-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit eutils toolchain-funcs
+inherit toolchain-funcs
DESCRIPTION="DNS serial number incrementer and reverse zone builder"
KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc x86"
RDEPEND="sys-apps/ed" # dnstouch calls ed to do the dirty work
-src_unpack() {
- unpack ${A}
+src_prepare() {
+ default
+ eapply "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-binary-locations.patch
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-binary-locations.patch
+ # match our bind config
+ sed -e 's|0.0.127.in-addr.arpa|127.in-addr.arpa|g' -i ndu.conf || die
+ # document the support for the chrooted BIND setup
+ cat >> ndu.conf <<-EOF || die
+ // if you use a chrooted setup, then you need to uncomment these lines:
+ //process "/chroot/dns/named.conf"
+ //chroot "/chroot/dns"
- cd "${S}"/src
+ cd src || die
# use the correct compiler
- sed -e 's|gcc|$(CXX)|g' -i Makefile
+ sed -e 's|gcc|$(CXX)|g' -i Makefile || die
# set correct config pathes
- sed -e 's|#define CONFIG_PATH "/etc/"|#define CONFIG_PATH "/etc/bind/"|g' -i ndu.cpp
- sed -e 's|"/etc/ndu.conf"|"/etc/bind/ndu.conf"|g' -i dnstouch.cpp
+ sed -e 's|#define CONFIG_PATH "/etc/"|#define CONFIG_PATH "/etc/bind/"|g' \
+ -i ndu.cpp || die
+ sed -e 's|"/etc/ndu.conf"|"/etc/bind/ndu.conf"|g' -i dnstouch.cpp || die
# hack up something to work around bug #73858
- sed -e 's|execlp("ed", "ed", filename, 0);|execlp("ed", "ed", "-s", filename, 0);|g' -i dnstouch.cpp
+ sed -e 's|execlp("ed", "ed", filename, 0);|execlp("ed", "ed", "-s", filename, 0);|g' \
+ -i dnstouch.cpp || die
# use the correct editor
- sed -e 's|VISUAL|EDITOR|g' -i dnsedit
- cd "${S}"
- # match our bind config
- sed -e 's|0.0.127.in-addr.arpa|127.in-addr.arpa|g' -i ndu.conf
- # document the support for the chrooted BIND setup
- echo '// if you use a chrooted setup, then you need to uncomment these lines:' >>ndu.conf
- echo '//process "/chroot/dns/named.conf"' >>ndu.conf
- echo '//chroot "/chroot/dns"' >>ndu.conf
+ sed -e 's|VISUAL|EDITOR|g' -i dnsedit || die
src_compile() {
- cd "${S}"/src
- emake CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
+ emake -C src CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)"
src_install () {
- into /usr
dobin src/{dnsedit,ndu,dnstouch}
- into /
insinto /etc/bind
doins ndu.conf