def chroot_setup(self):
cmd("cp /etc/resolv.conf "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc","Could not copy resolv.conf into place.")
- #Ugly bunch of sed commands to get /etc/make.conf to hold the correct default values for the stage
- #we're building. This way, when a user uses a pentium4 stage3, it is set up to compile for pentium4
- #using the CFLAGS and USE settings we used. It's possible that this would look nicer written in
- #python, even without using regexes which aren't really necessary.
- mycmds=[]
- mycmds.append("sed -i -e '/# catalyst start/,/# catalyst stop/d'")
- mycmds.append("sed -i -e 's:^CFLAGS=:#&:' -e 's:^CXXFLAGS=:#&:' -e 's:^CHOST=:#&:' -e 's:^USE=:#&:'")
- sedcmd="sed -i -e '5i\\' -e '# catalyst start\\' -e '# these settings were added by the catalyst build script"
- sedcmd+=" that automatically built this stage\\' -e 'CFLAGS=\""+self.settings["CFLAGS"]+"\"\\'"
+ myconf=open(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.conf","r")
+ mylines=myconf.readlines()
+ myconf.close()
+ pos = 0
+ while pos < len(mylines):
+ if mylines[pos][:16]=="# catalyst start":
+ while (pos < len(mylines)) and mylines[pos][:14]!="# catalyst end":
+ del mylines[pos]
+ elif (mylines[pos][:7]=="CFLAGS=") or (mylines[pos][:6]=="CHOST=") or (mylines[pos][:4]=="USE="):
+ mylines[pos]="#"+mylines[pos]
+ pos += 1
+ pos = 0
+ while (pos < len(mylines)) and mylines[pos][0]=="#":
+ pos += 1
+ cmds=["","# catalyst start","# These settings were added by the catalyst build script that automatically built this stage",
+ 'CFLAGS="'+self.settings["CFLAGS"]+'"',
+ 'CHOST="'+self.settings["CHOST"]+'"']
+ if self.settings.has_key("HOSTUSE"):
+ cmds.append('USE="'+self.settings["HOSTUSE"]+'"')
+ else:
+ cmds.append('USE=""')
if self.settings.has_key("CXXFLAGS"):
- sedcmd+=" -e 'CXXFLAGS=\""+self.settings["CXXFLAGS"]+"\"\\'"
+ cmds.append('CXXFLAGS="'+self.settings["CXXFLAGS"]+'"')
- sedcmd+=" -e 'CXXFLAGS=\"${CFLAGS}\"\\'"
- sedcmd+=" -e 'CHOST=\""+self.settings["CHOST"]+"\"\\'"
- if self.settings.has_key("HOSTUSE"):
- sedcmd+=" -e 'USE=\""+string.join(self.settings["HOSTUSE"])+"\"\\'"
- sedcmd+=" -e '# catalyst end\\' -e ''"
- mycmds.append(sedcmd)
- for x in mycmds:
- mycmd=x+" "+self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.conf"
- cmd(mycmd,"Sed command failed: "+mycmd)
+ cmds.append('CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS"')
+ cmds.append("# catalyst end")
+ for x in cmds:
+ mylines.insert(pos,x+"\n")
+ pos += 1
+ myconf=open(self.settings["chroot_path"]+"/etc/make.conf","w")
+ myconf.write(string.join(mylines))
+ myconf.close()
def clean(self):
- cleanables=["/etc/resolv.conf","/usr/portage","/var/tmp/*","/tmp/*","/root/*"]
+ cleanables=["/etc/resolv.conf","/usr/portage","/var/tmp/*","/tmp/*","/root/*","/root/.ccache"]
if self.settings["target"]=="stage1":
#this next stuff can eventually be integrated into the python and glibc ebuilds themselves (USE="build"):
cmd(self.settings["storedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+".sh clean","clean script failed.")
def preclean(self):
- cmd(self.settings["storedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+".sh preclean","preclean script failed.")
+ try:
+ cmd(self.settings["storedir"]+"/targets/"+self.settings["target"]+"/"+self.settings["target"]+".sh preclean","preclean script failed.")
+ except:
+ self.unbind()
+ raise
def capture(self):
"""capture target in a tarball"""