Hooke - A force spectroscopy review & analysis tool.
+A free, open source data analysis platform
-import Queue as queue
import multiprocessing
+from . import engine as engine
from . import config as config_mod
from . import plugin as plugin_mod
from . import driver as driver_mod
-import copy
-import cStringIO
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-import glob
-import time
-#import libhooke as lh
-#import drivers
-#import plugins
-#import hookecommands
-#import hookeplaylist
-#import hookepropertyeditor
-#import hookeresults
-#import playlist
+from . import ui as ui
class Hooke (object):
def __init__(self, config=None, debug=0):
self.debug = debug
default_settings = (config_mod.DEFAULT_SETTINGS
+ plugin_mod.default_settings()
- + driver_mod.default_settings())
+ + driver_mod.default_settings()
+ + ui.default_settings())
if config == None:
config = config_mod.HookeConfigParser(
self.config = config
+ self.load_ui()
+ self.command = engine.CommandEngine()
def load_plugins(self):
self.plugins = plugin_mod.load_graph(
self.drivers = plugin_mod.load_graph(
driver_mod.DRIVER_GRAPH, self.config, include_section='drivers')
+ def load_ui(self):
+ self.ui = ui.load_ui(self.config)
def close(self):
- if self.config.changed:
- self.config.write() # Does not preserve original comments
+ self.config.write() # Does not preserve original comments
- def playlist_status(self, playlist):
- if playlist.has_curves():
- return '%s (%s/%s)' % (playlist.name, playlist._index + 1,
- len(playlist))
- return 'The playlist %s does not contain any valid force curve data.' \
- % self.name
+ def run(self):
+ """Run Hooke's main execution loop.
-# def _GetActiveCurveIndex(self):
-# playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
-# #get the selected item from the tree
-# selected_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetSelection()
-# #test if a playlist or a curve was double-clicked
-# if self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.ItemHasChildren(selected_item):
-# return -1
-# else:
-# count = 0
-# selected_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetPrevSibling(selected_item)
-# while selected_item.IsOk():
-# count += 1
-# selected_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetPrevSibling(selected_item)
-# return count
-# def _GetActivePlaylistName(self):
-# #get the selected item from the tree
-# selected_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetSelection()
-# #test if a playlist or a curve was double-clicked
-# if self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.ItemHasChildren(selected_item):
-# playlist_item = selected_item
-# else:
-# #get the name of the playlist
-# playlist_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetItemParent(selected_item)
-# #now we have a playlist
-# return self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetItemText(playlist_item)
-# def _GetPlaylistTab(self, name):
-# for index, page in enumerate(self.plotNotebook._tabs._pages):
-# if page.caption == name:
-# return index
-# return -1
-# def _GetUniquePlaylistName(self, name):
-# playlist_name = name
-# count = 1
-# while playlist_name in self.playlists:
-# playlist_name = ''.join([name, str(count)])
-# count += 1
-# return playlist_name
-# def _SavePerspectiveToFile(self, name, perspective):
-# filename = ''.join([name, '.txt'])
-# filename = lh.get_file_path(filename, ['perspectives'])
-# perspectivesFile = open(filename, 'w')
-# perspectivesFile.write(perspective)
-# perspectivesFile.close()
-# def AddPlaylist(self, playlist=None, name='Untitled'):
-# #TODO: change cursor or progressbar (maybe in statusbar)
-# #self.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
-# if playlist and playlist.count > 0:
-# playlist.name = self._GetUniquePlaylistName(name)
-# playlist.reset()
-# self.AddToPlaylists(playlist)
-# def AddPlaylistFromFiles(self, files=[], name='Untitled'):
-# #TODO: change cursor or progressbar (maybe in statusbar)
-# #self.SetCursor(wx.StockCursor(wx.CURSOR_ARROW))
-# if files:
-# playlist = Playlist.Playlist(self.drivers)
-# for item in files:
-# playlist.append_curve_by_path(item)
-# if playlist.count > 0:
-# playlist.name = self._GetUniquePlaylistName(name)
-# playlist.reset()
-# self.AddToPlaylists(playlist)
-# def AddToPlaylists(self, playlist):
-# if playlist.has_curves:
-# #setup the playlist in the Playlist tree
-# tree_root = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetRootItem()
-# playlist_root = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.AppendItem(tree_root, playlist.name, 0)
-# #add all curves to the Playlist tree
-# curves = {}
-# for index, curve in enumerate(playlist.curves):
-# ##remove the extension from the name of the curve
-# ##TODO: optional?
