#--Contact point arguments
if 'reclick' in args.split():
print 'Click contact point'
- contact_point, contact_point_index = pickup_contact_point()
+ contact_point, contact_point_index = self.pickup_contact_point()
elif 'noauto' in args.split():
if self.wlccontact_index==None or self.wlccurrent != self.current.path:
print 'Click contact point'
- contact_point , contact_point_index = pickup_contact_point()
+ contact_point , contact_point_index = self.pickup_contact_point()
#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from mdp import pca
from libhooke import WX_GOOD, ClickedPoint
f.write('; Peak number ; 1 peak Length (nm) ; 1 peak Force (pN) ; 2 peak Length (nm) ; 2 peak Force (pN) ; 3 peak Length (nm) ; 3 peak Force (pN) ; 4 peak Length (nm) ; 4 peak Force (pN) ; 5 peak Length (nm) ; 5 peak Force (pN) ; 6 peak Length (nm) ; 6 peak Force (pN) ; 7 peak Length (nm) ; 7 peak Force (pN) ; 8 peak Length (nm) ; 8 peak Force (pN)\n')
- # ------ FUNCTION ------
- def fit_interval_nm(start_index,plot,nm,backwards):
- '''
- Calculates the number of points to fit, given a fit interval in nm
- start_index: index of point
- plot: plot to use
- backwards: if true, finds a point backwards.
- '''
- whatset=1 #FIXME: should be decidable
- x_vect=plot.vectors[1][0]
- c=0
- i=start_index
- start=x_vect[start_index]
- maxlen=len(x_vect)
- while abs(x_vect[i]-x_vect[start_index])*(10**9) < nm:
- if i==0 or i==maxlen-1: #we reached boundaries of vector!
- return c
- if backwards:
- i-=1
- else:
- i+=1
- c+=1
- return c
def plot_informations(itplot,pl_value):
cindex=self.find_contact_point(itplot[0]) #Automatically find contact point <158, libhooke.ClickedPoint>
contact_point=self._clickize(itplot[0].vectors[1][0], itplot[0].vectors[1][1], cindex)
- base_index_0=peak_location[-1]+fit_interval_nm(peak_location[-1], itplot[0], self.config['auto_right_baseline'],False)
+ base_index_0=peak_location[-1]+self.fit_interval_nm(peak_location[-1], itplot[0], self.config['auto_right_baseline'],False)
- base_index_1=self.basepoints[0].index+fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, itplot[0], self.config['auto_left_baseline'],False)
+ base_index_1=self.basepoints[0].index+self.fit_interval_nm(self.basepoints[0].index, itplot[0], self.config['auto_left_baseline'],False)
boundaries=[self.basepoints[0].index, self.basepoints[1].index]