DIST openafs-1.4.2-src.tar.bz2 12437458 RMD160 821a7064008d26050cdb1715bf04a19aac598578 SHA1 062d78e3ee4237ab09fa3b01fed8b2fb35a7f3e5 SHA256 6a83b393a680c2dbbb186c1adc1acdcfb95f8e2db892ba6e66fe524c6d9b9814
DIST openafs-1.4.3rc2-doc.tar.bz2 3082851 RMD160 a9fe14ba764cbc19de73f7638f1377dc5c5b82ed SHA1 e21bc878753179c406cbd466b8ee244ed1308660 SHA256 e93d7c004ac1ec46ff3a09396ea1d96a43fae92c6f008db1b121f58e2e8d20e3
DIST openafs-1.4.3rc2-src.tar.bz2 12446007 RMD160 c9979778cd1c0a4e767652cecfd60987b8ad4c3b SHA1 89ecf0788099a30ae9737deaeaabae16f1e7fbef SHA256 cdc36adfbab2b516d26ac5393832913ecba07068bd9dfeab5d96508ef4a22912
+DIST openafs-1.4.3rc3-doc.tar.bz2 3083010 RMD160 cb478e40e7be8b4b84278c7f545b89da79d7b142 SHA1 d254312729c26dd9b7ffad44bafe7dad8ff2ef47 SHA256 dd8643105466e22f2f98d850d93f60d2919a4c62d8ef1ba8c2d1a404d2d6d48a
+DIST openafs-1.4.3rc3-src.tar.bz2 12450825 RMD160 64b02b6050ae153eab64595e5a96bc4a4a3a7338 SHA1 6b70af4e6178032d5feccb42d4c705692613ab8b SHA256 e2fbc94bceb50266d2283e9bcb41e0ed6fb50b53fa5b356e6cdf1409886ad3a8
DIST openafs-1.5.14-doc.tar.bz2 3083341 RMD160 c136865938dffcc7cc3afad71e34ea767e571787 SHA1 659e378cf91c27fab53d4e9df827effa529b6d7d SHA256 1ce1f71334410660bf1ca095ec53923b8eb91bc31d05be164f22474b63da6783
DIST openafs-1.5.14-src.tar.bz2 12996037 RMD160 0fd9a9ea296068a4cbbbea7bc2b37aa6f63111f2 SHA1 1632a1479c9fa35249a9a76659df6b1ab8685a1d SHA256 818d450003bac6a623468ac5fe01bb2bd2ef81cffc631e51d815bbca3909762a
DIST openafs-1.5.15-doc.tar.bz2 3084560 RMD160 073195d2954cfe991c1bea41f4d883b75dc5c67e SHA1 b329000532573fe6c6a831324c41497bc2f2d476 SHA256 393713381cee8438eaead0269c47ea4358c17d1bea9dff5c21d196f6cd84fe6c
MD5 7380802f9917bf13055d22549ca1d575 openafs-1.4.3_rc2.ebuild 10323
RMD160 f910a0a9d74625072f693328b0cfc18a34095682 openafs-1.4.3_rc2.ebuild 10323
SHA256 4cc5c8688799c9a5b7b0cf968a8ccd80f313f27a4fe8598f1c31878cb15fcbb3 openafs-1.4.3_rc2.ebuild 10323
+EBUILD openafs-1.4.3_rc3.ebuild 10323 RMD160 c34196b45f73ca81f87bc38adc2b50cd90cf473b SHA1 4437c6ce261c06b297bd30b1dbd8b41aa89daa9d SHA256 ac8390ad6bba5dd06f74af7677d8ea87fc9c51737ffe426ba707b8360df401fc
+MD5 c99f867c559e488c51c517d31674836a openafs-1.4.3_rc3.ebuild 10323
+RMD160 c34196b45f73ca81f87bc38adc2b50cd90cf473b openafs-1.4.3_rc3.ebuild 10323
+SHA256 ac8390ad6bba5dd06f74af7677d8ea87fc9c51737ffe426ba707b8360df401fc openafs-1.4.3_rc3.ebuild 10323
EBUILD openafs-1.5.14.ebuild 10194 RMD160 d7a2c6ad3050c738053d104d1ed3db0517f3854e SHA1 24b82ae0c5c572b32ee080af9e5d964016bde856 SHA256 784b804f83df87eeedeec2d575c7844d31859ffc8d1683806aa677de13faaff9
MD5 884b533779d397f0302f6a26cc6b8e7f openafs-1.5.14.ebuild 10194
RMD160 d7a2c6ad3050c738053d104d1ed3db0517f3854e openafs-1.5.14.ebuild 10194
MD5 c145a797d63c693ead51c586fdd1728f openafs-1.5.15.ebuild 10194
RMD160 d32ab64cc4de52a35d406393261beb9a7ed58ea6 openafs-1.5.15.ebuild 10194
SHA256 0d5109c5ad92f259894efa5e58f37637a8c75546e62ded68c2eef9be32b02639 openafs-1.5.15.ebuild 10194
