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+[[!meta title="Reading IGOR files from Python"]]
+This is the home page for the `igor` package, [[Python]] modules for
+reading files written by [WaveMetrics][] IGOR Pro. Note that if
+you're designing a system, [[HDF5]] is almost certainly a better
+choice for your data file format than IBW or PXP. This package exists
+for those of you who's data is already stuck in an IGOR format.
+When I joined Prof. Yang's lab, there was a good deal of data analysis
+code written in IGOR, and a bunch of old data saved in IGOR binary
+wave (IBW) and packed experiment (PXP) files. I don't use MS Windows,
+so I don't run IGOR, but I still needed a way to get at the data.
+Luckily, the [WaveMetrics][] folks publish [some useful notes][TN]
+which explain the fundamentals of these two file formats ([TN003][]
+for IBW and [PTN003][] for PXP). The file formats are in a goofy
+format, but [strings][] pulls out enough meat to figure out what's
+going on.
+For a while I used a IBW → ASCII reader that I coded up in [[C]], but
+when I joined the [[Hooke]] project during the winter of 2009–2010, I
+translated the reader into [[Python]] to support the drivers for data
+from Asylum Research's [MFP-*][MFP-1D] and related microscopes. This
+scratched my itch for a few years.
+Fast forward to 2012, and for the first time I needed to extract data
+from a PXP file. Since my Python code only supported IBW's, I
+searched around and found [igor.py][] by Paul Kienzle Merlijn van
+Deen. They had a PXP reader, but no reader for stand-alone IBW files.
+I decided to merge the two projects, so I split my reader out of the
+Hooke repository and hacked up the [[Git]] repository referenced
+above. Now it's easy to get a hold of all that useful metadata in a
+hurry. No writing ability yet, but I don't know why you'd want to
+move data that direction anyway ;).
+Parsing dynamic structures with Python
+The IGOR file formats rely on lots of shenanigans with C `struct`s.
+To meld all the structures together in a natural way, I've extended
+Python's standard [struct][] library to support arbitrary nesting and
+dynamic fields. Take a look at [igor.struct][struct.py] for some
+examples. This framework makes it easy to load data from structures
+ struct vector {
+ unsigned int length;
+ short data[length];
+ };
+With the standard `struct` module, you'd read this using the
+functional approach:
+ >>> import struct
+ >>> buffer = b'\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x02\x03\x04'
+ >>> length_struct = struct.Struct('>I')
+ >>> length = length_struct.unpack_from(buffer)[0]
+ >>> data = struct.unpack_from('>' + 'h'*length, buffer, length_struct.size)
+ >>> print(data)
+ (258, 772)
+This obviously works, but keeping track of the offsets, byte ordering,
+etc. can be tedious. My `igor.struct` package allows you to use a
+more object oriented approach:
+ >>> from pprint import pprint
+ >>> from igor.struct import Field, DynamicField, DynamicStructure
+ >>> class DynamicLengthField (DynamicField):
+ ... def pre_pack(self, parents, data):
+ ... "Set the 'length' value to match the data before packing"
+ ... vector_structure = parents[-1]
+ ... vector_data = self._get_structure_data(
+ ... parents, data, vector_structure)
+ ... length = len(vector_data['data'])
+ ... vector_data['length'] = length
+ ... data_field = vector_structure.get_field('data')
+ ... data_field.count = length
+ ... data_field.setup()
+ ... def post_unpack(self, parents, data):
+ ... "Adjust the expected data count to match the 'length' value"
+ ... vector_structure = parents[-1]
+ ... vector_data = self._get_structure_data(
+ ... parents, data, vector_structure)
+ ... length = vector_data['length']
+ ... data_field = vector_structure.get_field('data')
+ ... data_field.count = length
+ ... data_field.setup()
+ >>> dynamic_length_vector = DynamicStructure('vector',
+ ... fields=[
+ ... DynamicLengthField('I', 'length'),
+ ... Field('h', 'data', count=0, array=True),
+ ... ],
+ ... byte_order='>')
+ >>> vector = dynamic_length_vector.unpack(buffer)
+ >>> pprint(vector)
+ {'data': array([258, 772]), 'length': 2}
+While this is overkill for such a simple example, it scales much more
+cleanly than an approach using the standard `struct` module. The main
+benefit is that you can use `Structure` instances as format specifiers
+for `Field` instances. This means that you could specify a C
+structure like:
+ struct vectors {
+ unsigned int length;
+ struct vector data[length];
+ };
+ >>> dynamic_length_vectors = DynamicStructure('vectors',
+ ... fields=[
+ ... DynamicLengthField('I', 'length'),
+ ... Field(dynamic_length_vector, 'data', count=0, array=True),
+ ... ],
+ ... byte_order='>')
+The C code your mimicking probably only uses a handful of dynamic
+approaches. Once you've written classes to handle each of them, it is
+easy to translate arbitrarily complex nested C structures into Python
+The pre-pack and post-unpack hooks also give you a convenient place to
+translate between some C struct's funky format and Python's native
+types. You take care off all that when you define the structure, and
+then any part of your software that uses the structure gets the native
+version automatically.
+[WaveMetrics]: http://www.wavemetrics.com/
+[TN]: ftp://ftp.wavemetrics.net/IgorPro/Technical_Notes/
+[TN003]: ftp://ftp.wavemetrics.net/IgorPro/Technical_Notes/TN003.zip
+[PTN003]: ftp://ftp.wavemetrics.net/IgorPro/Technical_Notes/PTN003.zip
+[strings]: http://www.gnu.org/software/binutils/
+[MFP-1D]: http://www.asylumresearch.com/Products/Mfp1D/Mfp1D.shtml
+[igor.py]: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/igor.py
+[struct]: http://docs.python.org/library/struct.html
+[struct.py]: http://git.tremily.us/?p=igor.git;a=blob;f=igor/struct.py;hb=HEAD
+[[!tag tags/programming]]