-# #item_text, extension = os.path.splitext(curve.name)
-# #curve_ID = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.AppendItem(playlist_root, item_text, 1)
-# curve_ID = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.AppendItem(playlist_root, curve.name, 1)
-# if index == playlist.index:
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.SelectItem(curve_ID)
-# playlist.reset()
-# #create the plot tab and add playlist to the dictionary
-# plotPanel = wxmpl.PlotPanel(self, ID_FirstPlot + len(self.playlists))
-# notebook_tab = self.plotNotebook.AddPage(plotPanel, playlist.name, True)
-# tab_index = self.plotNotebook.GetSelection()
-# figure = plotPanel.get_figure()
-# self.playlists[playlist.name] = [playlist, figure]
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.Expand(playlist_root)
-# self.statusbar.SetStatusText(playlist.get_status_string(), 0)
-# self.UpdatePlot()
-# def AppendToOutput(self, text):
-# self.panelOutput.AppendText(''.join([text, '\n']))
-# def CreateApplicationIcon(self):
-# iconFile = 'resources' + os.sep + 'microscope.ico'
-# icon = wx.Icon(iconFile, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ICO)
-# self.SetIcon(icon)
-# def CreateCommandLine(self):
-# return wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', style=wx.NO_BORDER|wx.EXPAND)
-# def CreatePanelAssistant(self):
-# panel = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', wx.Point(0, 0), wx.Size(150, 90), wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TE_MULTILINE)
-# panel.SetEditable(False)
-# return panel
-# def CreatePanelCommands(self):
-# return hookecommands.Commands(self)
-# def CreatePanelFolders(self):
-# #set file filters
-# filters = self.config['folders']['filters']
-# index = self.config['folders'].as_int('filterindex')
-# #set initial directory
-# folder = self.config['general']['workdir']
-# return wx.GenericDirCtrl(self, -1, dir=folder, size=(200, 250), style=wx.DIRCTRL_SHOW_FILTERS, filter=filters, defaultFilter=index)
-# def CreatePanelOutput(self):
-# return wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, '', wx.Point(0, 0), wx.Size(150, 90), wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TE_MULTILINE)
-# def CreatePanelPlaylists(self):
-# return hookeplaylist.Playlists(self)
-# def CreatePanelProperties(self):
-# return hookepropertyeditor.PropertyEditor(self)
-# def CreatePanelResults(self):
-# return hookeresults.Results(self)
-# def CreatePanelWelcome(self):
-# ctrl = wx.html.HtmlWindow(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.Size(400, 300))
-# introStr = '<h1>Welcome to Hooke</h1>' + \
-# '<h3>Features</h3>' + \
-# '<ul>' + \
-# '<li>View, annotate, measure force curves</li>' + \
-# '<li>Worm-like chain fit of force peaks</li>' + \
-# '<li>Automatic convolution-based filtering of empty curves</li>' + \
-# '<li>Automatic fit and measurement of multiple force peaks</li>' + \
-# '<li>Handles force-clamp force experiments (experimental)</li>' + \
-# '<li>It is extensible by users by means of plugins and drivers</li>' + \
-# '</ul>' + \
-# '<p>See the <a href="/p/hooke/wiki/DocumentationIndex">DocumentationIndex</a> for more information</p>'
-# ctrl.SetPage(introStr)
-# return ctrl
-# def CreateMenuBar(self):
-# menu_bar = wx.MenuBar()
-# #file
-# file_menu = wx.Menu()
-# file_menu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, '&Open playlist\tCtrl-O')
-# file_menu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, 'Save playlist\tCtrl-S')
-# file_menu.AppendSeparator()
-# file_menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, 'Exit\tCtrl-Q')
-# #edit
-# edit_menu = wx.Menu()
-# edit_menu.Append(ID_ExportText, 'Export text...')
-# edit_menu.Append(ID_ExportImage, 'Export image...')