-MISC ChangeLog 15585 RMD160 f3e090991310c7086431cbe1fe759dfe11b1a389 SHA1 c94c327897227a48bae825c32b92344ffa058c57 SHA256 1fe8dc3a971b6c963206903cb826ec96ee5caeb6f028095faf7691270bbf25cf
-MD5 d91fd7e4d13f91df86ec966b4ad99b63 ChangeLog 15585
-RMD160 f3e090991310c7086431cbe1fe759dfe11b1a389 ChangeLog 15585
-SHA256 1fe8dc3a971b6c963206903cb826ec96ee5caeb6f028095faf7691270bbf25cf ChangeLog 15585
+MISC ChangeLog 15742 RMD160 3e6fc5d68b039537304feb12d21f918ee8829d0d SHA1 0e935cc251e52d78dba683c097e769ae0a042507 SHA256 de911512453ff354e3f946f146abd708e1fa1ad3bf6417f655344a6532c52c92
+MD5 a1357f75a4599558165107cf5da5f662 ChangeLog 15742
+RMD160 3e6fc5d68b039537304feb12d21f918ee8829d0d ChangeLog 15742
+SHA256 de911512453ff354e3f946f146abd708e1fa1ad3bf6417f655344a6532c52c92 ChangeLog 15742
MISC metadata.xml 254 RMD160 1bef8b94265bf2b400fb6235b3e43b504b8d2b71 SHA1 a4ad632b650953fa9c9f203a9c55f58ddba37705 SHA256 90d7dcb6aede67bf64f610984a31fc03573512de9e241db42acb32601373db62
MD5 833551f00cc2163ac7f9eb367ee9caa8 metadata.xml 254
RMD160 1bef8b94265bf2b400fb6235b3e43b504b8d2b71 metadata.xml 254
MD5 0fba58a33300ad92190bfa08b1112baf files/digest-openafs-1.4.3_rc2 798
RMD160 3b6d95e1ea5d017596910334f429c09b623d284d files/digest-openafs-1.4.3_rc2 798
SHA256 8c9f3e566c5ad51ff3a4fbf4f22c0814ca0d6b0330ee0981b22f295b647424bf files/digest-openafs-1.4.3_rc2 798
+MD5 9a149f2091c70efae008240e186b26bc files/digest-openafs-1.4.3_rc3 798
+RMD160 e494af9103600851e960887f209770140a2a059e files/digest-openafs-1.4.3_rc3 798
+SHA256 efe0ffb0f5ddb3f5f438ec7beb7b0df64a9a88be31b67c5fe08c42fc6a4003d5 files/digest-openafs-1.4.3_rc3 798
MD5 04940448773cfbe8cb1b14490472beaa files/digest-openafs-1.5.14 786
RMD160 e02feb89d9f06749b0599159134cb20a524d0afe files/digest-openafs-1.5.14 786
SHA256 0650b47e218d10ee4c78b7377f9f870f4a9747bd7b1f403a295267d4db92aad3 files/digest-openafs-1.5.14 786
--- /dev/null
+# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/net-fs/openafs/openafs-1.4.3_rc3.ebuild,v 1.1 2007/03/08 21:51:58 stefaan Exp $
+inherit flag-o-matic eutils linux-mod toolchain-funcs versionator
+DESCRIPTION="The OpenAFS distributed file system"
+ doc? ( http://openafs.org/dl/${PN}/candidate/${MY_PV}/${MY_P}-doc.tar.bz2 )
+ mirror://gentoo/${PN}-gentoo-${PATCHVER}.tar.bz2"
+LICENSE="IBM openafs-krb5 openafs-krb5-a APSL-2 sun-rpc"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
+IUSE="debug kerberos pam doc"
+ pam? ( sys-libs/pam )
+ kerberos? ( virtual/krb5 )"
+PATCHDIR=${WORKDIR}/gentoo/patches/$(get_version_component_range 1-2)
+src_unpack() {
+ unpack ${A}; cd ${S}
+ # Apply patches to apply chosen compiler settings, fix the hardcoded paths
+ # to be more FHS friendly, and the fix the incorrect typecasts for va_arg
+ EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" epatch ${PATCHDIR}
+ epatch ${FILESDIR}/fs-fix.patch
+ sed -i 's/^[ \t]*XCFLAGS.*//' src/cf/osconf.m4
+ ./regen.sh || die "Failed: regenerating configure script"
+src_compile() {
+ # cannot use "use_with" macro, as --without-krb5-config crashes the econf
+ local myconf=""
+ if use kerberos; then
+ myconf="--with-krb5-conf=$(type -p krb5-config)"
