--- /dev/null
+I've been using [abcde][] to rip our audio CD collection onto our
+fileserver for a few years now. Then I can play songs from across the
+collection using [[MPD]] without having to dig the original CDs out of
+the closet. I just picked up a large external hard drive and thought
+it might be time to take a look at ripping our DVD collection as well.
+There is an excellent [Quick-n-Dirty Guide][qnd] that goes into more
+detail on all of this, but here's an executive summary.
+Make sure you're kernel understands the [UDF file system][udf]:
+ $ grep CONFIG_UDF_FS /usr/src/linux/.congfig
+If your kernel was compiled with `CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC` enabled, you
+could use
+ $ zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_UDF_FS
+instead, to make sure you're checking the configuration of the
+currently running kernel. If the `udf` driver was compiled as a
+module, make sure it's loaded.
+ $ sudo modprobe udf
+Mount your DVD somewhere:
+ $ sudo mount /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd
+Now you're ready to rip. You've got two options: you can copy the
+VOBs over directly, or rip the DVD into an alternative container
+format such as [Matroska][].
+Mirror the disc with [vobcopy][] (`media-video/vobcopy` on [[Gentoo]]):
+ $ vobcopy -m -t "Awesome_Movie" -v -i /mnt/dvd -o ~/movies/
+Play with [Mplayer][] (`media-video/mplayer` on [[Gentoo]]):
+ $ mplayer -nosub -fs -dvd-device ~/movies/Awesome_Movie dvd://1
+where `-nosub` and `-fs` are optional.
+Remux the disc (without reencoding) with `mkvmerge` (from
+[MKVToolNix][], `media-video/mkvtoolnix` on [[Gentoo]]):
+ $ mkvmerge -o ~/movies/Awesome_Movie.mkv /mnt/dvd/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB
+ (Processing the following files as well: "VTS_01_2.VOB", "VTS_01_3.VOB", "VTS_01_4.VOB", "VTS_01_5.VOB")
+Then you can do all the usual tricks. Here's an example of extracting
+a slice of the Matroska file as silent video in an AVI container with
+`mencoder` (from [Mplayer][], `media-video/mplayer` on [[Gentoo]]):
+ $ mencoder -ss 00:29:20.3 -endpos 00:00:21.6 Awesome_Movie.mkv -nosound -of avi -ovc copy -o silent-clip.avi
+Here's an example of extracting a slice of the Matroska file as audio
+in an AC3 container:
+ $ mencoder -ss 51.1 -endpos 160.9 Awesome_Movie.mkv -of rawaudio -ovc copy -oac copy -o audio-clip.ac3
+You can also take a look through the [Gentoo wiki][gentoo] and [this
+Ubuntu thread][ubuntu] for more ideas.
+[abcde]: http://code.google.com/p/abcde/
+[qnd]: http://www.scottro.net/qnd/qnd-dvd-backup.html
+[UDF]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Disk_Format
+[vobcopy]: http://lpn.rnbhq.org/
+[MKVToolNix]: http://www.bunkus.org/videotools/mkvtoolnix
+[Mplayer]: http://www.mplayerhq.hu/
+[gentoo]: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Ripping_DVD_to_Matroska_and_H.264
+[ubunutu]: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=e45e01b671c1dd08351876fda432f04a&t=1400598&page=2
+[[!tag tags/linux]]
+[[!tag tags/tools]]