--- /dev/null
+[[!meta title="Simulation progress II"]]
+[[!meta date="2008-08-07 02:22:32"]]
+Alright, my tensions now agree with Prof. Yang's simulated tensions
+for 4-domain ubiquitin poly-proteins. Presumably our
+Bell-model-predicted histograms will match up as well, but that will
+have to wait until my jobs make it to the head of the queue on the
+cluster. Yes, shocking as that may seem, someone else (Brad) is using
+the cluster! I was getting spoiled having it all to myself. In the
+last 16 days since Maui has been up we've been running just under 6%
+efficiency. Wohoo ;). Good thing I didn't spend too much time tuning
+for efficiency :p.
+[[!tag programming]]