Ignore the branch.autosetupmerge configuration variable.
+--contains <commit>::
+ Only list branches which contain the specified commit.
+ Only list branches which are fully contained by HEAD.
+ Do not list branches which are fully contained by HEAD.
The name of the branch to create or delete.
The new branch name must pass all checks defined by
easier to use the git checkout command with its `-b` option to create
a branch and check it out with a single command.
+The options `--contains`, `--merged` and `--no-merged` serves three related
+but different purposes:
+- `--contains <commit>` is used to find all branches which will need
+ special attention if <commit> were to be rebased or amended, since those
+ branches contain the specified <commit>.
+- `--merged` is used to find all branches which can be safely deleted,
+ since those branches are fully contained by HEAD.
+- `--no-merged` is used to find branches which are candidates for merging
+ into HEAD, since those branches are not fully contained by HEAD.