-# edit_menu.AppendSeparator();
-# edit_menu.Append(ID_Config, 'Preferences')
-# #view
-# view_menu = wx.Menu()
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewFolders, 'Folders\tF5')
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewPlaylists, 'Playlists\tF6')
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewCommands, 'Commands\tF7')
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewProperties, 'Properties\tF8')
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewAssistant, 'Assistant\tF9')
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewResults, 'Results\tF10')
-# view_menu.AppendCheckItem(ID_ViewOutput, 'Output\tF11')
-# #perspectives
-# self._perspectives_menu = self.CreatePerspectivesMenu()
-# #help
-# help_menu = wx.Menu()
-# help_menu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT, 'About Hooke')
-# #put it all together
-# menu_bar.Append(file_menu, 'File')
-# menu_bar.Append(edit_menu, 'Edit')
-# menu_bar.Append(view_menu, 'View')
-# menu_bar.Append(self._perspectives_menu, "Perspectives")
-# menu_bar.Append(help_menu, 'Help')
-# self.SetMenuBar(menu_bar)
-# def CreateNotebook(self):
-# # create the notebook off-window to avoid flicker
-# client_size = self.GetClientSize()
-# ctrl = aui.AuiNotebook(self, -1, wx.Point(client_size.x, client_size.y), wx.Size(430, 200), self._notebook_style)
-# arts = [aui.AuiDefaultTabArt, aui.AuiSimpleTabArt, aui.VC71TabArt, aui.FF2TabArt, aui.VC8TabArt, aui.ChromeTabArt]
-# art = arts[self._notebook_theme]()
-# ctrl.SetArtProvider(art)
-# #uncomment if we find a nice icon
-# #page_bmp = wx.ArtProvider.GetBitmap(wx.ART_NORMAL_FILE, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# ctrl.AddPage(self.CreatePanelWelcome(), "Welcome", False)
-# return ctrl
-# def CreatePerspectivesMenu(self):
-# menu = wx.Menu()
-# menu.Append(ID_SavePerspective, "Save Perspective")
-# menu.Append(ID_DeletePerspective, "Delete Perspective")
-# menu.AppendSeparator()
-# #add perspectives to menubar and _perspectives
-# perspectivesDirectory = os.path.join(lh.hookeDir, 'perspectives')
-# if os.path.isdir(perspectivesDirectory):
-# perspectiveFileNames = os.listdir(perspectivesDirectory)
-# for perspectiveFilename in perspectiveFileNames:
-# filename = lh.get_file_path(perspectiveFilename, ['perspectives'])
-# if os.path.isfile(filename):
-# perspectiveFile = open(filename, 'rU')
-# perspective = perspectiveFile.readline()
-# perspectiveFile.close()
-# if perspective != '':
-# name, extension = os.path.splitext(perspectiveFilename)
-# if extension == '.txt':
-# menuItem = menu.AppendRadioItem(ID_FirstPerspective + len(self._perspectives), name)
-# self._perspectives[name] = [len(self._perspectives), perspective]
-# if self.config['perspectives']['active'] == name:
-# menuItem.Check()
-# #in case there are no perspectives
-# if not self._perspectives:
-# perspective = self._mgr.SavePerspective()
-# self.config['perspectives']['default'] = 'Default'
-# self._perspectives['Default'] = [0, perspective]
-# menuItem = menu.AppendRadioItem(ID_FirstPerspective, 'Default')
-# menuItem.Check()
-# self._SavePerspectiveToFile('Default', perspective)
-# return menu
-# def CreateStatusbar(self):
-# statusbar = self.CreateStatusBar(2, wx.ST_SIZEGRIP)
-# statusbar.SetStatusWidths([-2, -3])
-# statusbar.SetStatusText('Ready', 0)
-# welcomeString=u'Welcome to Hooke (version '+__version__+', '+__release_name__+')!'
