from email.header import Header as _Header
from email.header import decode_header as _decode_header
+from email.mime.message import MIMEMessage as _MIMEMessage
+from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart as _MIMEMultipart
import email.utils as _email_utils
import logging as _logging
import smtplib as _smtplib
return _email_utils.formataddr((name, person.emails[0]))
return _email_utils.formataddr((, person.emails[0]))
+def _construct_email(author, targets, subject, message, cc=None):
+ if author.pgp_key:
+ signers = [author.pgp_key]
+ else:
+ signers = []
+ recipients = [p.pgp_key for p in targets if p.pgp_key]
+ encrypt = True
+ for person in targets:
+ if not person.pgp_key:
+ encrypt = False # cannot encrypt to every recipient
+ break
+ if cc:
+ recipients.extend([p.pgp_key for p in cc if p.pgp_key])
+ for person in cc:
+ if not person.pgp_key:
+ encrypt = False
+ break
+ if not recipients:
+ encrypt = False # noone to encrypt to
+ if signers and encrypt:
+ if author.pgp_key not in recipients:
+ recipients.append(author.pgp_key)
+ message = _pgp_mime.sign_and_encrypt(
+ message=message, signers=signers, recipients=recipients,
+ always_trust=True)
+ elif signers:
+ message = _pgp_mime.sign(message=message, signers=signers)
+ elif encrypt:
+ message = _pgp_mime.encrypt(message=message, recipients=recipients)
+ message['Date'] = _email_utils.formatdate()
+ message['From'] = get_address(author, header=True)
+ message['Reply-to'] = message['From']
+ message['To'] = ', '.join(
+ get_address(target, header=True) for target in targets)
+ if cc:
+ message['Cc'] = ', '.join(
+ get_address(target, header=True) for target in cc)
+ subject_encoding = _pgp_mime.guess_encoding(subject)
+ if subject_encoding == 'us-ascii':
+ message['Subject'] = subject
+ else:
+ message['Subject'] = _Header(subject, subject_encoding)
+ return message
def construct_email(author, targets, subject, text, cc=None):
r"""Build a text/plain email using `Person` instances
- msg = _pgp_mime.encodedMIMEText(text)
- if author.pgp_key:
- signers = [author.pgp_key]
- else:
- signers = []
- recipients = [p.pgp_key for p in targets if p.pgp_key]
- if signers and recipients:
- if author.pgp_key not in recipients:
- recipients.append(author.pgp_key)
- msg = _pgp_mime.sign_and_encrypt(
- message=msg, signers=signers, recipients=recipients,
- always_trust=True)
- elif signers:
- msg = _pgp_mime.sign(message=msg, signers=signers)
- elif recipients:
- msg = _pgp_mime.encrypt(message=msg, recipients=recipients)
- msg['Date'] = _email_utils.formatdate()
- msg['From'] = get_address(author, header=True)
- msg['Reply-to'] = msg['From']
- msg['To'] = ', '.join(
- get_address(target, header=True) for target in targets)
- if cc:
- msg['Cc'] = ', '.join(
- get_address(target, header=True) for target in cc)
- subject_encoding = _pgp_mime.guess_encoding(subject)
- if subject_encoding == 'us-ascii':
- msg['Subject'] = subject
- else:
- msg['Subject'] = _Header(subject, subject_encoding)
+ message = _pgp_mime.encodedMIMEText(text)
+ return _construct_email(
+ author=author, targets=targets, subject=subject, message=message,
+ cc=cc)
+def construct_response(author, targets, subject, text, original, cc=None):
+ r"""Build a multipart/mixed response email using `Person` instances
- return msg
+ >>> from pygrader.model.person import Person as Person
+ >>> student = Person(name='Джон Доу', emails=[''])
+ >>> assistant = Person(name='Jill', emails=[''])
+ >>> cc = [assistant]
+ >>> msg = construct_email(author=student, targets=[assistant],
+ ... subject='Assignment 1 submission', text='Bla bla bla...')
+ >>> rsp = construct_response(author=assistant, targets=[student],
+ ... subject='Received assignment 1 submission', text='3 hours late',
+ ... original=msg)
+ >>> print(rsp.as_string()) # doctest: +REPORT_UDIFF, +ELLIPSIS
+ Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="===============...=="
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Date: ...
+ From: Jill <>
+ Reply-to: Jill <>
+ To: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>
+ Subject: Received assignment 1 submission
+ --===============...==
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ 3 hours late
+ --===============...==
+ Content-Type: message/rfc822
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+ MIME-Version: 1.0
+ Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
+ Content-Disposition: inline
+ Date: ...
+ From: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>
+ Reply-to: =?utf-8?b?0JTQttC+0L0g0JTQvtGD?= <>
+ To: Jill <>
+ Subject: Assignment 1 submission
+ Bla bla bla...
+ --===============...==--
+ """
+ message = _MIMEMultipart('mixed')
+ message.attach(_pgp_mime.encodedMIMEText(text))
+ message.attach(_MIMEMessage(original))
+ return _construct_email(
+ author=author, targets=targets, subject=subject, message=message,
+ cc=cc)