'portage.versions:best,catpkgsplit,catsplit,cpv_getkey,pkgcmp,' + \
+ 'subprocess',
myd = myf.read()
- # Preserve \n for metadata that is known to
- # contain multiple lines.
- if self._aux_multi_line_re.match(x) is None:
- myd = " ".join(myd.split())
except IOError:
- myd = _unicode_decode('')
+ myd = None
+ if x not in self._aux_cache_keys:
+ myd = self._aux_env_search(mycpv, x)
+ if myd is None:
+ myd = _unicode_decode('')
+ # Preserve \n for metadata that is known to
+ # contain multiple lines.
+ if self._aux_multi_line_re.match(x) is None:
+ myd = " ".join(myd.split())
if x == "EAPI" and not myd:
return results
+ def _aux_env_search(self, cpv, variable):
+ """
+ Search environment.bz2 of the specified variable. Returns
+ the value if found, otherwise None. This is useful for
+ querying variables like ${SRC_URI} and ${A}, which are not
+ saved in separate files but are available in environment.bz2
+ (see bug #395463).
+ """
+ env_file = self.getpath(cpv, filename="environment.bz2")
+ if not os.path.isfile(env_file):
+ return None
+ bunzip2_cmd = portage.util.shlex_split(
+ self.settings.get("PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND", ""))
+ if not bunzip2_cmd:
+ bunzip2_cmd = portage.util.shlex_split(
+ self.settings["PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND"])
+ bunzip2_cmd.append("-d")
+ args = bunzip2_cmd + ["-c", env_file]
+ try:
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ except EnvironmentError as e:
+ if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
+ raise
+ raise portage.exception.CommandNotFound(args[0])
+ # Parts of the following code are borrowed from
+ # filter-bash-environment.py (keep them in sync).
+ var_assign_re = re.compile(r'(^|^declare\s+-\S+\s+|^declare\s+|^export\s+)([^=\s]+)=("|\')?(.*)$')
+ close_quote_re = re.compile(r'(\\"|"|\')\s*$')
+ def have_end_quote(quote, line):
+ close_quote_match = close_quote_re.search(line)
+ return close_quote_match is not None and \
+ close_quote_match.group(1) == quote
+ value = None
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ line = _unicode_decode(line,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='replace')
+ var_assign_match = var_assign_re.match(line)
+ if var_assign_match is not None:
+ if var_assign_match.group(2) == variable:
+ quote = var_assign_match.group(3)
+ if quote is not None:
+ if have_end_quote(quote,
+ line[var_assign_match.end(2)+2:]):
+ value = var_assign_match.group(4)
+ else:
+ value = [var_assign_match.group(4)]
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ value.append(line)
+ if have_end_quote(quote, line):
+ break
+ value = ''.join(value)
+ # remove trailing quote and whitespace
+ value = value.rstrip()[:-1]
+ else:
+ value = var_assign_match.group(4).rstrip()
+ # ignore remainder of file
+ for line in proc.stdout:
+ pass
+ break
+ proc.wait()
+ proc.stdout.close()
+ return value
def aux_update(self, cpv, values):
mylink = self._dblink(cpv)
if not mylink.exists():