-*catalyst* ['OPTIONS'] [*-f* 'FILE' | *-C* 'KEYS' | *-s* 'DATE'] ...
+*catalyst* ['OPTIONS'] [*-f* 'FILE' | *-C* 'KEY'='VALUE' ... | *-s* 'DATE']
This option is to be used to clear any autoresume points that have been saved
for this target. It is used in conjunction with *-f*, *-C*, or both.
-*--cli*|*-C* 'KEY'='VALUE' ..::
+*--cli*|*-C* 'KEY'='VALUE' ...::
This option is to be used in place of a specfile. All options are passed
to *catalyst* on the commandline. Please note that this option must
be the last option passed to *catalyst* for everything to work correctly.