+ fi
+ ARCH="$(tc-arch-kernel)" \
+ econf \
+ $(use_enable pam) \
+ $(use_enable debug) \
+ --enable-largefile-fileserver \
+ --enable-supergroups \
+ --with-linux-kernel-headers=${KV_DIR} \
+ ${myconf} || die econf
+ emake -j1 all_nolibafs || die "Build failed"
+src_install() {
+ make DESTDIR=${D} install_nolibafs || die "Installing failed"
+ # pam_afs and pam_afs.krb have been installed in irregular locations, fix
+ if use pam; then
+ dodir /$(get_libdir)/security
+ mv ${D}/usr/$(get_libdir)/pam_afs* ${D}/$(get_libdir)/security
+ fi
+ # compile_et collides with com_err. Remove it from this package.
+ rm ${D}/usr/bin/compile_et
+ # avoid collision with mit_krb5's version of kpasswd
+ (cd ${D}/usr/bin; mv kpasswd kpasswd_afs)
+ use doc && (cd doc/man-pages/man1; mv kpasswd.1 kpasswd_afs.1)
+ # minimal documentation
+ # documentation package
+ if use doc; then
+ # install manuals
+ doman doc/man-pages/man?/*.?
+ use pam && doman src/pam/pam_afs.5
+ cp -pPR doc/* ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}
+ fi
+ # Gentoo related scripts
+ newconfd ${CONFDIR}/openafs-client openafs-client
+ newconfd ${CONFDIR}/openafs-server openafs-server
+ newinitd ${SCRIPTDIR}/openafs-client openafs-client
+ newinitd ${SCRIPTDIR}/openafs-server openafs-server
+ # used directories: client
+ keepdir /etc/openafs
+ keepdir /var/cache/openafs
+ # used directories: server
+ keepdir /etc/openafs/server
+ diropts -m0700
+ keepdir /var/lib/openafs
+ keepdir /var/lib/openafs/db
+ diropts -m0755
+ keepdir /var/lib/openafs/logs
+ # link logfiles to /var/log
+ dosym ../lib/openafs/logs /var/log/openafs
+migrate_to_fhs() {
+ # conventions:
+ # only automatically migrate if the destination directories are
+ # as of yet non-existant
+ # path translations
+ local oldafsconfdir=${ROOT}usr/afs/etc
+ local newafsconfdir=${ROOT}etc/openafs/server
+ local oldviceetcdir=${ROOT}usr/vice/etc
+ local newviceetcdir=${ROOT}etc/openafs
+ local oldafslocaldir=${ROOT}usr/afs/local
+ local newafslocaldir=${ROOT}var/lib/openafs
+ local oldafsdbdir=${ROOT}usr/afs/db
+ local newafsdbdir=${ROOT}var/lib/openafs/db
+ # detect Transarc afsconfdir
+ local afsconfdir=0
+ [ ! -L ${oldafsconfdir} -a -d ${oldafsconfdir} -a ! -e ${newafsconfdir} ] && afsconfdir=1
+ # detect Transarc viceetcdir
+ local viceetcdir=0
+ local viceetcsoftlink=0
+ if [ -d ${oldviceetcdir} -a ! -e ${newviceetcdir} ]; then
+ if [ ! -L ${oldviceetcdir} ]; then
+ viceetcdir=1
+ else
+ if [ $(readlink ${oldviceetcdir}) = /etc/afs ]; then
+ viceetcdir=1
+ viceetcsoftlink=1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # detect Transarc afslocaldir
+ local afslocaldir=0
+ [ ! -L ${oldafslocaldir} -a -d ${oldafslocaldir} -a ! -e ${newafslocaldir} ] && afslocaldir=1
+ # detect Transarc afsdbdir
+ local afsdbdir=0
+ [ ! -L ${oldafsdbdir} -a -d ${oldafsdbdir} -a ! -e ${newafsdbdir} ] && afsdbdir=1
+ # detect Transarc afsbosconfigdir
+ local afsbosconfigdir=0
+ [ ${afslocaldir} = 1 -a -f ${oldafslocaldir}/BosConfig ] && afsbosconfigdir=1
