safe => 1,
rebuild => 1,
+ markdown_path => {
+ type => "string",
+ example => 0,
+ description => "path to an external markdown binary",
+ safe => 0,
+ rebuild => undef,
+ },
+sub checkconfig () {
+ if (! defined $config{markdown_path}) {
+ $config{markdown_path}="/usr/bin/markdown";
+ }
my $markdown_sub;
+my $tempdir;
sub htmlize (@) {
my %params=@_;
my $content = $params{content};
no warnings 'once';
$blosxom::version="is a proper perl module too much to ask?";
use warnings 'all';
- if (exists $config{multimarkdown} && $config{multimarkdown}) {
+ if ($config{markdown_path}) {
+ eval q{use File::Temp};
+ if ($@) {
+ debug(gettext("markdown_path is set, but File::Temp is not installed"));
+ }
+ else {
+ debug("Markdown: $config{markdown_path}");
+ $tempdir=File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+ $markdown_sub=sub {
+ my $content=shift;
+ my $fh;
+ my $filename;
+ ($fh, $filename) = File::Temp::tempfile( DIR => $tempdir );
+ print $fh "$content\n";
+ close($fh);
+ $content = `$config{markdown_path} $filename`;
+ return $content;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (exists $config{multimarkdown} && $config{multimarkdown}) {
eval q{use Text::MultiMarkdown};
if ($@) {
debug(gettext("multimarkdown is enabled, but Text::MultiMarkdown is not installed"));
else {
+ debug("Markdown: Text::MultiMarkdown::markdown()");
$markdown_sub=sub {
Text::MultiMarkdown::markdown(shift, {use_metadata => 0});
eval q{use Text::Markdown};
if (! $@) {
if (Text::Markdown->can('markdown')) {
+ debug("Markdown: Text::Markdown::markdown()");
else {
+ debug("Markdown: Text::Markdown::Markdown()");
else {
eval q{use Markdown};
if (! $@) {
+ debug("Markdown: Markdown::Markdown()");
else {
- do "/usr/bin/markdown" ||
- error(sprintf(gettext("failed to load perl module (%s) or /usr/bin/markdown (%s)"), $@, $!));
- $markdown_sub=\&Markdown::Markdown;
+ error(sprintf(gettext("failed to load perl module (%s) or $config{markdown_path} (%s)"), $@, $!));