do_latest_snapshot() {
- local attempts=-1
+ local attempts=0
local r=1
vecho "Fetching most recent snapshot ..."
+ # The snapshot for a given day is generated at 01:45 UTC on the following
+ # day, so the current day's snapshot (going by UTC time) hasn't been
+ # generated yet. Therefore, always start by looking for the previous day's
+ # snapshot (for attempts=1, subtract 1 day from the current UTC time).
while (( ${attempts} < 40 )) ; do
local day
local month
day=$(get_date_part ${utc_attempt} "%d")
month=$(get_date_part ${utc_attempt} "%m")
year=$(get_date_part ${utc_attempt} "%Y")
- utc_midnight=$(get_date_part $(expr ${utc_attempt} - ${utc_attempt} % 86400) "%s")
+ utc_midnight=$(expr ${utc_attempt} - ${utc_attempt} % 86400)
- if [ ${utc_midnight} -lt $(($(get_portage_timestamp)-86400)) ]; then
+ if [ ${utc_midnight} -lt $(get_portage_timestamp) ]; then
wecho "portage content is newer than available snapshots (use --revert option to overide)"