emaint: split into separate modules
authorBrian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org>
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 00:50:39 +0000 (17:50 -0700)
committerZac Medico <zmedico@gentoo.org>
Mon, 23 Jul 2012 00:50:39 +0000 (17:50 -0700)
21 files changed:
pym/portage/emaint/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/defaults.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/main.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/module.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/binhost/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/binhost/binhost.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/config/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/config/config.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/logs/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/logs/logs.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/move/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/move/move.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/resume/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/resume/resume.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/world/__init__.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/modules/world/world.py [new file with mode: 0644]
pym/portage/emaint/progress.py [new file with mode: 0644]

index 21604511b3a831b389118de7684a3548aa8531f0..bee46c40d209e8d0a3541f5bb17c8e2038ce02c7 100755 (executable)
@@ -2,16 +2,29 @@
 # Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'The emaint program provides an interface to system health
+       checks and maintenance.
 from __future__ import print_function
-import errno
-import re
-import signal
-import stat
 import sys
-import textwrap
-import time
-from optparse import OptionParser, OptionValueError
+import errno
+# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
+       import signal
+       def exithandler(signum,frame):
+               signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+               signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+               sys.exit(1)
+       signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+       signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+       signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+       sys.exit(1)
        import portage
@@ -20,629 +33,13 @@ except ImportError:
        sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "pym"))
        import portage
-from portage import os
-from portage.util import writemsg
-if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
-       long = int
-class WorldHandler(object):
-       short_desc = "Fix problems in the world file"
-       def name():
-               return "world"
-       name = staticmethod(name)
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.invalid = []
-               self.not_installed = []
-               self.okay = []
-               from portage._sets import load_default_config
-               setconfig = load_default_config(portage.settings,
-                       portage.db[portage.settings['EROOT']])
-               self._sets = setconfig.getSets()
-       def _check_world(self, onProgress):
-               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
-               self.world_file = os.path.join(eroot, portage.const.WORLD_FILE)
-               self.found = os.access(self.world_file, os.R_OK)
-               vardb = portage.db[eroot]["vartree"].dbapi
-               from portage._sets import SETPREFIX
-               sets = self._sets
-               world_atoms = list(sets["selected"])
-               maxval = len(world_atoms)
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
-               for i, atom in enumerate(world_atoms):
-                       if not isinstance(atom, portage.dep.Atom):
-                               if atom.startswith(SETPREFIX):
-                                       s = atom[len(SETPREFIX):]
-                                       if s in sets:
-                                               self.okay.append(atom)
-                                       else:
-                                               self.not_installed.append(atom)
-                               else:
-                                       self.invalid.append(atom)
-                               if onProgress:
-                                       onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-                               continue
-                       okay = True
-                       if not vardb.match(atom):
-                               self.not_installed.append(atom)
-                               okay = False
-                       if okay:
-                               self.okay.append(atom)
-                       if onProgress:
-                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-       def check(self, onProgress=None):
-               self._check_world(onProgress)
-               errors = []
-               if self.found:
-                       errors += ["'%s' is not a valid atom" % x for x in self.invalid]
-                       errors += ["'%s' is not installed" % x for x in self.not_installed]
-               else:
-                       errors.append(self.world_file + " could not be opened for reading")
-               return errors
-       def fix(self, onProgress=None):
-               world_set = self._sets["selected"]
-               world_set.lock()
-               try:
-                       world_set.load() # maybe it's changed on disk
-                       before = set(world_set)
-                       self._check_world(onProgress)
-                       after = set(self.okay)
-                       errors = []
-                       if before != after:
-                               try:
-                                       world_set.replace(self.okay)
-                               except portage.exception.PortageException:
-                                       errors.append("%s could not be opened for writing" % \
-                                               self.world_file)
-                       return errors
-               finally:
-                       world_set.unlock()
-class BinhostHandler(object):
-       short_desc = "Generate a metadata index for binary packages"
-       def name():
-               return "binhost"
-       name = staticmethod(name)
-       def __init__(self):
-               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
-               self._bintree = portage.db[eroot]["bintree"]
-               self._bintree.populate()
-               self._pkgindex_file = self._bintree._pkgindex_file
-               self._pkgindex = self._bintree._load_pkgindex()
-       def _need_update(self, cpv, data):
-               if "MD5" not in data:
-                       return True
-               size = data.get("SIZE")
-               if size is None:
-                       return True
-               mtime = data.get("MTIME")
-               if mtime is None:
-                       return True
-               pkg_path = self._bintree.getname(cpv)
-               try:
-                       s = os.lstat(pkg_path)
-               except OSError as e:
-                       if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE):
-                               raise
-                       # We can't update the index for this one because
-                       # it disappeared.
-                       return False
-               try:
-                       if long(mtime) != s[stat.ST_MTIME]:
-                               return True
-                       if long(size) != long(s.st_size):
-                               return True
-               except ValueError:
-                       return True
-               return False
-       def check(self, onProgress=None):
-               missing = []
-               cpv_all = self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()
-               cpv_all.sort()
-               maxval = len(cpv_all)
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
-               pkgindex = self._pkgindex
-               missing = []
-               metadata = {}
-               for d in pkgindex.packages:
-                       metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
-               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
-                       d = metadata.get(cpv)
-                       if not d or self._need_update(cpv, d):
-                               missing.append(cpv)
-                       if onProgress:
-                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-               errors = ["'%s' is not in Packages" % cpv for cpv in missing]
-               stale = set(metadata).difference(cpv_all)
-               for cpv in stale:
-                       errors.append("'%s' is not in the repository" % cpv)
-               return errors
-       def fix(self, onProgress=None):
-               bintree = self._bintree
-               cpv_all = self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()
-               cpv_all.sort()
-               missing = []
-               maxval = 0
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
-               pkgindex = self._pkgindex
-               missing = []
-               metadata = {}
-               for d in pkgindex.packages:
-                       metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
-               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
-                       d = metadata.get(cpv)
-                       if not d or self._need_update(cpv, d):
-                               missing.append(cpv)
-               stale = set(metadata).difference(cpv_all)
-               if missing or stale:
-                       from portage import locks
-                       pkgindex_lock = locks.lockfile(
-                               self._pkgindex_file, wantnewlockfile=1)
-                       try:
-                               # Repopulate with lock held.
-                               bintree._populate()
-                               cpv_all = self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()
-                               cpv_all.sort()
-                               pkgindex = bintree._load_pkgindex()
-                               self._pkgindex = pkgindex
-                               metadata = {}
-                               for d in pkgindex.packages:
-                                       metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
-                               # Recount missing packages, with lock held.
-                               del missing[:]
-                               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
-                                       d = metadata.get(cpv)
-                                       if not d or self._need_update(cpv, d):
-                                               missing.append(cpv)
-                               maxval = len(missing)
-                               for i, cpv in enumerate(missing):
-                                       try:
-                                               metadata[cpv] = bintree._pkgindex_entry(cpv)
-                                       except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
-                                               writemsg("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n" % \
-                                                       bintree.getname(cpv), noiselevel=-1)
-                                       if onProgress:
-                                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-                               for cpv in set(metadata).difference(
-                                       self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()):
-                                       del metadata[cpv]
-                               # We've updated the pkgindex, so set it to
-                               # repopulate when necessary.