-# statusbar.SetStatusText(welcomeString, 1)
-# return statusbar
-# def CreateToolBar(self):
-# toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_NODIVIDER)
-# toolbar.SetToolBitmapSize(wx.Size(16,16))
-# toolbar_bmp1 = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_QUESTION, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar_bmpOpen = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_OPEN, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar_bmpSave = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_FILE_SAVE, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar_bmpExportText = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_NORMAL_FILE, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar_bmpExportImage = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_MISSING_IMAGE, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar.AddLabelTool(101, 'Open', toolbar_bmpOpen)
-# toolbar.AddLabelTool(102, 'Save', toolbar_bmpSave)
-# toolbar.AddSeparator()
-# toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_ExportText, 'Export text...', toolbar_bmpExportText)
-# toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_ExportImage, 'Export image...', toolbar_bmpExportImage)
-# toolbar.Realize()
-# return toolbar
-# def CreateToolBarNavigation(self):
-# toolbar = wx.ToolBar(self, -1, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_NODIVIDER)
-# toolbar.SetToolBitmapSize(wx.Size(16,16))
-# toolbar_bmpBack = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_GO_BACK, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar_bmpForward = wx.ArtProvider_GetBitmap(wx.ART_GO_FORWARD, wx.ART_OTHER, wx.Size(16, 16))
-# toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_Previous, 'Previous', toolbar_bmpBack, shortHelp='Previous curve')
-# toolbar.AddLabelTool(ID_Next, 'Next', toolbar_bmpForward, shortHelp='Next curve')
-# toolbar.Realize()
-# return toolbar
-# def DeleteFromPlaylists(self, name):
-# if name in self.playlists:
-# del self.playlists[name]
-# tree_root = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetRootItem()
-# item, cookie = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetFirstChild(tree_root)
-# while item.IsOk():
-# playlist_name = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetItemText(item)
-# if playlist_name == name:
-# try:
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.Delete(item)
-# except:
-# pass
-# item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetNextSibling(item)
-# self.OnPlaylistsLeftDclick(None)
-# def DeletePlotPage(self, name):
-# index = self._GetPlaylistTab(name)
-# plot = self.playlists[name][1]
-# plot = None
-# self.plotNotebook.RemovePage(index)
-# self.DeleteFromPlaylists(name)
-# def GetActiveCurve(self):
-# playlist = self.GetActivePlaylist()
-# if playlist is not None:
-# return playlist.active_curve()
-# return None
-# def GetActivePlaylist(self):
-# playlist_name = self._GetActivePlaylistName()
-# if playlist_name in self.playlists:
-# return self.playlists[playlist_name][0]
-# return None
-# def GetActivePlot(self):
-# curve = self.GetActiveCurve()
-# if curve is not None:
-# return curve.plots[0]
-# return None
-# def GetDockArt(self):
-# return self._mgr.GetArtProvider()
-# def GetBoolFromConfig(self, *args):
-# if len(args) == 2:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[0]
-# key = args[1]
-# elif len(args) == 3:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[1]
-# key = args[2]
-# if self.configs.has_key(plugin):
-# config = self.configs[plugin]
-# return config[section][key].as_bool('value')
-# return None
-# def GetFloatFromConfig(self, *args):
-# if len(args) == 2:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[0]
-# key = args[1]
-# elif len(args) == 3:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[1]
-# key = args[2]
-# if self.configs.has_key(plugin):
-# config = self.configs[plugin]
-# return config[section][key].as_float('value')
-# return None
-# def GetIntFromConfig(self, *args):
-# if len(args) == 2:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[0]
-# key = args[1]
-# elif len(args) == 3:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[1]
-# key = args[2]
-# if self.configs.has_key(plugin):
-# config = self.configs[plugin]
-# return config[section][key].as_int('value')
-# return None
-# def GetStringFromConfig(self, *args):
-# if len(args) == 2:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[0]
-# key = args[1]
-# elif len(args) == 3:
-# plugin = args[0]
-# section = args[1]
-# key = args[2]
-# if self.configs.has_key(plugin):
-# config = self.configs[plugin]
-# return config[section][key]['value']
-# return None
-# def GetPerspectiveMenuItem(self, name):
-# index = self._perspectives[name][0]
-# perspective_Id = ID_FirstPerspective + index
-# menu_item = self.MenuBar.FindItemById(perspective_Id)
-# return menu_item
-# def HasPlotmanipulator(self, name):
-# '''
-# returns True if the plotmanipulator 'name' is loaded, False otherwise
-# '''
-# for plotmanipulator in self.plotmanipulators:
-# if plotmanipulator[0] == name:
-# return True
-# return False
-# def OnAbout(self, event):
-# msg = 'Hooke\n\n'+\
-# 'A free, open source data analysis platform\n'+\
-# '(c) 2006-2008 Massimo Sandal\n\n'+\
-# '(c) 2009 Dr. Rolf Schmidt\n\n'+\
-# 'Released under the GNU GPL v2'
-# dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, "About Hooke", wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)
