def cast_code(self, expr_code):
return "((%s)%s)" % (self.declaration_code(""), expr_code)
def specialization_name(self):
return self.declaration_code("").replace(" ", "__")
def base_declaration_code(self, base_code, entity_code):
if entity_code:
return "%s %s" % (base_code, entity_code)
# has_attributes boolean Has C dot-selectable attributes
# default_value string Initial value
- # declaration_code(entity_code,
+ # declaration_code(entity_code,
# for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0)
# Returns a code fragment for the declaration of an entity
# of this type, given a code fragment for the entity.
# Coerces array type into pointer type for use as
# a formal argument type.
is_pyobject = 0
is_unspecified = 0
is_extension_type = 0
is_buffer = 0
has_attributes = 0
default_value = ""
def resolve(self):
# If a typedef, returns the base type.
return self
def specialize(self, values):
# TODO(danilo): Override wherever it makes sense.
return self
def literal_code(self, value):
# Returns a C code fragment representing a literal
# value of this type.
return str(value)
def __str__(self):
return self.declaration_code("", for_display = 1).strip()
def same_as(self, other_type, **kwds):
return self.same_as_resolved_type(other_type.resolve(), **kwds)
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self == other_type or other_type is error_type
def subtype_of(self, other_type):
return self.subtype_of_resolved_type(other_type.resolve())
def subtype_of_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self.same_as(other_type)
def assignable_from(self, src_type):
return self.assignable_from_resolved_type(src_type.resolve())
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
return self.same_as(src_type)
def as_argument_type(self):
return self
def is_complete(self):
# A type is incomplete if it is an unsized array,
# a struct whose attributes are not defined, etc.
return "%s(%s)" % (dll_linkage, base_code)
return base_code
def create_typedef_type(name, base_type, cname, is_external=0):
if base_type.is_complex:
if is_external:
# typedef_cname string
# typedef_base_type PyrexType
# typedef_is_external bool
is_typedef = 1
typedef_is_external = 0
to_py_utility_code = None
from_py_utility_code = None
def __init__(self, name, base_type, cname, is_external=0):
assert not base_type.is_complex
self.typedef_name = name
self.typedef_cname = cname
self.typedef_base_type = base_type
self.typedef_is_external = is_external
def resolve(self):
return self.typedef_base_type.resolve()
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code = self.typedef_name
base_code = public_decl(self.typedef_cname, dll_linkage)
return self.base_declaration_code(base_code, entity_code)
def as_argument_type(self):
return self
def cast_code(self, expr_code):
# If self is really an array (rather than pointer), we can't cast.
- # For example, the gmp mpz_t.
+ # For example, the gmp mpz_t.
if self.typedef_base_type.is_array:
base_type = self.typedef_base_type.base_type
return CPtrType(base_type).cast_code(expr_code)
def __repr__(self):
return "<CTypedefType %s>" % self.typedef_cname
def __str__(self):
return self.typedef_name
# Delegates most attribute
# lookups to the base type. ANYTHING NOT DEFINED
# dtype PyrexType
# ndim int
# mode str
self.mode = mode
self.negative_indices = negative_indices
self.cast = cast
def as_argument_type(self):
return self
buffer_defaults = None
is_extern = False
is_subclassed = False
def __str__(self):
return "Python object"
def __repr__(self):
return "<PyObjectType>"
def assignable_from(self, src_type):
# except for pointers, conversion will be attempted
return not src_type.is_ptr or src_type.is_string
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code = "object"
self.cname = cname
self.typeptr_cname = "(&%s)" % cname
self.objstruct_cname = objstruct_cname
def set_scope(self, scope):
self.scope = scope
if scope:
scope.parent_type = self
def __str__(self):
return "%s object" %
def __repr__(self):
return "<%s>"% self.cname ==
return True
def typeobj_is_available(self):
return True
def attributes_known(self):
return True
def subtype_of(self, type):
return type.is_pyobject and self.assignable_from(type)
error = '(PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "Expected %s, got %%.200s", Py_TYPE(%s)->tp_name), 0)' % (, arg)
return check + '||' + error
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code =
# vtabstruct_cname string Name of C method table struct
# vtabptr_cname string Name of pointer to C method table
# vtable_cname string Name of C method table definition
is_extension_type = 1
has_attributes = 1
objtypedef_cname = None
def __init__(self, name, typedef_flag, base_type, is_external=0): = name
self.scope = None
self.vtabptr_cname = None
self.vtable_cname = None
self.is_external = is_external
def set_scope(self, scope):
self.scope = scope
if scope:
scope.parent_type = self
def subtype_of_resolved_type(self, other_type):
if other_type.is_extension_type:
return self is other_type or (
self.base_type and self.base_type.subtype_of(other_type))
return other_type is py_object_type
def typeobj_is_available(self):