-                               bintree.populated = False
-                               del pkgindex.packages[:]
-                               pkgindex.packages.extend(metadata.values())
-                               from portage.util import atomic_ofstream
-                               f = atomic_ofstream(self._pkgindex_file)
-                               try:
-                                       self._pkgindex.write(f)
-                               finally:
-                                       f.close()
-                       finally:
-                               locks.unlockfile(pkgindex_lock)
-               if onProgress:
-                       if maxval == 0:
-                               maxval = 1
-                       onProgress(maxval, maxval)
-               return None
-class MoveHandler(object):
-       def __init__(self, tree, porttree):
-               self._tree = tree
-               self._portdb = porttree.dbapi
-               self._update_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND", "PROVIDE"]
-               self._master_repo = \
-                       self._portdb.getRepositoryName(self._portdb.porttree_root)
-       def _grab_global_updates(self):
-               from portage.update import grab_updates, parse_updates
-               retupdates = {}
-               errors = []
-               for repo_name in self._portdb.getRepositories():
-                       repo = self._portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name)
-                       updpath = os.path.join(repo, "profiles", "updates")
-                       if not os.path.isdir(updpath):
-                               continue
-                       try:
-                               rawupdates = grab_updates(updpath)
-                       except portage.exception.DirectoryNotFound:
-                               rawupdates = []
-                       upd_commands = []
-                       for mykey, mystat, mycontent in rawupdates:
-                               commands, errors = parse_updates(mycontent)
-                               upd_commands.extend(commands)
-                               errors.extend(errors)
-                       retupdates[repo_name] = upd_commands
-               if self._master_repo in retupdates:
-                       retupdates['DEFAULT'] = retupdates[self._master_repo]
-               return retupdates, errors
+from portage.emaint.main import emaint_main
-       def check(self, onProgress=None):
-               allupdates, errors = self._grab_global_updates()
-               # Matching packages and moving them is relatively fast, so the
-               # progress bar is updated in indeterminate mode.
-               match = self._tree.dbapi.match
-               aux_get = self._tree.dbapi.aux_get
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(0, 0)
-               for repo, updates in allupdates.items():
-                       if repo == 'DEFAULT':
-                               continue
-                       if not updates:
-                               continue
-                       def repo_match(repository):
-                               return repository == repo or \
-                                       (repo == self._master_repo and \
-                                       repository not in allupdates)
-                       for i, update_cmd in enumerate(updates):
-                               if update_cmd[0] == "move":
-                                       origcp, newcp = update_cmd[1:]
-                                       for cpv in match(origcp):
-                                               if repo_match(aux_get(cpv, ["repository"])[0]):
-                                                       errors.append("'%s' moved to '%s'" % (cpv, newcp))
-                               elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove":
-                                       pkg, origslot, newslot = update_cmd[1:]
-                                       for cpv in match(pkg):
-                                               slot, prepo = aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT", "repository"])
-                                               if slot == origslot and repo_match(prepo):
-                                                       errors.append("'%s' slot moved from '%s' to '%s'" % \
-                                                               (cpv, origslot, newslot))
-                               if onProgress:
-                                       onProgress(0, 0)
-               # Searching for updates in all the metadata is relatively slow, so this
-               # is where the progress bar comes out of indeterminate mode.
-               cpv_all = self._tree.dbapi.cpv_all()
-               cpv_all.sort()
-               maxval = len(cpv_all)
-               aux_update = self._tree.dbapi.aux_update
-               meta_keys = self._update_keys + ['repository', 'EAPI']
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
-               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
-                       metadata = dict(zip(meta_keys, aux_get(cpv, meta_keys)))
-                       eapi = metadata.pop('EAPI')
-                       repository = metadata.pop('repository')
-                       try:
-                               updates = allupdates[repository]
-                       except KeyError:
-                               try:
-                                       updates = allupdates['DEFAULT']
-                               except KeyError:
-                                       continue
-                       if not updates:
-                               continue
-                       metadata_updates = \
-                               portage.update_dbentries(updates, metadata, eapi=eapi)
-                       if metadata_updates:
-                               errors.append("'%s' has outdated metadata" % cpv)
-                       if onProgress:
-                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-               return errors
-       def fix(self, onProgress=None):
-               allupdates, errors = self._grab_global_updates()
-               # Matching packages and moving them is relatively fast, so the
-               # progress bar is updated in indeterminate mode.
-               move = self._tree.dbapi.move_ent
-               slotmove = self._tree.dbapi.move_slot_ent
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(0, 0)
-               for repo, updates in allupdates.items():
-                       if repo == 'DEFAULT':
-                               continue
-                       if not updates:
-                               continue
-                       def repo_match(repository):
-                               return repository == repo or \
-                                       (repo == self._master_repo and \
-                                       repository not in allupdates)
-                       for i, update_cmd in enumerate(updates):
-                               if update_cmd[0] == "move":
-                                       move(update_cmd, repo_match=repo_match)
-                               elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove":
-                                       slotmove(update_cmd, repo_match=repo_match)
-                               if onProgress:
-                                       onProgress(0, 0)
-               # Searching for updates in all the metadata is relatively slow, so this
-               # is where the progress bar comes out of indeterminate mode.
-               self._tree.dbapi.update_ents(allupdates, onProgress=onProgress)
-               return errors
-class MoveInstalled(MoveHandler):
-       short_desc = "Perform package move updates for installed packages"
-       def name():
-               return "moveinst"
-       name = staticmethod(name)
-       def __init__(self):
-               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
-               MoveHandler.__init__(self, portage.db[eroot]["vartree"], portage.db[eroot]["porttree"])
-class MoveBinary(MoveHandler):
-       short_desc = "Perform package move updates for binary packages"
-       def name():
-               return "movebin"
-       name = staticmethod(name)
-       def __init__(self):
-               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
-               MoveHandler.__init__(self, portage.db[eroot]["bintree"], portage.db[eroot]['porttree'])
-class VdbKeyHandler(object):
-       def name():
-               return "vdbkeys"
-       name = staticmethod(name)
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.list = portage.db[portage.settings["EROOT"]]["vartree"].dbapi.cpv_all()
-               self.missing = []
-               self.keys = ["HOMEPAGE", "SRC_URI", "KEYWORDS", "DESCRIPTION"]
-               for p in self.list:
-                       mydir = os.path.join(portage.settings["EROOT"], portage.const.VDB_PATH, p)+os.sep
-                       ismissing = True
-                       for k in self.keys:
-                               if os.path.exists(mydir+k):
-                                       ismissing = False
-                                       break
-                       if ismissing:
-                               self.missing.append(p)
-       def check(self):
-               return ["%s has missing keys" % x for x in self.missing]
-       def fix(self):
-               errors = []
-               for p in self.missing:
-                       mydir = os.path.join(portage.settings["EROOT"], portage.const.VDB_PATH, p)+os.sep
-                       if not os.access(mydir+"environment.bz2", os.R_OK):
-                               errors.append("Can't access %s" % (mydir+"environment.bz2"))
-                       elif not os.access(mydir, os.W_OK):
-                               errors.append("Can't create files in %s" % mydir)
-                       else:
-                               env = os.popen("bzip2 -dcq "+mydir+"environment.bz2", "r")
-                               envlines = env.read().split("\n")
-                               env.close()
-                               for k in self.keys:
-                                       s = [l for l in envlines if l.startswith(k+"=")]
-                                       if len(s) > 1:
-                                               errors.append("multiple matches for %s found in %senvironment.bz2" % (k, mydir))
-                                       elif len(s) == 0:
-                                               s = ""
-                                       else:
-                                               s = s[0].split("=",1)[1]
-                                               s = s.lstrip("$").strip("\'\"")
-                                               s = re.sub("(\\\\[nrt])+", " ", s)
-                                               s = " ".join(s.split()).strip()
-                                               if s != "":
-                                                       try:
-                                                               keyfile = open(mydir+os.sep+k, "w")
-                                                               keyfile.write(s+"\n")
-                                                               keyfile.close()
-                                                       except (IOError, OSError) as e:
-                                                               errors.append("Could not write %s, reason was: %s" % (mydir+k, e))
-               return errors
-class ProgressHandler(object):
-       def __init__(self):
-               self.curval = 0
-               self.maxval = 0
-               self.last_update = 0
-               self.min_display_latency = 0.2
-       def onProgress(self, maxval, curval):
-               self.maxval = maxval
-               self.curval = curval
-               cur_time = time.time()
-               if cur_time - self.last_update >= self.min_display_latency:
-                       self.last_update = cur_time
-                       self.display()
-       def display(self):
-               raise NotImplementedError(self)
-class CleanResume(object):
-       short_desc = "Discard emerge --resume merge lists"
-       def name():
-               return "cleanresume"
-       name = staticmethod(name)
-       def check(self, onProgress=None):
-               messages = []
-               mtimedb = portage.mtimedb
-               resume_keys = ("resume", "resume_backup")
-               maxval = len(resume_keys)
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
-               for i, k in enumerate(resume_keys):
-                       try:
-                               d = mtimedb.get(k)
-                               if d is None:
-                                       continue
-                               if not isinstance(d, dict):
-                                       messages.append("unrecognized resume list: '%s'" % k)
-                                       continue
-                               mergelist = d.get("mergelist")
-                               if mergelist is None or not hasattr(mergelist, "__len__"):
-                                       messages.append("unrecognized resume list: '%s'" % k)
-                                       continue
-                               messages.append("resume list '%s' contains %d packages" % \
-                                       (k, len(mergelist)))
-                       finally:
-                               if onProgress:
-                                       onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-               return messages
-       def fix(self, onProgress=None):
-               delete_count = 0
-               mtimedb = portage.mtimedb
-               resume_keys = ("resume", "resume_backup")
-               maxval = len(resume_keys)
-               if onProgress:
-                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
-               for i, k in enumerate(resume_keys):
-                       try:
-                               if mtimedb.pop(k, None) is not None:
-                                       delete_count += 1
-                       finally:
-                               if onProgress:
-                                       onProgress(maxval, i+1)
-               if delete_count:
-                       mtimedb.commit()
-def emaint_main(myargv):
-       # Similar to emerge, emaint needs a default umask so that created
-       # files (such as the world file) have sane permissions.
