writemsg("(Could take a couple of minutes if you have a lot of binary packages.)\n")
writemsg(" "+bold(".")+"='update pass' "+bold("*")+"='binary update' "+bold("@")+"='/var/db move'\n"+" "+bold("s")+"='/var/db SLOT move' "+bold("S")+"='binary SLOT move' "+bold("p")+"='update /etc/portage/package.*'\n")
- #remove stale virtual entries (mappings for packages that no longer exist)
- update_files={}
- file_contents={}
- myxfiles = ["package.mask","package.unmask","package.keywords","package.use"]
- myxfiles.extend(prefix_array(myxfiles, "profile/"))
- recursivefiles = []
- for x in myxfiles:
- if os.path.isdir(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x):
- recursivefiles.extend([x+os.path.sep+y for y in listdir(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x, filesonly=1, recursive=1)])
- else:
- recursivefiles.append(x)
- myxfiles = recursivefiles
- for x in myxfiles:
- try:
- myfile = open(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x,"r")
- file_contents[x] = myfile.readlines()
- myfile.close()
- except IOError:
- if file_contents.has_key(x):
- del file_contents[x]
- continue
- worldlist=grabfile("/"+WORLD_FILE)
myupd = []
mylines = grabfile(mykey)
except portage_exception.InvalidPackageName, e:
writemsg("\nERROR: Malformed update entry '%s'\n" % myline)
- #update world entries:
- for x in range(0,len(worldlist)):
- #update world entries, if any.
- worldlist[x]=dep_transform(worldlist[x],mysplit[1],mysplit[2])
- #update /etc/portage/packages.*
- for x in file_contents:
- for mypos in range(0,len(file_contents[x])):
- line=file_contents[x][mypos]
- if line[0]=="#" or string.strip(line)=="":
- continue
- key=dep_getkey(line.split()[0])
- if key==mysplit[1]:
- file_contents[x][mypos]=string.replace(line,mysplit[1],mysplit[2])
- update_files[x]=1
- sys.stdout.write("p")
- sys.stdout.flush()
elif mysplit[0]=="slotmove":
# The list of valid updates is filtered by continue statements above.
- for x in update_files:
- mydblink = dblink('','','/',settings)
- if mydblink.isprotected(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x):
- updating_file=new_protect_filename(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x)[0]
- else:
- updating_file=USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x
- try:
- write_atomic(updating_file, "".join(file_contents[x]))
- except IOError:
- continue
if processed:
#update our internal mtime since we processed all our directives.
- write_atomic(WORLD_FILE,"\n".join(worldlist))
- print ""
return myupd
def commit_mtimedb():
+def update_config_files(update_iter):
+ """Perform global updates on /etc/portage/package.* and the world file."""
+ update_files={}
+ file_contents={}
+ myxfiles = ["package.mask","package.unmask","package.keywords","package.use"]
+ myxfiles.extend(prefix_array(myxfiles, "profile/"))
+ recursivefiles = []
+ for x in myxfiles:
+ if os.path.isdir(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x):
+ recursivefiles.extend([x+os.path.sep+y for y in listdir(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x, filesonly=1, recursive=1)])
+ else:
+ recursivefiles.append(x)
+ myxfiles = recursivefiles
+ for x in myxfiles:
+ try:
+ myfile = open(USER_CONFIG_PATH+os.path.sep+x,"r")
+ file_contents[x] = myfile.readlines()
+ myfile.close()
+ except IOError:
+ if file_contents.has_key(x):
+ del file_contents[x]
+ continue
+ worldlist = grabfile(WORLD_FILE)
+ for update_cmd in update_iter:
+ if update_cmd[0] == "move":
+ old_value, new_value = update_cmd[1], update_cmd[2]
+ #update world entries:
+ for x in range(0,len(worldlist)):
+ #update world entries, if any.
+ worldlist[x] = dep_transform(worldlist[x], old_value, new_value)
+ #update /etc/portage/packages.*
+ for x in file_contents:
+ for mypos in range(0,len(file_contents[x])):
+ line = file_contents[x][mypos]
+ if line[0] == "#" or string.strip(line) == "":
+ continue
+ key = dep_getkey(line.split()[0])
+ if key == old_value:
+ file_contents[x][mypos] = string.replace(line, old_value, new_value)
+ update_files[x] = 1
+ sys.stdout.write("p")
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ write_atomic(WORLD_FILE,"\n".join(worldlist))
+ for x in update_files:
+ mydblink = dblink('','','/',settings)
+ updating_file = os.path.join(USER_CONFIG_PATH, x)
+ if mydblink.isprotected(updating_file):
+ updating_file = new_protect_filename(updating_file)[0]
+ try:
+ write_atomic(updating_file, "".join(file_contents[x]))
+ except IOError:
+ continue
def global_updates():
updpath = os.path.join(settings["PORTDIR"], "profiles", "updates")
mylist = listdir(updpath, EmptyOnError=1)
settings["PORTAGE_CALLER"] == "fixpackages":
didupdate = 1
+ update_config_files(myupd)
+ print
# The above global updates proceed quickly, so they
# are considered a single mtimedb transaction.