# Do we have a pointer to the type object?
return self.typeptr_cname
def typeobj_is_imported(self):
# If we don't know the C name of the type object but we do
# know which module it's defined in, it will be imported.
return self.typeobj_cname is None and self.module_name is not None
def assignable_from(self, src_type):
if self == src_type:
return True
return self.assignable_from(src_type.base_type)
return False
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0, deref = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code =
def attributes_known(self):
return self.scope is not None
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<PyExtensionType %s%s>" % (self.scope.class_name,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
class CType(PyrexType):
# to_py_function string C function for converting to Python object
# from_py_function string C function for constructing from Python object
to_py_function = None
from_py_function = None
exception_value = None
def create_to_py_utility_code(self, env):
return self.to_py_function is not None
def create_from_py_utility_code(self, env):
return self.from_py_function is not None
is_void = 1
def __repr__(self):
return "<CVoidType>"
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code = "void"
base_code = public_decl("void", dll_linkage)
return self.base_declaration_code(base_code, entity_code)
def is_complete(self):
return 0
# rank integer Relative size
# signed integer 0 = unsigned, 1 = unspecified, 2 = explicitly signed
is_numeric = 1
default_value = "0"
has_attributes = True
scope = None
sign_words = ("unsigned ", "", "signed ")
def __init__(self, rank, signed = 1):
self.rank = rank
self.signed = signed
def sign_and_name(self):
s = self.sign_words[self.signed]
n = rank_to_type_name[self.rank]
return s + n
def __repr__(self):
return "<CNumericType %s>" % self.sign_and_name()
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
type_name = self.sign_and_name()
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code = public_decl(type_name, dll_linkage)
return self.base_declaration_code(base_code, entity_code)
def attributes_known(self):
if self.scope is None:
import Symtab
} else {
int one = 1; int little = (int)*(unsigned char *)&one;
unsigned char *bytes = (unsigned char *)&val;
- return _PyLong_FromByteArray(bytes, sizeof(%(type)s),
+ return _PyLong_FromByteArray(bytes, sizeof(%(type)s),
little, !is_unsigned);
from_py_function = "__pyx_PyFloat_AsDouble"
exception_value = -1
def __init__(self, rank, math_h_modifier = ''):
CNumericType.__init__(self, rank, 1)
self.math_h_modifier = math_h_modifier
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
return (src_type.is_numeric and not src_type.is_complex) or src_type is error_type
class CComplexType(CNumericType):
is_complex = 1
to_py_function = "__pyx_PyComplex_FromComplex"
has_attributes = 1
scope = None
def __init__(self, real_type):
while real_type.is_typedef and not real_type.typedef_is_external:
real_type = real_type.typedef_base_type
self.funcsuffix = real_type.math_h_modifier
self.funcsuffix = "_%s" % real_type.specialization_name()
self.real_type = real_type
CNumericType.__init__(self, real_type.rank + 0.5, real_type.signed)
self.binops = {}
return self.real_type == other.real_type
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
if isinstance(self, CComplexType) and isinstance(other, CComplexType):
return self.real_type != other.real_type
def __hash__(self):
return ~hash(self.real_type)
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
real_code = self.real_type.declaration_code("", for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
real_type_name = real_type_name.replace('long__double','long_double')
real_type_name = real_type_name.replace('PY_LONG_LONG','long_long')
return Naming.type_prefix + real_type_name + "_complex"
def assignable_from(self, src_type):
# Temporary hack/feature disabling, see #441
if (not src_type.is_complex and src_type.is_numeric and src_type.is_typedef
return False
return super(CComplexType, self).assignable_from(src_type)
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
return (src_type.is_complex and self.real_type.assignable_from_resolved_type(src_type.real_type)
- or src_type.is_numeric and self.real_type.assignable_from_resolved_type(src_type)
+ or src_type.is_numeric and self.real_type.assignable_from_resolved_type(src_type)
or src_type is error_type)
def attributes_known(self):
if self.scope is None:
import Symtab
- self,
+ self,
real_type = self.real_type.declaration_code(''),
m = self.funcsuffix,
is_float = self.real_type.is_float))
- self,
+ self,
real_type = self.real_type.declaration_code(''),
m = self.funcsuffix,
is_float = self.real_type.is_float))
self.from_py_function = "__Pyx_PyComplex_As_" + self.specialization_name()
return True
def lookup_op(self, nargs, op):
return self.binops[nargs, op]