-       os.umask(0o22)
-       # TODO: Create a system that allows external modules to be added without
-       #       the need for hard coding.
-       modules = {
-               "world" : WorldHandler,
-               "binhost":BinhostHandler,
-               "moveinst":MoveInstalled,
-               "movebin":MoveBinary,
-               "cleanresume":CleanResume
-       }
-       module_names = list(modules)
-       module_names.sort()
-       module_names.insert(0, "all")
-       def exclusive(option, *args, **kw):
-               var = kw.get("var", None)
-               if var is None:
-                       raise ValueError("var not specified to exclusive()")
-               if getattr(parser, var, ""):
-                       raise OptionValueError("%s and %s are exclusive options" % (getattr(parser, var), option))
-               setattr(parser, var, str(option))
-       usage = "usage: emaint [options] COMMAND"
-       desc = "The emaint program provides an interface to system health " + \
-               "checks and maintenance. See the emaint(1) man page " + \
-               "for additional information about the following commands:"
-       usage += "\n\n"
-       for line in textwrap.wrap(desc, 65):
-               usage += "%s\n" % line
-       usage += "\n"
-       usage += "  %s" % "all".ljust(15) + \
-               "Perform all supported commands\n"
-       for m in module_names[1:]:
-               usage += "  %s%s\n" % (m.ljust(15), modules[m].short_desc)
-       parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=portage.VERSION)
-       parser.add_option("-c", "--check", help="check for problems",
-               action="callback", callback=exclusive, callback_kwargs={"var":"action"})
-       parser.add_option("-f", "--fix", help="attempt to fix problems",
-               action="callback", callback=exclusive, callback_kwargs={"var":"action"})
-       parser.action = None
-       (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=myargv)
-       if len(args) != 1:
-               parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
-       if args[0] not in module_names:
-               parser.error("%s target is not a known target" % args[0])
-       if parser.action:
-               action = parser.action
-       else:
-               print("Defaulting to --check")
-               action = "-c/--check"
-       if args[0] == "all":
-               tasks = modules.values()
-       else:
-               tasks = [modules[args[0]]]
-       if action == "-c/--check":
-               func = "check"
-       else:
-               func = "fix"
-       isatty = os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' and sys.stdout.isatty()
-       for task in tasks:
-               inst = task()
-               onProgress = None
-               if isatty:
-                       progressBar = portage.output.TermProgressBar(title="Emaint", max_desc_length=26)
-                       progressHandler = ProgressHandler()
-                       onProgress = progressHandler.onProgress
-                       def display():
-                               progressBar.set(progressHandler.curval, progressHandler.maxval)
-                       progressHandler.display = display
-                       def sigwinch_handler(signum, frame):
-                               lines, progressBar.term_columns = \
-                                       portage.output.get_term_size()
-                       signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, sigwinch_handler)
-                       progressBar.label(func + " " + inst.name())
-               result = getattr(inst, func)(onProgress=onProgress)
-               if isatty:
-                       # make sure the final progress is displayed
-                       progressHandler.display()
-                       print()
-                       signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_DFL)
-               if result:
-                       print()
-                       print("\n".join(result))
-                       print("\n")
-       print("Finished")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+except IOError as e:
+       if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
+               print("\nemaint: Need superuser access")
+               sys.exit(1)
+       else:
+               raise
index dff6fddd90ba81fd7a803f9b18709f878772a0ed..c588a0bfe59ee104141816e56e7cde0359925921 100644 (file)
@@ -19,9 +19,17 @@ Generate a metadata index for binary packages located in \fBPKGDIR\fR (for
 download by remote clients). See the \fBPORTAGE_BINHOST\fR documentation in
 the \fBmake.conf\fR(5) man page for additional information.
+.BR cleanconfig
+Discard no longer installed config tracker entries.
 .BR cleanresume
 Discard merge lists saved for the \fBemerge\fR(1) \fB--resume\fR action.
+.BR logs
+Clean out old logs from the \fBPORT_LOGDIR\fR using the command \fBPORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN\fR
+See the \fBmake.conf\fR(5) man page for additional information as well as enabling the
+\fB'clean-logs'\fR feature in emerge to do this automatically.
 .BR movebin
 Perform package move updates for binary packages located in \fBPKGDIR\fR.
@@ -30,23 +38,37 @@ Perform package move updates for installed packages.
 .BR world
 Fix problems in the \fIworld\fR file.
 .B \-c, \-\-check
-Check for any problems that may exist.
+Check for any problems that may exist.  (all commands)
 .B \-f, \-\-fix
-Fix any problems that may exist.
+Fix any problems that may exist.  (not all commands)
+.B \-C, \-\-clean
+Cleans the logs from \fBPORT_LOGDIR\fR (logs command only)
+.B \-p, \-\-pretend
+Sets pretend mode (same as \-c, \-\-check) for use with the \-C, \-\-clean OPTION (logs command only)
+.B \-t NUM, \-\-time NUM
+Changes the minimum age \fBNUM\fR (in days) of the logs to be listed or deleted. (logs command only)
 Please report bugs via http://bugs.gentoo.org/
 Mike Frysinger <vapier@gentoo.org>
+Brian Dolbec <dolsen@gentoo.org>
 .B /var/lib/portage/world
 Contains a list of all user\-specified packages.
+.B /var/lib/portage/config
+Contains the paths and md5sums of all the config files being tracked.
 .BR emerge (1),
 .BR portage (5)
index 640f320fdd586de275ec3e6e27ba9d096e297169..f19994c46c7781b20d3c6b761da0c98712bf90fd 100644 (file)
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import platform
 import portage
+       'portage.emaint.modules.logs.logs:CleanLogs',
 from portage import os
 from portage import _encodings
@@ -1351,29 +1352,17 @@ def clean_logs(settings):
        if "clean-logs" not in settings.features:
-       clean_cmd = settings.get("PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN")
-       if clean_cmd:
-               clean_cmd = shlex_split(clean_cmd)
-       if not clean_cmd:
-               return
        logdir = settings.get("PORT_LOGDIR")
        if logdir is None or not os.path.isdir(logdir):
-       variables = {"PORT_LOGDIR" : logdir}
-       cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in clean_cmd]
-       try:
-               rval = portage.process.spawn(cmd, env=os.environ)
-       except portage.exception.CommandNotFound:
-               rval = 127
-       if rval != os.EX_OK:
-               out = portage.output.EOutput()
-               out.eerror("PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN returned %d" % (rval,))
-               out.eerror("See the make.conf(5) man page for "
-                       "PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN usage instructions.")
