#!/usr/bin/env python
+from mdp import pca
from libhooke import WX_GOOD, ClickedPoint
import wxversion
import copy
import os.path
import time
+import libhookecurve as lhc
import warnings
class pclusterCommands:
+ def _plug_init(self):
+ self.pca_paths=[]
+ self.pca_myArray=None
+ self.clustplot=None
def do_pcluster(self,args):
+ def do_pca(self,args):
+ '''
+ Automatically measures pca from coordinates filename and shows two interactives plots
+ (c)Paolo Pancaldi, Massimo Sandal 2009
+ '''
+ self.pca_myArray = []
+ self.pca_paths = {}
+ plot_path_temp = ""
+ nPlotTot = 0
+ nPlotGood = 0
+ file_name=args
+ for arg in args.split():
+ #look for a file argument.
+ if 'f=' in arg:
+ file_temp=arg.split('=')[1] #actual coordinates filename
+ try:
+ f=open(file_temp)
+ f.close()
+ file_name = file_temp
+ print "Coordinates filename used: " + file_name
+ except:
+ print "Impossibile to find " + file_temp + " in current directory"
+ print "Coordinates filename used: " + file_name
+ f=open(file_name)
+ rows = f.readlines()
+ for row in rows:
+ if row[0]=="/":
+ nPlotTot = nPlotTot+1
+ #plot_path_temp = row.split("/")[6][:-1]
+ plot_path_temp = row
+ if row[0]==" " and row.find('nan')==-1:
+ row = row[row.index(";",2)+2:].split(" ; ") # non considero la prima colonna col #picchi
+ row = [float(i) for i in row]
+ #0:Mean delta, 1:Median delta, 2:Mean force, 3:Median force, 4:First peak length, 5:Last peak length
+ if (row[0]<500 and row[1]<500 and row[2]<500 and row[3]<500 and row[4]<500 and row[5]<500):
+ if (row[0]>0 and row[1]>0 and row[2]>0 and row[3]>0 and row[4]>0 and row[5]>0 and row[6]>0 and row[7]>0 and row[8]>0 and row[9]>0):
+ nPlotGood = nPlotGood+1
+ self.pca_paths[nPlotGood] = plot_path_temp
+ self.pca_myArray.append(row)
+ f.close()
+ print nPlotGood, "of", nPlotTot
+ # array convert, calculate PCA, transpose
+ self.pca_myArray = np.array(self.pca_myArray,dtype='float')
+ self.pca_myArray = pca(self.pca_myArray, output_dim=2) #other way -> y = mdp.nodes.PCANode(output_dim=2)(gigi)
+ myArrayTr = np.transpose(self.pca_myArray)
+ # plotting
+ X=myArrayTr[0]
+ Y=myArrayTr[1]
+ clustplot=lhc.PlotObject()
+ clustplot.add_set(X,Y)
+ clustplot.normalize_vectors()
+ clustplot.styles=['scatter']
+ clustplot.destination=1
+ self._send_plot([clustplot])
+ self.clustplot=clustplot
+ def do_pclick(self,args):
+ # receive user input
+ self._send_plot([self.clustplot])
+ print 'Click point'
+ point = self._measure_N_points(N=1, whatset=0)
+ indice = point[0].index
+ plot_file = self.pca_paths[indice]
+ dot_coord = self.pca_myArray[indice]
+ print "file: " + str(plot_file)
+ print "id: " + str(indice)
+ print "coord: " + str(dot_coord)
+ self.do_genlist(str(plot_file))
+ #self.do_jump(str(plot_file))
\ No newline at end of file