-# dialog.ShowModal()
-# dialog.Destroy()
-# def OnClose(self, event):
-# #apply changes
-# self.config['main']['height'] = str(self.GetSize().GetHeight())
-# self.config['main']['left'] = str(self.GetPosition()[0])
-# self.config['main']['top'] = str(self.GetPosition()[1])
-# self.config['main']['width'] = str(self.GetSize().GetWidth())
-# # Writing the configuration file to 'hooke.ini'
-# self.config.write()
-# self._mgr.UnInit()
-# del self._mgr
-# self.Destroy()
-# def OnDeletePerspective(self, event):
-# pass
-# def OnDirCtrlLeftDclick(self, event):
-# file_path = self.panelFolders.GetPath()
-# if os.path.isfile(file_path):
-# if file_path.endswith('.hkp'):
-# self.do_loadlist(file_path)
-# else:
-# pass
-# event.Skip()
-# def OnEraseBackground(self, event):
-# event.Skip()
-# def OnExecute(self, event):
-# item = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetSelection()
-# if item.IsOk():
-# if self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.ItemHasChildren(item):
-# pass
-# else:
-# #get the plugin
-# parent = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemParent(item)
-# if not self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.ItemHasChildren(item):
-# parent_text = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(parent)
-# item_text = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(item)
-# if item_text in ['genlist', 'loadlist', 'savelist']:
-# property_values = self.panelProperties.GetPropertyValues()
-# arg_str = ''
-# for item in property_values:
-# arg_str = ''.join([arg_str, item, '=r"', str(property_values[item]), '", '])
-# command = ''.join(['self.do_', item_text, '(', arg_str, ')'])
-# else:
-# command = ''.join(['self.do_', item_text, '()'])
-# exec(command)
-# pass
-# def OnExit(self, event):
-# self.Close()
-# def OnExportImage(self, event):
-# pass
-# def OnNext(self, event):
-# '''
-# Go to the next curve in the playlist.
-# If we are at the last curve, we come back to the first.
-# -----
-# Syntax: next, n
-# '''
-# selected_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetSelection()
-# if self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.ItemHasChildren(selected_item):
-# #GetFirstChild returns a tuple
-# #we only need the first element
-# next_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetFirstChild(selected_item)[0]
-# else:
-# next_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetNextSibling(selected_item)
-# if not next_item.IsOk():
-# parent_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetItemParent(selected_item)
-# #GetFirstChild returns a tuple
-# #we only need the first element
-# next_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetFirstChild(parent_item)[0]
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.SelectItem(next_item, True)
-# playlist = self.playlists[self._GetActivePlaylistName()][0]
-# if playlist.count > 1:
-# playlist.next()
-# self.statusbar.SetStatusText(playlist.get_status_string(), 0)
-# self.UpdatePlot()
-# def OnNotebookPageClose(self, event):
-# ctrl = event.GetEventObject()
-# playlist_name = ctrl.GetPageText(ctrl._curpage)
-# self.DeleteFromPlaylists(playlist_name)
-# def OnPaneClose(self, event):
-# event.Skip()
-# def OnPlaylistsLeftDclick(self, event):
-# playlist_name = self._GetActivePlaylistName()
-# #if that playlist already exists
-# #we check if it is the active playlist (ie selected in panelPlaylists)
-# #and switch to it if necessary
-# if playlist_name in self.playlists:
-# index = self.plotNotebook.GetSelection()
-# current_playlist = self.plotNotebook.GetPageText(index)
-# #new_playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name][0]
-# #if current_playlist != new_playlist:
-# if current_playlist != playlist_name:
-# index = self._GetPlaylistTab(playlist_name)
-# self.plotNotebook.SetSelection(index)
-# #if a curve was double-clicked
-# item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetSelection()
-# #TODO: fix with active_curve
-# if not self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.ItemHasChildren(item):
-# index = self._GetActiveCurveIndex()
-# else:
-# index = 0
-# if index >= 0:
-# playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name][0]
-# playlist.index = index
-# self.statusbar.SetStatusText(playlist.get_status_string(), 0)
-# self.UpdatePlot()
-# #if you uncomment the following line, the tree will collapse/expand as well
-# #event.Skip()
-# def OnPlaylistsLeftDown(self, event):
-# hit_item, hit_flags = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
-# if (hit_flags & wx.TREE_HITTEST_ONITEM) != 0:
-# #self.SetFocus()
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.SelectItem(hit_item)
-# playlist_name = self._GetActivePlaylistName()
-# playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name][0]
-# #if a curve was clicked
-# item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetSelection()
-# if not self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.ItemHasChildren(item):
-# #TODO: fix with active_curve
-# index = self._GetActiveCurveIndex()
-# if index >= 0:
-# #playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name][0]
-# playlist.index = index
-# #self.playlists[playlist_name][0].index = index
-# #else:
-# ##self.playlists[playlist_name][0].index = 0
-# #playlist.index = index
-# self.playlists[playlist_name][0] = playlist
-# event.Skip()
-# def OnPrevious(self, event):
-# '''
-# Go to the previous curve in the playlist.