+       options = {
+                       'eerror': portage.output.EOutput().eerror,
+                       # uncomment next line to output a succeeded message
+                       #'einfo': portage.output.EOutput().einfo
+               }
+       cleanlogs = CleanLogs()
+       cleanlogs.clean(settings=settings, options=options)
 def setconfig_fallback(root_config):
        setconfig = root_config.setconfig
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5e0ae70
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'The emaint program provides checks and maintenance
+on a gentoo system.
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/defaults.py b/pym/portage/emaint/defaults.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d9d83ff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# parser option data
+CHECK = {"short": "-c", "long": "--check",
+       "help": "Check for problems (a default option for most modules)",
+       'status': "Checking %s for problems",
+       'func': 'check'
+       }
+FIX = {"short": "-f", "long": "--fix",
+       "help": "Attempt to fix problems (a default option for most modules)",
+       'status': "Attempting to fix %s",
+       'func': 'fix'
+       }
+# parser options
+DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {'check': CHECK, 'fix': FIX}
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/main.py b/pym/portage/emaint/main.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dbc5f18
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import textwrap
+from optparse import OptionParser, OptionValueError
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.emaint.module import Modules
+from portage.emaint.progress import ProgressBar
+from portage.emaint.defaults import DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+class OptionItem(object):
+       """class to hold module OptionParser options data
+       """
+       def __init__(self, opt, parser):
+               """
+               @type opt: dictionary
+               @param opt: options parser options
+               """
+               self.parser = parser
+               self.short = opt['short']
+               self.long = opt['long']
+               self.help = opt['help']
+               self.status = opt['status']
+               self.func = opt['func']
+               self.action = opt.get('action', "callback")
+               self.type = opt.get('type', None)
+               self.dest = opt.get('dest', None)
+               self.callback = opt.get('callback', self._exclusive)
+               self.callback_kwargs = opt.get('callback_kwargs', {"var":"action"})
+       def _exclusive(self, option, *args, **kw):
+               """Generic check for the 2 default options
+               """
+               var = kw.get("var", None)
+               if var is None:
+                       raise ValueError("var not specified to exclusive()")
+               if getattr(self.parser, var, ""):
+                       raise OptionValueError("%s and %s are exclusive options"
+                               % (getattr(self.parser, var), option))
+               setattr(self.parser, var, str(option))
+       def check_action(self, action):
+               """Checks if 'action' is the same as this option
+               @type action: string
+               @param action: the action to compare
+               @rtype: boolean
+               """
+               if action == self.action:
+                       return True
+               elif action == '/'.join([self.short, self.long]):
+                       return True
+               return False
+def usage(module_controller):
+               _usage = "usage: emaint [options] COMMAND"
+               desc = "The emaint program provides an interface to system health " + \
+                       "checks and maintenance. See the emaint(1) man page " + \
+                       "for additional information about the following commands:"
+               _usage += "\n\n"
+               for line in textwrap.wrap(desc, 65):
+                       _usage += "%s\n" % line
+               _usage += "\nCommands:\n"
+               _usage += "  %s" % "all".ljust(15) + \
+                       "Perform all supported commands\n"
+               textwrap.subsequent_indent = ' '.ljust(17)
+               for mod in module_controller.module_names:
+                       desc = textwrap.wrap(module_controller.get_description(mod), 65)
+                       _usage += "  %s%s\n" % (mod.ljust(15), desc[0])
+                       for d in desc[1:]:
+                               _usage += "  %s%s\n" % (' '.ljust(15), d)
+               return _usage
+def module_opts(module_controller, module):
+       _usage = " %s module options:\n" % module
+       opts = module_controller.get_func_descriptions(module)
+       if opts == {}:
+               opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+       for opt in sorted(opts):
+               optd = opts[opt]
+               opto = "  %s, %s" %(optd['short'], optd['long'])
+               _usage += '%s %s\n' % (opto.ljust(15),optd['help'])
+       _usage += '\n'
+       return _usage
+class TaskHandler(object):
+       """Handles the running of the tasks it is given
+       """
+       def __init__(self, show_progress_bar=True, verbose=True, callback=None):
+               self.show_progress_bar = show_progress_bar
+               self.verbose = verbose
+               self.callback = callback
+               self.isatty = os.environ.get('TERM') != 'dumb' and sys.stdout.isatty()
+               self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(self.isatty, title="Emaint", max_desc_length=27)
+       def run_tasks(self, tasks, func, status=None, verbose=True, options=None):
+               """Runs the module tasks"""
+               if tasks is None or func is None:
+                       return
+               for task in tasks:
+                       inst = task()
+                       show_progress = self.show_progress_bar
+                       # check if the function is capable of progressbar 
+                       # and possibly override it off
+                       if show_progress and hasattr(inst, 'can_progressbar'):
+                               show_progress = inst.can_progressbar(func)
+                       if show_progress:
+                               self.progress_bar.reset()
+                               self.progress_bar.set_label(func + " " + inst.name())
+                               onProgress = self.progress_bar.start()
+                       else:
+                               onProgress = None
+                       kwargs = {
+                               'onProgress': onProgress,
+                               # pass in a copy of the options so a module can not pollute or change
+                               # them for other tasks if there is more to do.
+                               'options': options.copy()
+                               }
+                       result = getattr(inst, func)(**kwargs)
+                       if self.isatty and  show_progress:
+                               # make sure the final progress is displayed
+                               self.progress_bar.display()
+                               print()
+                               self.progress_bar.stop()
+                       if self.callback:
+                               self.callback(result)
+def print_results(results):
+       if results:
+               print()
+               print("\n".join(results))
+               print("\n")
+def emaint_main(myargv):
+       # Similar to emerge, emaint needs a default umask so that created
+       # files (such as the world file) have sane permissions.
+       os.umask(0o22)
+       module_controller = Modules(namepath="portage.emaint.modules")
+       module_names = module_controller.module_names[:]
+       module_names.insert(0, "all")
+       parser = OptionParser(usage=usage(module_controller), version=portage.VERSION)
+       # add default options
+       parser_options = []
+       for opt in DEFAULT_OPTIONS:
+               parser_options.append(OptionItem(DEFAULT_OPTIONS[opt], parser))
+       for mod in module_names[1:]:
+               desc = module_controller.get_func_descriptions(mod)
+               if desc:
+                       for opt in desc:
+                               parser_options.append(OptionItem(desc[opt], parser))
+       for opt in parser_options:
+               parser.add_option(opt.short, opt.long, help=opt.help, action=opt.action,
+               type=opt.type, dest=opt.dest,
+                       callback=opt.callback, callback_kwargs=opt.callback_kwargs)
+       parser.action = None
+       (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=myargv)
+       #print('options', options, '\nargs', args, '\naction', parser.action)
+       if len(args) != 1:
+               parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments")
+       if args[0] not in module_names:
+               parser.error("%s target is not a known target" % args[0])
+       if parser.action:
+               action = parser.action
+       else:
+               action = "-c/--check"
+       long_action = action.split('/')[1].lstrip('-')
+       #print("DEBUG: action = ", action, long_action)
+       if args[0] == "all":
+               tasks = []
+               for m in module_names[1:]:
+                       #print("DEBUG: module: %s, functions: " %(m, str(module_controller.get_functions(m))))
+                       if long_action in module_controller.get_functions(m):
+                               tasks.append(module_controller.get_class(m))
+       elif long_action in module_controller.get_functions(args[0]):
+               tasks = [module_controller.get_class(args[0] )]
+       else:
+               print("\nERROR: module '%s' does not have option '%s'\n" %(args[0], action))
+               print(module_opts(module_controller, args[0]))
+               sys.exit(1)
+       func = status = None
+       for opt in parser_options:
+               if opt.check_action(action):
+                       status = opt.status
+                       func = opt.func
+                       break
+       # need to pass the parser options dict to the modules
+       # so they are available if needed.
