-[[!template id=gitrepo repo=dotfiles]]
+[[!template id=gitrepo repo="dotfiles-framework"]]
+[[!template id=gitrepo repo="dotfiles-public"]]
Keep all those pesky config files in one place. Inspired by (and
sharing much code with) [Steve Kemp's implementation][SK] (Steve's
[blog post][] gives a bit of historical background).
+I've restructured things a bit so the [installation framework] is a
+stand-alone package (containing `dotfiles.sh`). You can install
+several dotfiles repositories in parallel, allowing you to publish
+your public dotfiles for general consumption, while at the same time
+distributing your private dotfiles over secure channels. See the
+[README][] for more details.
[SK]: http://repository.steve.org.uk/cgi-bin/hgwebdir.cgi/dotfiles/file/tip?file/tip/
[blog post]: http://blog.steve.org.uk/didn_t_i_kill_you_already_.html
+[README]: http://physics.drexel.edu/~wking/code/git/gitweb.cgi?p=dotfiles-framework.git;a=blob;f=README;hb=HEAD
[[!tag tags/linux]]
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