+ # any of these?
+ local any=$((${afsconfdir}+${viceetcdir}+${afsdbdir}+${afslocaldir}))
+ # No migration needed? Then bail out
+ if [ ${any} = 0 ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # Root not / ? Then do not attempt automatic migration
+ if [ "$ROOT" != "/" ]; then
+ ewarn Old-style configuration files found, but not migrating
+ ewarn because installation rootdir is not /
+ ebeep 5
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # detect whether an installation with old config files is running
+ local pid
+ if pid=$(pgrep -n -U 0 bosserver) &>/dev/null; then
+ # find location of executable
+ if ! executable=$(readlink /proc/${pid}/exe); then
+ die "Couldn't execute readlink on bosserver process"
+ fi
+ # if executable is not located in /usr/sbin, assume Transarc locations
+ if [[ $executable != ${ROOT}usr/sbin/* ]]; then
+ ewarn "Found a running process with the name \"bosserver\" and pid ${pid}"
+ ewarn "that is not located in /usr/sbin. This suggests a running"
+ ewarn "OpenAFS-server with traditional TransARC path conventions."
+ ewarn "This installation procedure aims to migrate old"
+ ewarn "configuration files to new FHS-conform locations."
+ ewarn "Please stop the running server and reattempt the upgrade"
+ die "Installation aborted because of running OpenAFS server"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # warn about migration
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "OpenAFS configuration/data-files have been found in old"
+ ewarn "TransARC-style locations, for which the standard FHS equivalents"
+ ewarn "do not exist yet. "
+ ewarn "Following procedure will copy those files to the new locations such"
+ ewarn "that, given a previously working configuration, both server"
+ ewarn "and client should restart without problems. Files will be copied"
+ ewarn "only, and not removed from the old locations. For assistance"
+ ewarn "in removing the old files, consult the section on Upgrading in"
+ ewarn "the Gentoo OpenAFS documentation"
+ ewarn "(see http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/openafs.xml)"
+ ewarn "Will continue in 30 seconds, press Ctrl-C to abort"
+ ewarn
+ ebeep 10
+ epause 20
+ # fortunately, there's no overlap between the old locations and the new ones
+ # afsconfdir: migrate /usr/afs/etc to /etc/openafs/server
+ if [ ${afsconfdir} = 1 ]; then
+ mkdir -m 755 -p ${newafsconfdir}
+ cp ${oldafsconfdir}/* ${newafsconfdir}
+ fi
+ # viceetcdir: migrate /usr/vice/etc (likely a link to /etc/afs) to /etc/openafs
+ if [ ${viceetcdir} = 1 ]; then
+ mkdir -m 755 -p ${newviceetcdir}
+ cp ${oldviceetcdir}/* ${newviceetcdir}
+ fi
+ # afslocaldir: migrate /usr/afs/local to /var/lib/openafs
+ if [ ${afslocaldir} = 1 ]; then
+ mkdir -m 700 -p ${newafslocaldir}
+ cp ${oldafslocaldir}/* ${newafslocaldir}
+ # afsbosconfigdir: migrate /usr/afs/local/BosConfig to /etc/openafs/BosConfig
+ if [ ${afsbosconfigdir} = 1 ]; then
+ sed -i \
+ -e 's:/usr/afs/bin/:/usr/libexec/openafs/:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/afs/etc:/etc/openafs/server:g' \