+       task_opts = options.__dict__
+       taskmaster = TaskHandler(callback=print_results)
+       taskmaster.run_tasks(tasks, func, status, options=task_opts)
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/module.py b/pym/portage/emaint/module.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..64b0c64
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from __future__ import print_function
+from portage import os
+from portage.exception import PortageException
+from portage.cache.mappings import ProtectedDict
+class InvalidModuleName(PortageException):
+       """An invalid or unknown module name."""
+class Module(object):
+       """Class to define and hold our plug-in module
+       @type name: string
+       @param name: the module name
+       @type path: the path to the new module
+       """
+       def __init__(self, name, namepath):
+               """Some variables initialization"""
+               self.name = name
+               self._namepath = namepath
+               self.kids_names = []
+               self.kids = {}
+               self.initialized = self._initialize()
+       def _initialize(self):
+               """Initialize the plug-in module
+               @rtype: boolean
+               """
+               self.valid = False
+               try:
+                       mod_name = ".".join([self._namepath, self.name])
+                       self._module = __import__(mod_name, [],[], ["not empty"])
+                       self.valid = True
+               except ImportError as e:
+                       print("MODULE; failed import", mod_name, "  error was:",e)
+                       return False
+               self.module_spec = self._module.module_spec
+               for submodule in self.module_spec['provides']:
+                       kid = self.module_spec['provides'][submodule]
+                       kidname = kid['name']
+                       kid['module_name'] = '.'.join([mod_name, self.name])
+                       kid['is_imported'] = False
+                       self.kids[kidname] = kid
+                       self.kids_names.append(kidname)
+               return True
+       def get_class(self, name):
+               if not name or name not in self.kids_names:
+                       raise InvalidModuleName("Module name '%s' was invalid or not"
+                               %name + "part of the module '%s'" %self.name)
+               kid = self.kids[name]
+               if kid['is_imported']:
+                       module = kid['instance']
+               else:
+                       try:
+                               module = __import__(kid['module_name'], [],[], ["not empty"])
+                               kid['instance'] = module
+                               kid['is_imported'] = True
+                       except ImportError:
+                               raise
+                       mod_class = getattr(module, kid['class'])
+               return mod_class
+class Modules(object):
+       """Dynamic modules system for loading and retrieving any of the
+       installed emaint modules and/or provided class's
+       @param path: Optional path to the "modules" directory or
+                       defaults to the directory of this file + '/modules'
+       @param namepath: Optional python import path to the "modules" directory or
+                       defaults to the directory name of this file + '.modules'
+       """
+       def __init__(self, path=None, namepath=None):
+               if path:
+                       self._module_path = path
+               else:
+                       self._module_path = os.path.join((
+                               os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))), "modules")
+               if namepath:
+                       self._namepath = namepath
+               else:
+                       self._namepath = '.'.join(os.path.dirname(
+                               os.path.realpath(__file__)), "modules")
+               self._modules = self._get_all_modules()
+               self.modules = ProtectedDict(self._modules)
+               self.module_names = sorted(self._modules)
+               #self.modules = {}
+               #for mod in self.module_names:
+                       #self.module[mod] = LazyLoad(
+       def _get_all_modules(self):
+               """scans the emaint modules dir for loadable modules
+               @rtype: dictionary of module_plugins
+               """
+               module_dir =  self._module_path
+               importables = []
+               names = os.listdir(module_dir)
+               for entry in names:
+                       # skip any __init__ or __pycache__ files or directories
+                       if entry.startswith('__'):
+                               continue
+                       try:
+                               # test for statinfo to ensure it should a real module
+                               # it will bail if it errors
+                               os.lstat(os.path.join(module_dir, entry, '__init__.py'))
+                               importables.append(entry)
+                       except EnvironmentError:
+                               pass
+               kids = {}
+               for entry in importables:
+                       new_module = Module(entry, self._namepath)
+                       for module_name in new_module.kids:
+                               kid = new_module.kids[module_name]
+                               kid['parent'] = new_module
+                               kids[kid['name']] = kid
+               return kids
+       def get_module_names(self):
+               """Convienence function to return the list of installed modules
+               available
+               @rtype: list
+               @return: the installed module names available
+               """
+               return self.module_names
+       def get_class(self, modname):
+               """Retrieves a module class desired
+               @type modname: string
+               @param modname: the module class name
+               """
+               if modname and modname in self.module_names:
+                       mod = self._modules[modname]['parent'].get_class(modname)
+               else:
+                       raise InvalidModuleName("Module name '%s' was invalid or not"
+                               %modname + "found")
+               return mod
+       def get_description(self, modname):
+               """Retrieves the module class decription
+               @type modname: string
+               @param modname: the module class name
+               @type string
+               @return: the modules class decription
+               """
+               if modname and modname in self.module_names:
+                       mod = self._modules[modname]['description']
+               else:
+                       raise InvalidModuleName("Module name '%s' was invalid or not"
+                               %modname + "found")
+               return mod
+       def get_functions(self, modname):
+               """Retrieves the module class  exported function names
+               @type modname: string
+               @param modname: the module class name
+               @type list
+               @return: the modules class exported function names
+               """
+               if modname and modname in self.module_names:
+                       mod = self._modules[modname]['functions']
+               else:
+                       raise InvalidModuleName("Module name '%s' was invalid or not"
+                               %modname + "found")
+               return mod
+       def get_func_descriptions(self, modname):
+               """Retrieves the module class  exported functions descriptions
+               @type modname: string
+               @param modname: the module class name
+               @type dictionary
+               @return: the modules class exported functions descriptions
+               """
+               if modname and modname in self.module_names:
+                       desc = self._modules[modname]['func_desc']
+               else:
+                       raise InvalidModuleName("Module name '%s' was invalid or not"
+                               %modname + "found")
+               return desc
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..35674e3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'The emaint program  plug-in module provides an automatic method
+of adding/removing modules to perform checks and maintenance
+on a gentoo system.
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/binhost/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/binhost/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1a61af4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'The emaint program module provides checks and maintenancefor:
+  Scanning, checking and fixing problems in the world file.
+module_spec = {
+       'name': 'binhost',
+       'description': "Provides functions to scan, check and " + \
+               "Generate a metadata index for binary packages",
+       'provides':{
+               'module1': {
+                       'name': "binhost",
+                       'class': "BinhostHandler",
+                       'description':  "Generate a metadata index for binary packages",
+                       'functions': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'func_desc': {}
+                       }
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/binhost/binhost.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/binhost/binhost.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b540d76
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import errno
+import stat
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.util import writemsg
+import sys
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+       long = int
+class BinhostHandler(object):
+       short_desc = "Generate a metadata index for binary packages"
+       def name():
+               return "binhost"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def __init__(self):
+               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
+               self._bintree = portage.db[eroot]["bintree"]
+               self._bintree.populate()
+               self._pkgindex_file = self._bintree._pkgindex_file
+               self._pkgindex = self._bintree._load_pkgindex()
+       def _need_update(self, cpv, data):
+               if "MD5" not in data:
+                       return True
+               size = data.get("SIZE")
+               if size is None:
+                       return True
+               mtime = data.get("MTIME")
+               if mtime is None:
+                       return True
+               pkg_path = self._bintree.getname(cpv)
+               try:
+                       s = os.lstat(pkg_path)
+               except OSError as e:
+                       if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESTALE):
+                               raise
+                       # We can't update the index for this one because
+                       # it disappeared.
