-DIST tt-rss-20150304.tar.bz2 2021676 SHA256 72ec8863c0697a311c3a7b641ade8be4a0e85674aead50bdf03637d76b4eeac3 SHA512 6b26e6a4e0c41bd48efa3506b441adec7ef95c80c208784482e77a382ab4473d152f9ef6436c5e398563c76de634b99a1e1b13efeeb82d30659d4ccf21117ff7 WHIRLPOOL 799c8df18fb5b10c76ce3eb97be77611c0438be7f9b3cd9d4d85cde2d4951c5690b905b3938b574c1810d0ec81d1c246c62769b199a93c72ec0bb4564e56358f
DIST tt-rss-20150624.tar.bz2 2071177 SHA256 544833ffbdb83497270aa3c3599ad78f58b23bbaf9d492a3b73bd156b806edc7 SHA512 270f88ae84778cf2a5df1dcda2bdc58a0ed8f4988c124728d4aad29324dc86b1b0245c5b651c738febc9447a5533ca68e2655966409a45651c6df3a08e203c1e WHIRLPOOL 8e30b32beb6eba33e6f87c06900804f6f1f3a11ec0ce4c565e7558577f2bea813e082e7d76acb83f0c0aa5a387ef8266f3fc218def482e9508c492e7df5b3b7a
DIST tt-rss-20150924.tar.bz2 2089704 SHA256 e66521e806014c094181839c9d446fdfbae18a91cfaaaa99fccc9e9f6d27f46d SHA512 b97cf54e4988caac67c5a0985ce7dac9ac2c60f9bedc86d29c83e939082f988cea0de02433b72d9238980e6bb32dea1e10a867ca8cd9ad084f8d7690bf76d3c9 WHIRLPOOL 7add018455697283f11471f3ae967bdb48b447d492972b8a92b77b0f034d6ad297c30c49173233f0b54985837ba51799ad1195a482da86939392e6629b6c89c2
+++ /dev/null
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Id$
-inherit user eutils webapp vcs-snapshot
-DESCRIPTION="Tiny Tiny RSS - A web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator using AJAX"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~mips ~x86"
-IUSE="daemon +mysql postgres"
- daemon? ( dev-lang/php:*[mysql?,postgres?,pcntl,curl] )
- !daemon? ( dev-lang/php:*[mysql?,postgres?,curl] )
- virtual/httpd-php:*
-REQUIRED_USE="|| ( mysql postgres )"
-pkg_setup() {
- webapp_pkg_setup
- if use daemon; then
- enewgroup ttrssd
- enewuser ttrssd -1 /bin/sh /dev/null ttrssd
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # Customize config.php-dist so that the right 'DB_TYPE' is already set (according to the USE flag)
- einfo "Customizing config.php-dist..."
- if use mysql && ! use postgres; then
- sed -i \
- -e "/define('DB_TYPE',/{s:pgsql:mysql:}" \
- config.php-dist || die
- fi
- sed -i \
- -e "/define('DB_TYPE',/{s:// \(or mysql\):// pgsql \1:}" \
- config.php-dist || die
- # per 462578
- epatch_user
-src_install() {
- webapp_src_preinst
- insinto "/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"
- doins -r *
- keepdir "/${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/feed-icons
- for DIR in cache lock feed-icons; do
- webapp_serverowned -R "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/${DIR}"
- done
- # In the old days we put a config.php directly and tried to
- # protect it with the following which did not work reliably.
- # These days we only install the config.php-dist file.
- # webapp_configfile "${MY_HTDOCSDIR}"/config.php
- if use daemon; then
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en-with-daemon.txt
- newinitd "${FILESDIR}"/ttrssd.initd-r2 ttrssd
- newconfd "${FILESDIR}"/ttrssd.confd-r1 ttrssd
- insinto /etc/logrotate.d/
- newins "${FILESDIR}"/ttrssd.logrotated ttrssd
- elog "After upgrading, please restart ttrssd"
- else
- webapp_postinst_txt en "${FILESDIR}"/postinstall-en.txt
- fi
- webapp_src_install
-pkg_postinst() {
- elog "You need to merge config.php and config.php-dist manually now."
- webapp_pkg_postinst