to the \fBworld\fR file at the end, so that they are considered for
later updating.
-.BR "\-\-clean " (\fB\-c\fR)
+.BR \-\-clean
Cleans up the system by examining the installed packages and removing older
packages. This is accomplished by looking at each installed package and separating
the installed versions by \fBslot\fR. Clean will \fBremove all but the most recently
has completed. This usually entails configuration file setup or other similar
setups that the user may wish to run.
-.BR "\-\-depclean (-R)"
+.BR "\-\-depclean (-c)"
Cleans the system by removing packages that are not associated
with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works by creating the
full dependency tree from the @world set,
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("--sync")+" | "+turquoise("--metadata")+" | "+turquoise("--info")+" >")
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" [ "+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--ask")+" | "+green("--skipfirst")+" ]")
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--help")+" [ "+green("--verbose")+" ] ")
- print(bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpPqrRsStuvV")+"]")
+ print(bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpPqrsStuvV")+"]")
print(" [ " + green("--color")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" > ] [ "+green("--columns")+" ]")
print(" [ "+green("--complete-graph")+" ] [ "+green("--deep")+" ]")
print(" [ "+green("--jobs") + " " + turquoise("JOBS")+" ] [ "+green("--keep-going")+" ] [ " + green("--load-average")+" " + turquoise("LOAD") + " ]")
print(" emerge to display detailed help.")
- print(" "+green("--clean")+" ("+green("-c")+" short option)")
+ print(" "+green("--clean"))
print(" Cleans the system by removing outdated packages which will not")
print(" remove functionalities or prevent your system from working.")
print(" The arguments can be in several different formats :")
print(" emerge process has completed. This usually entails configuration")
print(" file setup or other similar setups that the user may wish to run.")
- print(" "+green("--depclean")+" ("+green("-R")+" short option)")
+ print(" "+green("--depclean")+" ("+green("-c")+" short option)")
paragraph = "Cleans the system by removing packages that are " + \
"not associated with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works " + \
"b":"--buildpkg", "B":"--buildpkgonly",
-"c":"--clean", "C":"--unmerge",
"f":"--fetchonly", "F":"--fetch-all-uri",
"p":"--pretend", "P":"--prune",
"s":"--search", "S":"--searchdesc",