+                       return False
+               try:
+                       if long(mtime) != s[stat.ST_MTIME]:
+                               return True
+                       if long(size) != long(s.st_size):
+                               return True
+               except ValueError:
+                       return True
+               return False
+       def check(self, **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               missing = []
+               cpv_all = self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()
+               cpv_all.sort()
+               maxval = len(cpv_all)
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+               pkgindex = self._pkgindex
+               missing = []
+               metadata = {}
+               for d in pkgindex.packages:
+                       metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
+               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
+                       d = metadata.get(cpv)
+                       if not d or self._need_update(cpv, d):
+                               missing.append(cpv)
+                       if onProgress:
+                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+               errors = ["'%s' is not in Packages" % cpv for cpv in missing]
+               stale = set(metadata).difference(cpv_all)
+               for cpv in stale:
+                       errors.append("'%s' is not in the repository" % cpv)
+               return errors
+       def fix(self,  **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               bintree = self._bintree
+               cpv_all = self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()
+               cpv_all.sort()
+               missing = []
+               maxval = 0
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+               pkgindex = self._pkgindex
+               missing = []
+               metadata = {}
+               for d in pkgindex.packages:
+                       metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
+               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
+                       d = metadata.get(cpv)
+                       if not d or self._need_update(cpv, d):
+                               missing.append(cpv)
+               stale = set(metadata).difference(cpv_all)
+               if missing or stale:
+                       from portage import locks
+                       pkgindex_lock = locks.lockfile(
+                               self._pkgindex_file, wantnewlockfile=1)
+                       try:
+                               # Repopulate with lock held.
+                               bintree._populate()
+                               cpv_all = self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()
+                               cpv_all.sort()
+                               pkgindex = bintree._load_pkgindex()
+                               self._pkgindex = pkgindex
+                               metadata = {}
+                               for d in pkgindex.packages:
+                                       metadata[d["CPV"]] = d
+                               # Recount missing packages, with lock held.
+                               del missing[:]
+                               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
+                                       d = metadata.get(cpv)
+                                       if not d or self._need_update(cpv, d):
+                                               missing.append(cpv)
+                               maxval = len(missing)
+                               for i, cpv in enumerate(missing):
+                                       try:
+                                               metadata[cpv] = bintree._pkgindex_entry(cpv)
+                                       except portage.exception.InvalidDependString:
+                                               writemsg("!!! Invalid binary package: '%s'\n" % \
+                                                       bintree.getname(cpv), noiselevel=-1)
+                                       if onProgress:
+                                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+                               for cpv in set(metadata).difference(
+                                       self._bintree.dbapi.cpv_all()):
+                                       del metadata[cpv]
+                               # We've updated the pkgindex, so set it to
+                               # repopulate when necessary.
+                               bintree.populated = False
+                               del pkgindex.packages[:]
+                               pkgindex.packages.extend(metadata.values())
+                               from portage.util import atomic_ofstream
+                               f = atomic_ofstream(self._pkgindex_file)
+                               try:
+                                       self._pkgindex.write(f)
+                               finally:
+                                       f.close()
+                       finally:
+                               locks.unlockfile(pkgindex_lock)
+               if onProgress:
+                       if maxval == 0:
+                               maxval = 1
+                       onProgress(maxval, maxval)
+               return None
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/config/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/config/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..22abb07
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'This emaint module provides checks and maintenance for:
+Cleaning the emerge config tracker list
+module_spec = {
+       'name': 'config',
+       'description': "Provides functions to scan, check for and fix no " +\
+               "longer installed config files in emerge's tracker file",
+       'provides':{
+               'module1': {
+                       'name': "cleanconfmem",
+                       'class': "CleanConfig",
+                       'description':  "Discard no longer installed config tracker entries",
+                       'functions': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'func_desc': {}
+                       }
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/config/config.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/config/config.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a80d87d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.const import PRIVATE_PATH
+from portage.checksum import perform_md5
+class CleanConfig(object):
+       short_desc = "Discard any no longer installed configs from emerge's tracker list"
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.target = os.path.join(portage.settings["EROOT"], PRIVATE_PATH, 'config')
+       def name():
+               return "cleanconfmem"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def load_configlist(self):
+               configs = {}
+               with open(self.target, 'r') as configfile:
+                       lines = configfile.readlines()
+               for line in lines:
+                       ls = line.split()
+                       configs[ls[0]] = ls[1]
+               return configs
+       def check(self,  **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               configs = self.load_configlist()
+               messages = []
+               chksums = []
+               maxval = len(configs)
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+                       i = 0
+               keys = sorted(configs)
+               for config in keys:
+                       if os.path.exists(config):
+                               md5sumactual = perform_md5(config)
+                               if md5sumactual != configs[config]:
+                                       chksums.append("  %s" % config)
+                       else:
+                               messages.append("  %s" % config)
+                       if onProgress:
+                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+                               i += 1
+               return self._format_output(messages, chksums)
+       def fix(self, **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               configs = self.load_configlist()
+               messages = []
+               chksums = []
+               maxval = len(configs)
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+                       i = 0
+               keys = sorted(configs)
+               for config in keys:
+                       if os.path.exists(config):
+                               md5sumactual = perform_md5(config)
+                               if md5sumactual != configs[config]:
+                                       chksums.append("  %s" % config)
+                                       configs.pop(config)
+                       else:
+                                       configs.pop(config)
+                                       messages.append("  %s" % config)
+                       if onProgress:
+                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+                               i += 1
+               lines = []
+               keys = sorted(configs)
+               for key in keys:
+                       line = ' '.join([key, configs[key]])
+                       lines.append(line)
+               lines.append('')
+               with open(self.target, 'w') as configfile:
+                       configfile.write('\n'.join(lines))
+               return self._format_output(messages, chksums, True)
+       def _format_output(self, messages=[], chksums=[], cleaned=False):
+               output = []
+               if messages:
+                       output.append('Not Installed:')
+                       output += messages
+                       tot = '------------------------------------\n  Total %i Not installed'
+                       if cleaned:
+                               tot += ' ...Cleaned'
+                       output.append(tot  % len(messages))
+               if chksums:
+                       output.append('\nChecksums did not match:')
+                       output += chksums
+                       tot = '------------------------------------\n  Total %i Checksums did not match'
+                       if cleaned:
+                               tot += ' ...Cleaned'
+                       output.append(tot % len(chksums))
+               return output
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/logs/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/logs/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..005b608
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'This emaint module provides checks and maintenance for:
+Cleaning the PORT_LOGDIR logs
+module_spec = {
+       'name': 'logs',
+       'description': "Provides functions to scan, check and clean old logs " +\
+               "in the PORT_LOGDIR",
+       'provides':{
+               'module1': {
+                       'name': "logs",
+                       'class': "CleanLogs",
+                       'description':  "Clean out old logs from the PORT_LOGDIR",
+                       'functions': ['check','clean'],
+                       'func_desc': {
+                               'clean': {
+                                       "short": "-C", "long": "--clean",
+                                       "help": "Cleans out logs more than 7 days old (cleanlogs only)" + \
+                                                                "   modulke-options: -t, -p",
+                                       'status': "Cleaning %s",
+                                       'func': 'clean'
+                                       },
+                               'time': {
+                                       "short": "-t", "long": "--time",
+                                       "help": "(cleanlogs only): -t, --time   Delete logs older than NUM of days",
+                                       'status': "",
+                                       'action': 'store',
+                                       'type': 'int',
+                                       'dest': 'NUM',
+                                       'callback': None,
+                                       'callback_kwargs': None,
+                                       'func': 'clean'
+                                       },
+                               'pretend': {
+                                       "short": "-p", "long": "--pretend",
+                                       "help": "(cleanlogs only): -p, --pretend   Output logs that would be deleted",
+                                       'status': "",
+                                       'action': 'store_true',
+                                       'dest': 'pretend',
+                                       'callback': None,
+                                       'callback_kwargs': None,
+                                       'func': 'clean'
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/logs/logs.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/logs/logs.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..32c8508
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.util import shlex_split, varexpand
+## default clean command from make.globals
+## PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN = 'find "${PORT_LOGDIR}" -type f ! -name "summary.log*" -mtime +7 -delete'
+class CleanLogs(object):
+       short_desc = "Clean PORT_LOGDIR logs"
+       def name():
+               return "logs"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def can_progressbar(self, func):
+               return False
+       def check(self, **kwargs):
+               if kwargs:
+                       options = kwargs.get('options', None)
+                       if options:
+                               options['pretend'] = True
+               return self.clean(**kwargs)
+       def clean(self, **kwargs):
+               """Log directory cleaning function
+               @param **kwargs: optional dictionary of values used in this function are:
+                       settings: portage settings instance: defaults to portage.settings
+                               "PORT_LOGDIR": directory to clean
+                               "PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN": command for cleaning the logs.
