--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python2_7 )
+inherit check-reqs pax-utils python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
+DESCRIPTION="PyPy executable (build from source)"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux"
+IUSE="bzip2 +jit low-memory ncurses cpu_flags_x86_sse2"
+ virtual/libffi:0=
+ virtual/libintl:0=
+ dev-libs/expat:0=
+ bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2:0= )
+ ncurses? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0= )
+ !dev-python/pypy-exe-bin:${PV}"
+# don't enforce the dep on pypy with USE=low-memory since it's going
+# to cause either collisions or circular dep on itself
+ !low-memory? (
+ || (
+ dev-python/pypy
+ (
+ dev-lang/python:2.7
+ dev-python/pycparser[python_targets_python2_7(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)]
+ )
+ )
+ )"
+check_env() {
+ if use low-memory; then
+ if ! has_version -b dev-python/pypy &&
+ ! has_version -b dev-python/pypy-bin
+ then
+ eerror "USE=low-memory requires a (possibly old) version of dev-python/pypy"
+ eerror "being installed. Please install it using e.g.:"
+ eerror
+ eerror " $ emerge -1v dev-python/pypy dev-python/pypy-exe-bin"
+ eerror
+ eerror "before attempting to build dev-python/pypy-exe[low-memory]."
+ die "dev-python/pypy needs to be installed for USE=low-memory"
+ fi
+ use amd64 && CHECKREQS_MEMORY="3500M"
+ else
+ use amd64 && CHECKREQS_MEMORY="6G"
+ fi
+ check-reqs_pkg_pretend
+pkg_pretend() {
+ [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]] && check_env
+pkg_setup() {
+ if [[ ${MERGE_TYPE} != binary ]]; then
+ check_env
+ use low-memory && EPYTHON=
+ if [[ ! ${EPYTHON} || ${EPYTHON} == pypy ]] &&
+ { has_version -b dev-python/pypy ||
+ has_version -b dev-python/pypy-bin; }
+ then
+ einfo "Using already-installed PyPy to perform the translation."
+ EPYTHON=pypy
+ else
+ einfo "Using ${EPYTHON} to perform the translation. Please note that upstream"
+ einfo "recommends using PyPy for that. If you wish to do so, please unset"
+ einfo "the EPYTHON variable."
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ tc-export CC
+ local jit_backend
+ if use jit; then
+ jit_backend='--jit-backend='
+ # We only need the explicit sse2 switch for x86.
+ # On other arches we can rely on autodetection which uses
+ # compiler macros. Plus, --jit-backend= doesn't accept all
+ # the modern values...
+ if use x86; then
+ if use cpu_flags_x86_sse2; then
+ jit_backend+=x86
+ else
+ jit_backend+=x86-without-sse2
+ fi
+ else
+ jit_backend+=auto
+ fi
+ fi
+ local args=(
+ --no-shared
+ $(usex jit -Ojit -O2)
+ ${jit_backend}
+ pypy/goal/targetpypystandalone
+ )
+ # Avoid linking against libraries disabled by use flags
+ local opts=(
+ bzip2:bz2
+ ncurses:_minimal_curses
+ )
+ local opt
+ for opt in "${opts[@]}"; do
+ local flag=${opt%:*}
+ local mod=${opt#*:}
+ args+=(
+ $(usex ${flag} --withmod --withoutmod)-${mod}
+ )
+ done
+ local interp=( "${EPYTHON}" )
+ if use low-memory; then
+ interp=( env PYPY_GC_MAX_DELTA=200MB
+ "${EPYTHON}" --jit loop_longevity=300 )
+ fi
+ # translate into the C sources
+ # we're going to make them ourselves since otherwise pypy does not
+ # free up the unneeded memory before spawning the compiler
+ set -- "${interp[@]}" rpython/bin/rpython --batch --source "${args[@]}"
+ echo -e "\033[1m${@}\033[0m"
+ "${@}" || die "translation failed"
+src_compile() {
+ emake -C "${T}"/usession*-0/testing_1
+src_install() {
+ local dest=/usr/lib/pypy2.7
+ exeinto "${dest}"
+ newexe "${T}"/usession*-0/testing_1/pypy-c pypy-c-${PV}
+ insinto "${dest}"/include/${PV}
+ doins include/pypy_*
+ pax-mark m "${ED}${dest}/pypy-c-${PV}"