# Licensed under the GNU General Public License, v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass,v 1.69 2007/04/07 08:52:46 vapier Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/java-utils-2.eclass,v 1.70 2007/04/17 09:16:22 ali_bush Exp $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
classpath="$(java-config ${deep} --classpath=${target_pkg})"
[[ $? != 0 ]] && die ${error_msg}
+ java-pkg_ensure-dep "${build_only}" "${target_pkg}"
pushd ${destdir} > /dev/null \
|| die "failed to change directory to ${destdir}"
[[ ${#} -ne 1 ]] && die "${FUNCNAME} takes only one argument besides --*"
local classpath pkgs="${1}"
jars="$(java-config ${deep} --classpath=${pkgs})"
- [[ -z "${jars}" ]] && die "java-config --classpath=${pkgs} failed"
+ [[ $? != 0 || -z "${jars}" ]] && die "java-config --classpath=${pkgs} failed"
debug-print "${pkgs}:${jars}"
+ for pkg in "${pkgs//,/ }"; do
+ java-pkg_ensure-dep "${build_only}" "${pkg}"
+ done
if [[ -z "${classpath}" ]]; then
classpath=$(java-config --classpath=${pkg})
[[ $? != 0 ]] && die ${error_msg}
+ java-pkg_ensure-dep "${build_only}" "${pkg}"
for jar in ${classpath//:/ }; do
if [[ ! -f "${jar}" ]] ; then
die "Installation problem with jar ${jar} in ${pkg} - is it installed?"
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# @internal-function java-pkg_ensure-dep
+# Check that a package being used in jarfrom, getjars and getjar is contained
+# within DEPEND or RDEPEND.
+# @param $1 - Is the package a runtime dependency
+# @param $2 - Package name and slot.
+java-pkg_ensure-dep() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} $*
+ local build_only="${1}"
+ local target_pkg="${2}"
+ local dev_error=""
+ local stripped_pkg=$(echo "${target_pkg}" | sed \
+ 's/-[0-9]*\(\.[0-9]\)*$//')
+ if [[ ! ( "${DEPEND}" =~ "$stripped_pkg" ) ]]; then
+ dev_error="The ebuild is attempting to use ${target_pkg} that is not"
+ dev_error="${dev_error} declared in DEPEND."
+ if is-java-strict; then
+ die "${dev_error}"
+ else
+ eerror "${dev_error}"
+ einfo "Because you have this package installed the package will"
+ einfo "build without problems, but please report this to"
+ einfo "http://bugs.gentoo.org"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ -z ${build_only} && ! ( ${RDEPEND} =~ "${stripped_pkg}" ) ]]; then
+ dev_error="The ebuild is attempting to use ${target_pkg},"
+ dev_error="${dev_error} without specifying --build-only, that is not declared in RDEPEND."
+ if is-java-strict; then
+ die "${error}"
+ else
+ eerror "${dev_error}"
+ einfo "Because you have this package installed the package will"
+ einfo "build without problems, but please report this to"
+ einfo "http://bugs.gentoo.org"
+ fi
+ fi
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# @section-end internal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------