def unary_op(self, op):
return self.lookup_op(1, op)
def binary_op(self, op):
return self.lookup_op(2, op)
complex_ops = {
(1, '-'): 'neg',
(1, 'zero'): 'is_zero',
class CArrayType(CType):
# base_type CType Element type
# size integer or None Number of elements
is_array = 1
def __init__(self, base_type, size):
self.base_type = base_type
self.size = size
if base_type in (c_char_type, c_uchar_type, c_schar_type):
self.is_string = 1
def __repr__(self):
return "<CArrayType %s %s>" % (self.size, repr(self.base_type))
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return ((other_type.is_array and
or other_type is error_type)
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, src_type):
# Can't assign to a variable of an array type
return 0
def element_ptr_type(self):
return c_ptr_type(self.base_type)
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if self.size is not None:
dimension_code = self.size
return self.base_type.declaration_code(
"%s[%s]" % (entity_code, dimension_code),
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def as_argument_type(self):
return c_ptr_type(self.base_type)
def is_complete(self):
return self.size is not None
class CPtrType(CType):
# base_type CType Referenced type
is_ptr = 1
default_value = "0"
def __init__(self, base_type):
self.base_type = base_type
def __repr__(self):
return "<CPtrType %s>" % repr(self.base_type)
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return ((other_type.is_ptr and
or other_type is error_type)
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
#print "CPtrType.declaration_code: pointer to", self.base_type ###
return self.base_type.declaration_code(
"*%s" % entity_code,
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def assignable_from_resolved_type(self, other_type):
if other_type is error_type:
return 1
return self.base_type.pointer_assignable_from_resolved_type(other_type)
return 0
- if (self.base_type.is_cpp_class and other_type.is_ptr
+ if (self.base_type.is_cpp_class and other_type.is_ptr
and other_type.base_type.is_cpp_class and other_type.base_type.is_subclass(self.base_type)):
return 1
if other_type.is_array or other_type.is_ptr:
return self.base_type.is_void or self.base_type.same_as(other_type.base_type)
return 0
def specialize(self, values):
base_type = self.base_type.specialize(values)
if base_type == self.base_type:
class CNullPtrType(CPtrType):
is_null_ptr = 1
class CReferenceType(BaseType):
def __repr__(self):
return "<CReferenceType %s>" % repr(self.ref_base_type)
def __str__(self):
return "%s &" % self.ref_base_type
def as_argument_type(self):
return self
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
#print "CReferenceType.declaration_code: pointer to", self.base_type ###
return self.ref_base_type.declaration_code(
"&%s" % entity_code,
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def specialize(self, values):
base_type = self.ref_base_type.specialize(values)
if base_type == self.ref_base_type:
# nogil boolean Can be called without gil
# with_gil boolean Acquire gil around function body
# templates [string] or None
is_cfunction = 1
original_sig = None
def __init__(self, return_type, args, has_varargs = 0,
exception_value = None, exception_check = 0, calling_convention = "",
nogil = 0, with_gil = 0, is_overridable = 0, optional_arg_count = 0,
self.with_gil = with_gil
self.is_overridable = is_overridable
self.templates = templates
def __repr__(self):
arg_reprs = map(repr, self.args)
if self.has_varargs:
def calling_convention_prefix(self):
cc = self.calling_convention
if cc:
return cc + " "
return ""
def same_c_signature_as(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(
other_type.resolve(), as_cmethod)
def compatible_signature_with(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.compatible_signature_with_resolved_type(other_type.resolve(), as_cmethod)
def compatible_signature_with_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod):
#print "CFuncType.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type:", \
# self, other_type, "as_cmethod =", as_cmethod ###
if as_cmethod:
self.args[0] = other_type.args[0]
return 1
def narrower_c_signature_than(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.narrower_c_signature_than_resolved_type(other_type.resolve(), as_cmethod)
def narrower_c_signature_than_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod):
if other_type is error_type:
return 1
sc1 = self.calling_convention == '__stdcall'
sc2 = other.calling_convention == '__stdcall'
return sc1 == sc2
def same_exception_signature_as(self, other_type):
return self.same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(
def same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self.exception_value == other_type.exception_value \
and self.exception_check == other_type.exception_check
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type, as_cmethod = 0):