+                       options: dict: 
+                               'NUM': int: number of days
+                               'pretend': boolean
+                               'eerror': defaults to None, optional output module to output errors.
+                               'einfo': defaults to None, optional output module to output info msgs.
+               """
+               messages = []
+               num_of_days = None
+               if kwargs:
+                       # convuluted, I know, but portage.settings does not exist in
+                       # kwargs.get() when called from _emerge.main.clean_logs()
+                       settings = kwargs.get('settings', None)
+                       if not settings:
+                               settings = portage.settings
+                       options = kwargs.get('options', None)
+                       if options:
+                               num_of_days = options.get('NUM', None)
+                               pretend = options.get('pretend', False)
+                               eerror = options.get('eerror', None)
+                               einfo = options.get('einfo', None)
+               clean_cmd = settings.get("PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN")
+               if clean_cmd:
+                       clean_cmd = shlex_split(clean_cmd)
+                       if '-mtime' in clean_cmd and num_of_days is not None:
+                               if num_of_days == 0:
+                                       i = clean_cmd.index('-mtime')
+                                       clean_cmd.remove('-mtime')
+                                       clean_cmd.pop(i)
+                               else:
+                                       clean_cmd[clean_cmd.index('-mtime') +1] = \
+                                               '+%s' % str(num_of_days)
+                       if pretend:
+                               if "-delete" in clean_cmd:
+                                       clean_cmd.remove("-delete")
+               if not clean_cmd:
+                       return []
+               rval = self._clean_logs(clean_cmd, settings)
+               messages += self._convert_errors(rval, eerror, einfo)
+               return messages
+       @staticmethod
+       def _clean_logs(clean_cmd, settings):
+               logdir = settings.get("PORT_LOGDIR")
+               if logdir is None or not os.path.isdir(logdir):
+                       return
+               variables = {"PORT_LOGDIR" : logdir}
+               cmd = [varexpand(x, mydict=variables) for x in clean_cmd]
+               try:
+                       rval = portage.process.spawn(cmd, env=os.environ)
+               except portage.exception.CommandNotFound:
+                       rval = 127
+               return rval
+       @staticmethod
+       def _convert_errors(rval, eerror=None, einfo=None):
+               msg = []
+               if rval != os.EX_OK:
+                       msg.append("PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN command returned %s"
+                               % ("%d" % rval if rval else "None"))
+                       msg.append("See the make.conf(5) man page for "
+                               "PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN usage instructions.")
+                       if eerror:
+                               for m in msg:
+                                       eerror(m)
+               else:
+                       msg.append("PORT_LOGDIR_CLEAN command succeeded")
+                       if einfo:
+                               for m in msg:
+                                       einfo(m)
+               return msg
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/move/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/move/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5399440
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'This emaint module provides checks and maintenance for:
+  1) "Performing package move updates for installed packages",
+  2)"Perform package move updates for binary packages"
+module_spec = {
+       'name': 'move',
+       'description': "Provides functions to check for and move packages " +\
+               "either installed or binary packages stored on this system",
+       'provides':{
+               'module1': {
+                       'name': "moveinst",
+                       'class': "MoveInstalled",
+                       'description': "Perform package move updates for installed packages",
+                       'options': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'functions': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'func_desc': {
+                               }
+                       },
+               'module2':{
+                       'name': "movebin",
+                       'class': "MoveBinary",
+                       'description': "Perform package move updates for binary packages",
+                       'functions': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'func_desc': {
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/move/move.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/move/move.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..018e6ca
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import portage
+from portage import os
+class MoveHandler(object):
+       def __init__(self, tree, porttree):
+               self._tree = tree
+               self._portdb = porttree.dbapi
+               self._update_keys = ["DEPEND", "RDEPEND", "PDEPEND", "PROVIDE"]
+               self._master_repo = \
+                       self._portdb.getRepositoryName(self._portdb.porttree_root)
+       def _grab_global_updates(self):
+               from portage.update import grab_updates, parse_updates
+               retupdates = {}
+               errors = []
+               for repo_name in self._portdb.getRepositories():
+                       repo = self._portdb.getRepositoryPath(repo_name)
+                       updpath = os.path.join(repo, "profiles", "updates")
+                       if not os.path.isdir(updpath):
+                               continue
+                       try:
+                               rawupdates = grab_updates(updpath)
+                       except portage.exception.DirectoryNotFound:
+                               rawupdates = []
+                       upd_commands = []
+                       for mykey, mystat, mycontent in rawupdates:
+                               commands, errors = parse_updates(mycontent)
+                               upd_commands.extend(commands)
+                               errors.extend(errors)
+                       retupdates[repo_name] = upd_commands
+               if self._master_repo in retupdates:
+                       retupdates['DEFAULT'] = retupdates[self._master_repo]
+               return retupdates, errors
+       def check(self, **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               allupdates, errors = self._grab_global_updates()
+               # Matching packages and moving them is relatively fast, so the
+               # progress bar is updated in indeterminate mode.
+               match = self._tree.dbapi.match
+               aux_get = self._tree.dbapi.aux_get
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(0, 0)
+               for repo, updates in allupdates.items():
+                       if repo == 'DEFAULT':
+                               continue
+                       if not updates:
+                               continue
+                       def repo_match(repository):
+                               return repository == repo or \
+                                       (repo == self._master_repo and \
+                                       repository not in allupdates)
+                       for i, update_cmd in enumerate(updates):
+                               if update_cmd[0] == "move":
+                                       origcp, newcp = update_cmd[1:]
+                                       for cpv in match(origcp):
+                                               if repo_match(aux_get(cpv, ["repository"])[0]):
+                                                       errors.append("'%s' moved to '%s'" % (cpv, newcp))
+                               elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove":
+                                       pkg, origslot, newslot = update_cmd[1:]
+                                       for cpv in match(pkg):
+                                               slot, prepo = aux_get(cpv, ["SLOT", "repository"])
+                                               if slot == origslot and repo_match(prepo):
+                                                       errors.append("'%s' slot moved from '%s' to '%s'" % \
+                                                               (cpv, origslot, newslot))
+                               if onProgress:
+                                       onProgress(0, 0)
+               # Searching for updates in all the metadata is relatively slow, so this
+               # is where the progress bar comes out of indeterminate mode.
+               cpv_all = self._tree.dbapi.cpv_all()
+               cpv_all.sort()
+               maxval = len(cpv_all)
+               meta_keys = self._update_keys + ['repository', 'EAPI']
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+               for i, cpv in enumerate(cpv_all):
+                       metadata = dict(zip(meta_keys, aux_get(cpv, meta_keys)))
+                       eapi = metadata.pop('EAPI')
+                       repository = metadata.pop('repository')
+                       try:
+                               updates = allupdates[repository]
+                       except KeyError:
+                               try:
+                                       updates = allupdates['DEFAULT']
+                               except KeyError:
+                                       continue
+                       if not updates:
+                               continue
+                       metadata_updates = \
+                               portage.update_dbentries(updates, metadata, eapi=eapi)
+                       if metadata_updates:
+                               errors.append("'%s' has outdated metadata" % cpv)
+                       if onProgress:
+                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+               return errors
+       def fix(self,  **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               allupdates, errors = self._grab_global_updates()
+               # Matching packages and moving them is relatively fast, so the
+               # progress bar is updated in indeterminate mode.
