import os.path
import time
import libhookecurve as lhc
+import pylab as pyl
import warnings
class pclusterCommands:
def _plug_init(self):
- self.pca_paths=[]
- self.pca_myArray=None
- self.clustplot=None
+ self.clustplot1=None
+ self.clustplot2=None
def do_pcluster(self,args):
pclust_filename=raw_input('Automeasure filename? ')
realclust_filename=raw_input('Coordinates filename? ')
+ peackforce_filename=raw_input('Peacks and Forces filename? ')
f.write('Analysis started '+time.asctime()+'\n')
f.write('Analysis started '+time.asctime()+'\n')
- f.write('; Peak number ; Mean delta (nm) ; Median delta (nm) ; Mean force (pN) ; Median force (pN) ; First peak length (nm) ; Last peak length (nm) ; Max force (pN) ; Min force (pN) ; Max delta (nm) ; Min delta (nm)\n')
+ f.write('; Peak number ; Mean delta (nm) ; Median delta (nm) ; Mean force (pN) ; Median force (pN) ; First peak length (nm) ; Last peak length (nm) ; Max force (pN) ; Min force (pN) ; Max delta (nm) ; Min delta (nm) ; Peaks Diff\n')
+ f=open(peackforce_filename,'w+')
+ f.write('Analysis started '+time.asctime()+'\n')
+ f.write('----------------------------------------\n')
+ f.write('; Peak number ; 1 peak Length (nm) ; 1 peak Force (pN) ; 2 peak Length (nm) ; 2 peak Force (pN) ; 3 peak Length (nm) ; 3 peak Force (pN) ; 4 peak Length (nm) ; 4 peak Force (pN) ; 5 peak Length (nm) ; 5 peak Force (pN) ; 6 peak Length (nm) ; 6 peak Force (pN) ; 7 peak Length (nm) ; 7 peak Force (pN) ; 8 peak Length (nm) ; 8 peak Force (pN)\n')
+ f.close()
# ------ FUNCTION ------
def fit_interval_nm(start_index,plot,nm,backwards):
f.write(' ; '+str(c_lengths[i])+' ; '+str(p_lengths[i])+' ; '+str(forces[i])+' ; '+str(slopes[i])+' ; '+str(sigma_c_lengths[i])+' ; '+str(sigma_p_lengths[i])+'\n')
+ peak_number=len(c_lengths)
+ '''
+ write peackforce text file
+ '''
+ print 'Saving automatic measurement...'
+ f=open(peackforce_filename,'a+')
+ f.write(item.path+'\n')
+ peackforce_info = ''
+ for i in range(len(c_lengths)):
+ peackforce_info = peackforce_info + ' ; ' + str(c_lengths[i]) + ' ; ' + str(forces[i])
+ f.write(' ; '+str(peak_number)+peackforce_info+'\n')
+ f.close()
calculate clustering coordinates
- peak_number=len(c_lengths)
if peak_number > 1:
for i in range(len(c_lengths)-1):
+ peaks_diff=(last_peak_cl-first_peak_cl)/peak_number
print 'Coordinates'
print 'Peaks',peak_number
print 'Min delta',min_delta
print 'Delta stdev',delta_stdev
print 'Forces stdev',forces_stdev
+ print 'Peaks difference',peaks_diff
write clustering coordinates
' ; '+str(min_delta)+ # 9
' ; '+str(delta_stdev)+ # 10
' ; '+str(forces_stdev)+ # 11
+ ' ; '+str(peaks_diff)+ # 12
config = conf.readlines()
- self.pca_myArray = []
- self.pca_paths = {}
+ self.plot_myCoord = [] # tiene le coordinate prese direttamente dal file creato con pCluster
+ self.plot_origCoord = [] # tiene le coordinate solo delle colonne scelte e moltiplicate per i valori scelti
+ self.plot_pcaCoord = [] # tiene le due colonne della pca
+ self.plot_pcaCoordTr = [] # tiene le due colonne della pca trasposta
+ self.plot_FiltOrigCoord = [] # tiene le coordinate solo dei punti filtrati per densita
+ self.plot_FiltPaths = [] # tiene i paths dei plot solo dei punti filtrati per densita
+ self.plot_paths = [] # tiene i paths di tutti i plots
+ self.plot_NewPcaCoord = [] # tiene le due colonne della pca filtrate per densita
+ self.plot_NewPcaCoordTr=[] # tiene le due colonne della pca trasposta filtrate per densita
plot_path_temp = ""