return self.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type, as_cmethod) \
and self.same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type) \
and self.nogil == other_type.nogil
def pointer_assignable_from_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return self.same_c_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type) \
and self.same_exception_signature_as_resolved_type(other_type) \
and not (self.nogil and not other_type.nogil)
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0,
with_calling_convention = 1):
arg_decl_list = []
return self.return_type.declaration_code(
"%s%s(%s)%s" % (cc, entity_code, arg_decl_code, trailer),
for_display, dll_linkage, pyrex)
def function_header_code(self, func_name, arg_code):
return "%s%s(%s)" % (self.calling_convention_prefix(),
func_name, arg_code)
def signature_cast_string(self):
s = self.declaration_code("(*)", with_calling_convention=False)
return '(%s)' % s
def specialize(self, values):
if self.templates is None:
new_templates = None
is_overridable = self.is_overridable,
optional_arg_count = self.optional_arg_count,
templates = new_templates)
def opt_arg_cname(self, arg_name):
return self.op_arg_struct.base_type.scope.lookup(arg_name).cname
self.type = type
self.pos = pos
self.needs_type_test = False # TODO: should these defaults be set in analyse_types()?
def __repr__(self):
return "%s:%s" % (, repr(self.type))
def declaration_code(self, for_display = 0):
return self.type.declaration_code(self.cname, for_display)
def specialize(self, values):
return CFuncTypeArg(, self.type.specialize(values), self.pos, self.cname)
return isinstance(other, StructUtilityCode) and self.header == other.header
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.header)
def put_code(self, output):
code = output['utility_code_def']
proto = output['utility_code_proto']
code.putln("%s {" % self.header)
code.putln("PyObject* res;")
code.putln("PyObject* member;")
if self.forward_decl:
proto.putln(self.type.declaration_code('') + ';')
proto.putln(self.header + ";")
class CStructOrUnionType(CType):
# name string
# scope StructOrUnionScope, or None if incomplete
# typedef_flag boolean
# packed boolean
# entry Entry
is_struct_or_union = 1
has_attributes = 1
def __init__(self, name, kind, scope, typedef_flag, cname, packed=False): = name
self.cname = cname
self.exception_check = True
self._convert_code = None
self.packed = packed
def create_to_py_utility_code(self, env):
if env.outer_scope is None:
return False
return False
forward_decl = (self.entry.visibility != 'extern')
self._convert_code = StructUtilityCode(self, forward_decl)
return True
def __repr__(self):
return "<CStructOrUnionType %s %s%s>" % (, self.cname,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code =
def is_complete(self):
return self.scope is not None
def attributes_known(self):
return self.is_complete()
# cname string
# scope CppClassScope
# templates [string] or None
is_cpp_class = 1
has_attributes = 1
exception_check = True
namespace = None
def __init__(self, name, scope, cname, base_classes, templates = None, template_type = None): = name
self.cname = cname
error(pos, "'%s' type is not a template" % self);
return PyrexTypes.error_type
if len(self.templates) != len(template_values):
- error(pos, "%s templated type receives %d arguments, got %d" %
+ error(pos, "%s templated type receives %d arguments, got %d" %
(, len(self.templates), len(template_values)))
return error_type
return self.specialize(dict(zip(self.templates, template_values)))
def specialize(self, values):
if not self.templates and not self.namespace:
return self
if base_class.is_subclass(other_type):
return 1
return 0
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
if other_type.is_cpp_class:
if self == other_type:
if other_type is error_type:
return True
return other_type.is_cpp_class and other_type.is_subclass(self)
def attributes_known(self):
return self.scope is not None
class TemplatePlaceholderType(CType):
def __init__(self, name): = name
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if entity_code:
return + " " + entity_code
def specialize(self, values):
if self in values:
return values[self]
return ==
return 0
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __cmp__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, TemplatePlaceholderType):
return cmp(,
self.cname = cname
self.values = []
self.typedef_flag = typedef_flag
def __str__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "<CEnumType %s %s%s>" % (, self.cname,
("", " typedef")[self.typedef_flag])
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
if pyrex or for_display:
base_code =
is_string = 1
is_unicode = 0
to_py_function = "PyBytes_FromString"
from_py_function = "PyBytes_AsString"
exception_value = "NULL"
class CUTF8CharArrayType(CStringType, CArrayType):