+               move = self._tree.dbapi.move_ent
+               slotmove = self._tree.dbapi.move_slot_ent
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(0, 0)
+               for repo, updates in allupdates.items():
+                       if repo == 'DEFAULT':
+                               continue
+                       if not updates:
+                               continue
+                       def repo_match(repository):
+                               return repository == repo or \
+                                       (repo == self._master_repo and \
+                                       repository not in allupdates)
+                       for i, update_cmd in enumerate(updates):
+                               if update_cmd[0] == "move":
+                                       move(update_cmd, repo_match=repo_match)
+                               elif update_cmd[0] == "slotmove":
+                                       slotmove(update_cmd, repo_match=repo_match)
+                               if onProgress:
+                                       onProgress(0, 0)
+               # Searching for updates in all the metadata is relatively slow, so this
+               # is where the progress bar comes out of indeterminate mode.
+               self._tree.dbapi.update_ents(allupdates, onProgress=onProgress)
+               return errors
+class MoveInstalled(MoveHandler):
+       short_desc = "Perform package move updates for installed packages"
+       def name():
+               return "moveinst"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def __init__(self):
+               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
+               MoveHandler.__init__(self, portage.db[eroot]["vartree"], portage.db[eroot]["porttree"])
+class MoveBinary(MoveHandler):
+       short_desc = "Perform package move updates for binary packages"
+       def name():
+               return "movebin"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def __init__(self):
+               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
+               MoveHandler.__init__(self, portage.db[eroot]["bintree"], portage.db[eroot]['porttree'])
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/resume/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/resume/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..60cffe9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'This emaint module provides checks and maintenance for:
+Cleaning the "emerge --resume" lists
+module_spec = {
+       'name': 'resume',
+       'description': "Provides functions to scan, check and fix problems " +\
+               "in the resume and/or resume_backup files",
+       'provides':{
+               'module1': {
+                       'name': "cleanresume",
+                       'class': "CleanResume",
+                       'description':  "Discard emerge --resume merge lists",
+                       'functions': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'func_desc': {}
+                       }
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/resume/resume.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/resume/resume.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1bada52
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import portage
+class CleanResume(object):
+       short_desc = "Discard emerge --resume merge lists"
+       def name():
+               return "cleanresume"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def check(self,  **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               messages = []
+               mtimedb = portage.mtimedb
+               resume_keys = ("resume", "resume_backup")
+               maxval = len(resume_keys)
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+               for i, k in enumerate(resume_keys):
+                       try:
+                               d = mtimedb.get(k)
+                               if d is None:
+                                       continue
+                               if not isinstance(d, dict):
+                                       messages.append("unrecognized resume list: '%s'" % k)
+                                       continue
+                               mergelist = d.get("mergelist")
+                               if mergelist is None or not hasattr(mergelist, "__len__"):
+                                       messages.append("unrecognized resume list: '%s'" % k)
+                                       continue
+                               messages.append("resume list '%s' contains %d packages" % \
+                                       (k, len(mergelist)))
+                       finally:
+                               if onProgress:
+                                       onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+               return messages
+       def fix(self,  **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               delete_count = 0
+               mtimedb = portage.mtimedb
+               resume_keys = ("resume", "resume_backup")
+               maxval = len(resume_keys)
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+               for i, k in enumerate(resume_keys):
+                       try:
+                               if mtimedb.pop(k, None) is not None:
+                                       delete_count += 1
+                       finally:
+                               if onProgress:
+                                       onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+               if delete_count:
+                       mtimedb.commit()
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/world/__init__.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/world/__init__.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..103b5c5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""'This emaint module provides checks and maintenance for:
+Fixing problems with the "world" file.
+module_spec = {
+       'name': 'world',
+       'description': "Provides functions to scan, " +
+               "check and fix problems in the world file",
+       'provides':{
+               'module1':{
+                       'name': "world",
+                       'class': "WorldHandler",
+                       'description':  "Fix problems in the world file",
+                       'functions': ['check', 'fix'],
+                       'func_desc': {}
+                       }
+               }
+       }
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/modules/world/world.py b/pym/portage/emaint/modules/world/world.py
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2c9dbff
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@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import portage
+from portage import os
+class WorldHandler(object):
+       short_desc = "Fix problems in the world file"
+       def name():
+               return "world"
+       name = staticmethod(name)
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.invalid = []
+               self.not_installed = []
+               self.okay = []
+               from portage._sets import load_default_config
+               setconfig = load_default_config(portage.settings,
+                       portage.db[portage.settings['EROOT']])
+               self._sets = setconfig.getSets()
+       def _check_world(self, onProgress):
+               eroot = portage.settings['EROOT']
+               self.world_file = os.path.join(eroot, portage.const.WORLD_FILE)
+               self.found = os.access(self.world_file, os.R_OK)
+               vardb = portage.db[eroot]["vartree"].dbapi
+               from portage._sets import SETPREFIX
+               sets = self._sets
+               world_atoms = list(sets["selected"])
+               maxval = len(world_atoms)
+               if onProgress:
+                       onProgress(maxval, 0)
+               for i, atom in enumerate(world_atoms):
+                       if not isinstance(atom, portage.dep.Atom):
+                               if atom.startswith(SETPREFIX):
+                                       s = atom[len(SETPREFIX):]
+                                       if s in sets:
+                                               self.okay.append(atom)
+                                       else:
+                                               self.not_installed.append(atom)
+                               else:
+                                       self.invalid.append(atom)
+                               if onProgress:
+                                       onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+                               continue
+                       okay = True
+                       if not vardb.match(atom):
+                               self.not_installed.append(atom)
+                               okay = False
+                       if okay:
+                               self.okay.append(atom)
+                       if onProgress:
+                               onProgress(maxval, i+1)
+       def check(self, **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               self._check_world(onProgress)
+               errors = []
+               if self.found:
+                       errors += ["'%s' is not a valid atom" % x for x in self.invalid]
+                       errors += ["'%s' is not installed" % x for x in self.not_installed]
+               else:
+                       errors.append(self.world_file + " could not be opened for reading")
+               return errors
+       def fix(self, **kwargs):
+               onProgress = kwargs.get('onProgress', None)
+               world_set = self._sets["selected"]
+               world_set.lock()
+               try:
+                       world_set.load() # maybe it's changed on disk
+                       before = set(world_set)
+                       self._check_world(onProgress)
+                       after = set(self.okay)
+                       errors = []
+                       if before != after:
+                               try:
+                                       world_set.replace(self.okay)
+                               except portage.exception.PortageException:
+                                       errors.append("%s could not be opened for writing" % \
+                                               self.world_file)
+                       return errors
+               finally:
+                       world_set.unlock()
diff --git a/pym/portage/emaint/progress.py b/pym/portage/emaint/progress.py
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index 0000000..e43c2af
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@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# Copyright 2005-2012 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import time
+import signal
+import portage
+class ProgressHandler(object):
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.reset()
+       def reset(self):
+               self.curval = 0
+               self.maxval = 0
+               self.last_update = 0
+               self.min_display_latency = 0.2
+       def onProgress(self, maxval, curval):
+               self.maxval = maxval
+               self.curval = curval
+               cur_time = time.time()
+               if cur_time - self.last_update >= self.min_display_latency:
+                       self.last_update = cur_time
+                       self.display()
+       def display(self):
+               raise NotImplementedError(self)
+class ProgressBar(ProgressHandler):
+       """Class to set up and return a Progress Bar"""
+       def __init__(self, isatty, **kwargs):
+               self.isatty = isatty
+               self.kwargs = kwargs
+               ProgressHandler.__init__(self)
+               self.progressBar = None
+       def start(self):
+               if self.isatty:
+                       self.progressBar = portage.output.TermProgressBar(**self.kwargs)
+                       signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, self.sigwinch_handler)
+               else:
+                       self.onProgress = None
+               return self.onProgress
+       def set_label(self, _label):
+               self.kwargs['label'] = _label
+       def display(self):
+               self.progressBar.set(self.curval, self.maxval)
+       def sigwinch_handler(self, signum, frame):
+               lines, self.progressBar.term_columns = \
+                       portage.output.get_term_size()
+       def stop(self):
+               signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, signal.SIG_DFL)