- nPlotTot = 0
- nPlotGood = 0
# prende in inpunt un arg (nome del file)
- # e il secondo e' arbitrario riceve x es "row[1],row2,row[3]"
+ # e il secondo le colonne su cui lavorare (e' arbitrario, riceve x es "1,2,3")
arg = args.split(" ")
if arg[0]==args:
config[0] = arg[1]
+ # creo l'array "plot_myCoord" con tutte le coordinate dei plots
+ # e l'array plot_paths con tutti i percorsi dei plots
+ nPlotTot = 0
rows = f.readlines()
for row in rows:
if row[0]=="/":
nPlotTot = nPlotTot+1
- #plot_path_temp = row.split("/")[6][:-1]
plot_path_temp = row
if row[0]==" " and row.find('nan')==-1 and row.find("-1.#IND")==-1:
row = row[row.index(";",2)+2:].split(" ; ") # non considero la prima colonna col #picchi
row = [float(i) for i in row]
#0:Mean delta, 1:Median delta, 2:Mean force, 3:Median force, 4:First peak length, 5:Last peak length
#6:Max delta 7:Min delta 8:Max force 9:Min force 10:Std delta 11:Std force
if (row[0]<500 and row[1]<500 and row[2]<500 and row[3]<500 and row[4]<500 and row[5]<500 and row[6]<500 and row[7]<500 and row[8]<500 and row[9]<500 and row[10]<500 and row[11]<500):
if (row[0]>0 and row[1]>0 and row[2]>0 and row[3]>0 and row[4]>0 and row[5]>0 and row[6]>0 and row[7]>0 and row[8]>0 and row[9]>0 and row[10]>0 and row[11]>0):
- self.pca_paths[nPlotGood] = plot_path_temp
#row = row[0], row[2], row[3]*3, row[6], row[7]*56, row[8]
- res=[]
- for cols in config[0].split(","):
- if cols.find("*")!=-1:
- col = int(cols.split("*")[0])
- molt = int(cols.split("*")[1])
- elif cols.find("x")!=-1:
- col = int(cols.split("x")[0])
- molt = int(cols.split("x")[1])
- else:
- col = int(cols)
- molt = 1
- res.append(row[col]*molt)
- self.pca_myArray.append(res)
- nPlotGood = nPlotGood+1
+ self.plot_myCoord.append(row)
+ self.plot_paths.append(plot_path_temp)
- print nPlotGood, "of", nPlotTot
- # array convert, calculate PCA, transpose
- self.pca_myArray = np.array(self.pca_myArray,dtype='float')
- print self.pca_myArray.shape
- self.pca_myArray = pca(self.pca_myArray, output_dim=2) #other way -> y = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=2)(gigi)
- myArrayTr = np.transpose(self.pca_myArray)
- # plotting
- X=myArrayTr[0]
- Y=myArrayTr[1]
- X=list(X)
- Y=list(Y)
+ # creo l'array con alcune colonne e pure moltiplicate
+ for row in self.plot_myCoord:
+ res=[]
+ for cols in config[0].split(","):
+ if cols.find("*")!=-1:
+ col = int(cols.split("*")[0])
+ molt = int(cols.split("*")[1])
+ elif cols.find("x")!=-1:
+ col = int(cols.split("x")[0])
+ molt = int(cols.split("x")[1])
+ else:
+ col = int(cols)
+ molt = 1
+ res.append(row[col]*molt)
+ self.plot_origCoord.append(res)
- clustplot=lhc.PlotObject()
+ # array convert, calculate PCA, transpose
+ self.plot_origCoord = np.array(self.plot_origCoord,dtype='float')
+ #print self.plot_origCoord.shape
+ self.plot_pcaCoord = pca(self.plot_origCoord, output_dim=2) #other way -> y = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=2)(array)
+ self.plot_pcaCoordTr = np.transpose(self.plot_pcaCoord)
+ pca_X=np.array(self.plot_pcaCoordTr[0],dtype='float')
+ pca_Y=np.array(self.plot_pcaCoordTr[1],dtype='float')
#our dataset-specific stuff
#This will go away after testing :)
- Xsyn=[]
- Ysyn=[]
+ Xsyn_1=[]
+ Ysyn_1=[]
- Xgb1=[]
- Ygb1=[]
+ Xgb1_1=[]
+ Ygb1_1=[]
- Xbad=[]
- Ybad=[]
+ Xbad_1=[]
+ Ybad_1=[]
- goodnamefile=open('dataset_s3sT45base_good_blind50.log','r')
+ goodnamefile=open(file_name.replace("coor", "good").replace(".txt", ".log"),'r')
