has completed. This usually entails configuration file setup or other similar
setups that the user may wish to run.
-.BR \-\-depclean
+.BR "\-\-depclean (-R)"
Cleans the system by removing packages that are not associated
with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works by creating the
full dependency tree from the @world set,
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" < "+turquoise("--sync")+" | "+turquoise("--metadata")+" | "+turquoise("--info")+" >")
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--resume")+" [ "+green("--pretend")+" | "+green("--ask")+" | "+green("--skipfirst")+" ]")
print(" "+turquoise("emerge")+" "+turquoise("--help")+" [ "+green("--verbose")+" ] ")
- print(bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpPqrsStuvV")+"]")
+ print(bold("Options:")+" "+green("-")+"["+green("abBcCdDefgGhjkKlnNoOpPqrRsStuvV")+"]")
print(" [ " + green("--color")+" < " + turquoise("y") + " | "+ turquoise("n")+" > ] [ "+green("--columns")+" ]")
print(" [ "+green("--complete-graph")+" ] [ "+green("--deep")+" ]")
print(" [ "+green("--jobs") + " " + turquoise("JOBS")+" ] [ "+green("--keep-going")+" ] [ " + green("--load-average")+" " + turquoise("LOAD") + " ]")
print(" emerge process has completed. This usually entails configuration")
print(" file setup or other similar setups that the user may wish to run.")
- print(" "+green("--depclean"))
+ print(" "+green("--depclean")+" ("+green("-R")+" short option)")
paragraph = "Cleans the system by removing packages that are " + \
"not associated with explicitly merged packages. Depclean works " + \
"p":"--pretend", "P":"--prune",
"s":"--search", "S":"--searchdesc",