# C 'char []' type.
is_unicode = 1
to_py_function = "PyUnicode_DecodeUTF8"
exception_value = "NULL"
def __init__(self, size):
CArrayType.__init__(self, c_char_type, size)
class CCharArrayType(CStringType, CArrayType):
# C 'char []' type.
def __init__(self, size):
CArrayType.__init__(self, c_char_type, size)
class CCharPtrType(CStringType, CPtrType):
# C 'char *' type.
def __init__(self):
CPtrType.__init__(self, c_char_type)
class CUCharPtrType(CStringType, CPtrType):
# C 'unsigned char *' type.
to_py_function = "__Pyx_PyBytes_FromUString"
from_py_function = "__Pyx_PyBytes_AsUString"
class UnspecifiedType(PyrexType):
# Used as a placeholder until the type can be determined.
is_unspecified = 1
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
return "<unspecified>"
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return False
class ErrorType(PyrexType):
# Used to prevent propagation of error messages.
is_error = 1
exception_value = "0"
exception_check = 0
to_py_function = "dummy"
from_py_function = "dummy"
def create_to_py_utility_code(self, env):
return True
def create_from_py_utility_code(self, env):
return True
- def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
+ def declaration_code(self, entity_code,
for_display = 0, dll_linkage = None, pyrex = 0):
return "<error>"
def same_as_resolved_type(self, other_type):
return 1
def error_condition(self, result_code):
return "dummy"
def is_promotion(src_type, dst_type):
# It's hard to find a hard definition of promotion, but empirical
- # evidence suggests that the below is all that's allowed.
+ # evidence suggests that the below is all that's allowed.
if src_type.is_numeric:
if dst_type.same_as(c_int_type):
unsigned = (not src_type.signed)
functions based on how much work must be done to convert the
arguments, with the following priorities:
* identical types or pointers to identical types
- * promotions
+ * promotions
* non-Python types
That is, we prefer functions where no arguments need converted,
and failing that, functions where only promotions are required, and
the same weight, we return None (as there is no best match). If pos
is not None, we also generate an error.
- # TODO: args should be a list of types, not a list of Nodes.
+ # TODO: args should be a list of types, not a list of Nodes.
actual_nargs = len(args)
candidates = []
errors.append((func, error_mesg))
candidates.append((func, func_type))
# Optimize the most common case of no overloading...
if len(candidates) == 1:
return candidates[0][0]
error(pos, "no suitable method found")
return None
possibilities = []
bad_types = []
for func, func_type in candidates:
return ntype
widest_type = CComplexType(
- real_type(type1),
+ real_type(type1),
elif type1.is_enum and type2.is_enum:
widest_type = c_int_type
# Find type descriptor for simple type given name and modifiers.
# Returns None if arguments don't make sense.
return modifiers_and_name_to_type.get((signed, longness, name))
def parse_basic_type(name):
base = None
if name.startswith('p_'):
if name.startswith('u'):
name = name[1:]
signed = 0
- elif (name.startswith('s') and
+ elif (name.startswith('s') and
not name.startswith('short')):
name = name[1:]
signed = 2
def same_type(type1, type2):
return type1.same_as(type2)
def assignable_from(type1, type2):
return type1.assignable_from(type2)