+ nPlotGood = len(goodnames)-2 #tolgo prima e ultima riga
goodnames=[i.split()[0] for i in goodnames[1:]]
- for index in range(len(self.pca_paths)):
+ for index in range(len(self.plot_paths)):
- if '3s3' in self.pca_paths[index] and not 'bad' in self.pca_paths[index]:
- Xsyn.append(X[index])
- Ysyn.append(Y[index])
- elif 'bad' in self.pca_paths[index]:
- Xbad.append(X[index])
- Ybad.append(Y[index])
+ if '3s3' in self.plot_paths[index] and not 'bad' in self.plot_paths[index]:
+ Xsyn_1.append(X[index])
+ Ysyn_1.append(Y[index])
+ elif 'bad' in self.plot_paths[index]:
+ Xbad_1.append(X[index])
+ Ybad_1.append(Y[index])
- Xgb1.append(X[index])
- Ygb1.append(Y[index])
+ Xgb1_1.append(X[index])
+ Ygb1_1.append(Y[index])
- #print self.pca_paths
- if self.pca_paths[index][:-1] in goodnames:
- Xsyn.append(X[index])
- Ysyn.append(Y[index])
+ if self.plot_paths[index][:-1] in goodnames:
+ Xsyn_1.append(pca_X[index])
+ Ysyn_1.append(pca_Y[index])
- Xbad.append(X[index])
- Ybad.append(Y[index])
- print 'blath',len(Xsyn),len(Ysyn)
- #clustplot.add_set(Xgb1,Ygb1)
- clustplot.add_set(Xbad,Ybad)
- clustplot.add_set(Xsyn,Ysyn)
- clustplot.normalize_vectors()
- clustplot.styles=['scatter', 'scatter','scatter']
- clustplot.colors=[None,'red','green']
- #clustplot.styles=['scatter',None]
- clustplot.destination=1
- self._send_plot([clustplot])
- self.clustplot=clustplot
+ Xbad_1.append(pca_X[index])
+ Ybad_1.append(pca_Y[index])
+ # print first plot
+ clustplot1=lhc.PlotObject()
+ clustplot1.add_set(Xbad_1,Ybad_1)
+ clustplot1.add_set(Xsyn_1,Ysyn_1)
+ clustplot1.normalize_vectors()
+ clustplot1.styles=['scatter', 'scatter','scatter']
+ clustplot1.colors=[None,'red','green']
+ clustplot1.destination=0
+ self._send_plot([clustplot1])
+ self.clustplot1=clustplot1
+ # density estimation
+ xmin = pca_X.min()
+ xmax = pca_X.max()
+ ymin = pca_Y.min()
+ ymax = pca_Y.max()
+ mX, mY = sp.mgrid[xmin:xmax:100j, ymin:ymax:100j]
+ kernel = sp.stats.kde.gaussian_kde(sp.c_[pca_X,pca_Y].T)
+ Z = sp.rot90(sp.fliplr(sp.reshape(kernel(sp.c_[mX.ravel(), mY.ravel()].T).T, mX.T.shape)))
+ axis_X = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,num=100)
+ axis_Y = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,num=100)
+ # density filtering:
+ # tramite "kernel.evaluate" trovo lo score (altezza) di ogni coordinata e decido se mantenerla o no
+ filtered_pca_X = []
+ filtered_pca_Y = []
+ filtered_PcaCoordTr = []
+ filtered_PcaCoord = []
+ counter = 0
+ for i in range(len(pca_X)):
+ kern_value = kernel.evaluate([pca_X[i],pca_Y[i]])
+ if kern_value > float(config[1]):
+ counter = counter +1
+ #print counter, kern_value, pca_X[i], pca_Y[i]
+ filtered_pca_X.append(pca_X[i])
+ filtered_pca_Y.append(pca_Y[i])
+ filtered_PcaCoordTr.append(filtered_pca_X)
+ filtered_PcaCoordTr.append(filtered_pca_Y)
+ filtered_PcaCoord = np.transpose(filtered_PcaCoordTr)
+ # creo i due array "plot_FiltOrigCoord" e "plot_FiltPaths" contenenti solo i dati filtrati con alta densita
+ for index in range(len(self.plot_pcaCoord)):
+ if self.plot_pcaCoord[index] in filtered_PcaCoord:
+ self.plot_FiltOrigCoord.append(self.plot_myCoord[index])
+ self.plot_FiltPaths.append(self.plot_paths[index])
+ # creo l'array con alcune colonne e pure moltiplicate
+ temp_coord = []
+ for row in self.plot_FiltOrigCoord:
+ res=[]
+ for cols in config[2].split(","):
+ if cols.find("*")!=-1:
+ col = int(cols.split("*")[0])
+ molt = int(cols.split("*")[1])
+ elif cols.find("x")!=-1:
+ col = int(cols.split("x")[0])
+ molt = int(cols.split("x")[1])
+ else:
+ col = int(cols)
+ molt = 1
+ res.append(row[col]*molt)
+ temp_coord.append(res)
+ self.plot_FiltOrigCoord = temp_coord
+ # ricalcolo la PCA: array convert, calculate PCA, transpose
+ self.plot_FiltOrigCoord = np.array(self.plot_FiltOrigCoord,dtype='float')
+ #print self.plot_FiltOrigCoord.shape
+ self.plot_NewPcaCoord = pca(self.plot_FiltOrigCoord, output_dim=2) #other way -> y = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=2)(array)
+ self.plot_NewPcaCoordTr = np.transpose(self.plot_NewPcaCoord)
+ pca_X2=np.array(self.plot_NewPcaCoordTr[0],dtype='float')
+ pca_Y2=np.array(self.plot_NewPcaCoordTr[1],dtype='float')
+ # creo i due array blu e rossi
+ Xsyn_2=[]
+ Ysyn_2=[]
+ Xbad_2=[]
+ Ybad_2=[]
+ for index in range(len(self.plot_FiltPaths)):
+ if self.plot_FiltPaths[index][:-1] in goodnames:
+ Xsyn_2.append(pca_X2[index])
+ Ysyn_2.append(pca_Y2[index])
+ else:
+ Xbad_2.append(pca_X2[index])
+ Ybad_2.append(pca_Y2[index])
+ # print second plot
+ clustplot2=lhc.PlotObject()
+ clustplot2.add_set(Xbad_2,Ybad_2)
+ clustplot2.add_set(Xsyn_2,Ysyn_2)
+ clustplot2.normalize_vectors()
+ clustplot2.styles=['scatter', 'scatter','scatter']
+ clustplot2.colors=[None,'red','green']
+ clustplot2.destination=1
+ self._send_plot([clustplot2])
+ self.clustplot2=clustplot2
+ # printing results
+ config_pca1 = config[0].replace("*", "x").rstrip("\n")
+ config_limit = config[1].rstrip("\n")
+ config_pca2 = config[2].replace("*", "x").rstrip("\n")
+ print ""
+ print "- START: "+file_name
+ print "Curve totali: ", nPlotTot
+ print "Curve totali good: ", nPlotGood
+ print "- FILTRO 1: 0-500 e NaN"
+ print "Curve rimaste per la 1'PCA: ", len(self.plot_origCoord)
+ print 'Curve good rimaste: ', len(Xsyn_1)
+ #print "plot_pcaCoord ", len(self.plot_pcaCoord)
+ #print "plot_pcaCoordTr[0] ", len(self.plot_pcaCoordTr[0])
+ #print "filtered_PcaCoordTr[0] ", len(filtered_PcaCoordTr[0])
+ print "- FILTRO 2: 1'PCA:"+config_pca1+" e DENSITA:"+config_limit
+ print "Curve rimaste per la 2'PCA: ", len(self.plot_FiltOrigCoord)
+ print 'Curve good rimaste: ', len(Xsyn_2)
+ print "- FILTRO 3: 2'PCA:"+config_pca2
+ print ""
# -- exporting coordinates and plot! --
- #builds coordinate s file
+ #1' PCA: save plot and build coordinate s file
+ mytime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M_")
+ myDS = file_name.replace(".txt", "_")
- f = open('coordinate_punti.txt','w')
- for i in range(len(X)):
- f.write (str(i) + "\t" + str(X[i]) + "\t" + str(Y[i]) + "\n")
+ self.do_export("output/" + myDS + config_pca1 + "_plot 0")
+ f = open('output/' + myDS + config_pca1 + '_coord.txt','w')
+ for i in range(len(pca_X)):
+ f.write (str(i) + "\t" + str(pca_X[i]) + "\t" + str(pca_Y[i]) + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ #2' PCA: save plot and build coordinate s file
+ self.do_export("output/" + myDS + config_pca2 + "_plot 1")
+ f = open('output/' + myDS + config_pca2 + '_coord.txt','w')
+ for i in range(len(pca_X2)):
+ f.write (str(i) + "\t" + str(pca_X2[i]) + "\t" + str(pca_Y2[i]) + "\n")
- #save plot
- config = config[0].replace("*", "x")
- self.do_export("png/" + config + " 1")
def do_multipca(self,args):
def do_doublepca(self,args):
- DOUBLEPCA -> "double gaeta_coor_blind50.txt"
- Automatically multiply the column suggest in second argument for value between 1-100 (step of 2),
- measures pca from coordinates filename and save the png plots.
