"v":"--verbose", "V":"--version"
+ Larry loves Gentoo (%s)
+ _______________________
+< Have you mooed today? >
+ -----------------------
+ \ ^__^
+ \ (oo)\_______
+ (__)\ )\/\
+ ||----w |
+ || ||
def chk_updated_info_files(root, infodirs, prev_mtimes, retval):
if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/install-info"):
actions = frozenset([
"clean", "check-news", "config", "depclean", "help",
- "info", "list-sets", "metadata",
+ "info", "list-sets", "metadata", "moo",
"prune", "regen", "search",
"sync", "unmerge", "version",
del mytrees, mydb
if "moo" in myfiles:
- print("""
- Larry loves Gentoo (""" + platform.system() + """)
- _______________________
-< Have you mooed today? >
- -----------------------
- \ ^__^
- \ (oo)\_______
- (__)\ )\/\
- ||----w |
- || ||
+ print(COWSAY_MOO % platform.system())
+ msg = ("The above `emerge moo` display is deprecated. "
+ "Please use `emerge --moo` instead.")
+ for line in textwrap.wrap(msg, 50):
+ print(" %s %s" % (colorize("WARN", "*"), line))
for x in myfiles:
ext = os.path.splitext(x)[1]
root_config = trees[settings['EROOT']]['root_config']
- if myaction == "list-sets":
+ if myaction == "moo":
+ print(COWSAY_MOO % platform.system())
+ return os.EX_OK
+ elif myaction == "list-sets":
writemsg_stdout("".join("%s\n" % s for s in sorted(root_config.sets)))
return os.EX_OK
elif myaction == "check-news":