots/ b,bots/ x,bots/ y,bots/
+ python -c 'import pstats; p = pstats.Stats("profile"); p.sort_stats("cumulative").print_stats(20)'