+ -e 's:/usr/afs/bin:/usr/bin:g' \
+ ${newafslocaldir}/BosConfig
+ if [ -d ${newviceetcdir} ]; then
+ mv ${newafslocaldir}/BosConfig ${newviceetcdir}
+ else
+ ewarn
+ ewarn "No ${newviceetcdir} found, couldn't move BosConfig there,"
+ ewarn "it will remain in ${newafslocaldir}. Please investigate"
+ ewarn "before attempting to start the server"
+ ewarn
+ ebeep 3
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ # afsdbdir: migrate /usr/afs/db to /var/lib/openafs/db
+ if [ ${afsdbdir} = 1 ]; then
+ mkdir -m 700 -p ${newafsdbdir}
+ cp ${oldafsdbdir}/* ${newafsdbdir}
+ fi
+ ewarn "Migration finished"
+ ewarn "Please remember to manually migrate disk-cache (if present)"
+ ewarn "Alter /etc/openafs/cacheinfo to do so"
+ ebeep 5
+migrate_configfile() {
+ local oldconfigfile=${ROOT}etc/conf.d/afs
+ local oldconfigfile2=${ROOT}etc/conf.d/afs-client
+ local newconfigfile=${ROOT}etc/conf.d/openafs-client
+ if [ -f ${oldconfigfile} -a ! -e ${newconfigfile} ]; then
+ cp ${oldconfigfile} ${newconfigfile}
+ elif [ -f ${oldconfigfile2} -a ! -e ${newconfigfile} ]; then
+ cp ${oldconfigfile2} ${newconfigfile}
+ fi
+ oldconfigfile=${ROOT}etc/conf.d/afs-server
+ newconfigfile=${ROOT}etc/conf.d/openafs-server
+ if [ -f ${oldconfigfile} -a ! -e ${newconfigfile} ]; then
+ cp ${oldconfigfile} ${newconfigfile}
+ fi
+pkg_preinst() {
+ migrate_to_fhs
+ migrate_configfile
+ ## Somewhat intelligently install default configuration files
+ ## (when they are not present)
+ # CellServDB
+ if [ ! -e ${ROOT}etc/openafs/CellServDB ] \
+ || grep "GCO Public CellServDB" ${ROOT}etc/openafs/CellServDB &> /dev/null
+ then
+ cp ${CONFDIR}/CellServDB ${IMAGE}etc/openafs
+ fi
+ # cacheinfo: use a default location cache, 200 megabyte in size
+ # (should be safe for about any root partition, the user can increase
+ # the size as required)
+ if [ ! -e ${ROOT}etc/openafs/cacheinfo ]; then
+ echo "/afs:/var/cache/openafs:200000" > ${IMAGE}etc/openafs/cacheinfo
+ fi
+ # ThisCell: default to "openafs.org"
+ if [ ! -e ${ROOT}etc/openafs/ThisCell ]; then
+ echo "openafs.org" > ${IMAGE}etc/openafs/ThisCell
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "If you are upgrading from a < 1.4.0_rc8 version of the ebuild,"
+ einfo "we urge you to look at the upgrade-section of the"
+ einfo "Gentoo OpenAFS documentation. (If you're upgrading from"
+ einfo "< 1.3.85, then you really really should)"
+ ebeep 5
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "This installation should work out of the box (at least the"
+ einfo "client part doing global afs-cell browsing, unless you had"
+ einfo "a previous and different configuration). If you want to"
+ einfo "set up your own cell or modify the standard config,"
+ einfo "please have a look at the Gentoo OpenAFS documentation"
+ einfo "(warning: it is not yet up to date wrt the new file locations)"
+ einfo ""
+ einfo "The documentation can be found at:"
+ einfo " http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/openafs.xml"
+ epause 5