+ DOUBLEPCA -> "doublepca gaeta_coor_blind50.txt"
+ Automatically it launches the pca command for all combinations with two column
(c)Paolo Pancaldi, Massimo Sandal 2009
# cycling pca
arg = args.split(" ")
- for i in range(1, 12):
- for j in range(1, 12):
+ for i in range(1, 13):
+ for j in range(1, 13):
if i!=j:
self.do_pca(file_name + " " + str(i) + "," + str(j))
def do_triplepca(self,args):
- DOUBLEPCA -> "double gaeta_coor_blind50.txt"
- Automatically multiply the column suggest in second argument for value between 1-100 (step of 2),
- measures pca from coordinates filename and save the png plots.
+ TRIPLEPCA -> "triplepca gaeta_coor_blind50.txt"
+ Automatically it launches the pca command for all combinations with three column
(c)Paolo Pancaldi, Massimo Sandal 2009
# cycling pca
arg = args.split(" ")
- for i in range(1, 12):
- for j in range(1, 12):
- for k in range(1, 12):
+ for i in range(1, 13):
+ for j in range(1, 13):
+ for k in range(1, 13):
if i!=j and i!=k and j!=k:
self.do_pca(file_name + " " + str(i) + "," + str(j) + "," + str(k))
+ def do_pclick(self,args):
+ '''
+ It returns id, coordinates and file name of a clicked dot on a PCA graphic
+ '''
- def do_pclick(self,args):
- self._send_plot([self.clustplot]) #quick workaround for BAD problems in the GUI
+ self._send_plot([self.clustplot1]) #quick workaround for BAD problems in the GUI
print 'Click point'
point = self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=0)
indice = point[0].index
- plot_file = self.pca_paths[indice]
- dot_coord = self.pca_myArray[indice]
+ plot_file = self.plot_paths[indice]
+ dot_coord = self.plot_pcaCoord[indice]
print "file: " + str(plot_file).rstrip()
print "id: " + str(indice)
print "coord: " + str(dot_coord)
- #self.do_jump(str(plot_file))
\ No newline at end of file
+ #self.do_jump(str(plot_file))
+ # indea iniziata e messa da parte...
+ def do_peakforce(self, args):
+ '''
+ peackforce -> "peackforce peackforce_file.txt"
+ Automatically measures peack and force plots
+ (c)Paolo Pancaldi, Massimo Sandal 2009
+ '''
+ # prende in inpunt un arg (nome del file)
+ file_name=args
+ f=open(file_name)
+ # scrivo un file temp
+ g = open('_prove.txt','w')
+ plot_file = '';
+ rows = f.readlines()
+ for row in rows:
+ if row[0]=="/":
+ plot_file = row
+ if row[0]==" " and row.find('nan')==-1 and row.find("-1.#IND")==-1:
+ num_pic = int(row.split(" ; ")[1])
+ if num_pic==7:
+ width_force = row.split(" ; ")
+ w1 = float(width_force[2]); f1 = float(width_force[3]);
+ w2 = float(width_force[4]); f2 = float(width_force[5]);
+ w3 = float(width_force[6]); f3 = float(width_force[7]);
+ w4 = float(width_force[8]); f4 = float(width_force[9]);
+ w5 = float(width_force[10]); f5 = float(width_force[11]);
+ w6 = float(width_force[12]); f6 = float(width_force[13]);
+ w7 = float(width_force[14]); f7 = float(width_force[15]);
+ if w1>0 and w1<1000 and w2>0 and w2<1000 and w3>0 and w3<1000 and w4>0 and w4<1000 and w5>0 and w5<1000 and w6>0 and w6<1000 and w7>0 and w7<1000:
+ score_76 = abs(32 - (w7 - w6))
+ score_65 = abs(32 - (w6 - w5))
+ score_54 = abs(32 - (w5 - w4))
+ score_43 = abs(32 - (w4 - w3))
+ score_32 = abs(32 - (w3 - w2))
+ score_21 = abs(32 - (w2 - w1))
+ writeme = str(score_76) + " --- " + str(row)
+ g.write(writeme)
+ g.close()
+ f.close()
\ No newline at end of file