-# If we are at the first curve, we jump to the last.
-# -------
-# Syntax: previous, p
-# '''
-# #playlist = self.playlists[self._GetActivePlaylistName()][0]
-# #select the previous curve and tell the user if we wrapped around
-# #self.AppendToOutput(playlist.previous())
-# selected_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetSelection()
-# if self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.ItemHasChildren(selected_item):
-# previous_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetLastChild(selected_item)
-# else:
-# previous_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetPrevSibling(selected_item)
-# if not previous_item.IsOk():
-# parent_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetItemParent(selected_item)
-# previous_item = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetLastChild(parent_item)
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.SelectItem(previous_item, True)
-# playlist = self.playlists[self._GetActivePlaylistName()][0]
-# if playlist.count > 1:
-# playlist.previous()
-# self.statusbar.SetStatusText(playlist.get_status_string(), 0)
-# self.UpdatePlot()
-# def OnPropGridChanged (self, event):
-# prop = event.GetProperty()
-# if prop:
-# item_section = self.panelProperties.SelectedTreeItem
-# item_plugin = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemParent(item_section)
-# plugin = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(item_plugin)
-# config = self.configs[plugin]
-# property_section = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(item_section)
-# property_key = prop.GetName()
-# property_value = prop.GetValue()
-# config[property_section][property_key]['value'] = property_value
-# def OnPropGridSelect(self, event):
-# pass
-# def OnRestorePerspective(self, event):
-# name = self.MenuBar.FindItemById(event.GetId()).GetLabel()
-# self._mgr.LoadPerspective(self._perspectives[name][1])
-# self.config['perspectives']['active'] = name
-# self._mgr.Update()
-# all_panes = self._mgr.GetAllPanes()
-# for pane in all_panes:
-# if not pane.name.startswith('toolbar'):
-# if pane.name == 'Assistant':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewAssistant).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# if pane.name == 'Folders':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewFolders).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# if pane.name == 'Playlists':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewPlaylists).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# if pane.name == 'Commands':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewCommands).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# if pane.name == 'Properties':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewProperties).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# if pane.name == 'Output':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewOutput).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# if pane.name == 'Results':
-# self.MenuBar.FindItemById(ID_ViewResults).Check(pane.window.IsShown())
-# def OnResultsCheck(self, index, flag):
-# curve = self.GetActiveCurve()
-# result = curve.data['results'][index]['visible'] = flag
-# self.UpdatePlot()
-# def OnSavePerspective(self, event):
-# def nameExists(name):
-# for item in self._perspectives_menu.GetMenuItems():
-# if item.GetText() == name:
-# return True
-# return False
-# done = False
-# while not done:
-# dialog = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Enter a name for the new perspective:', 'Save perspective')
-# dialog.SetValue('New perspective')
-# if dialog.ShowModal() != wx.ID_OK:
-# return
-# else:
-# name = dialog.GetValue()
-# if nameExists(name):
-# dialogConfirm = wx.MessageDialog(self, 'A file with this name already exists.\n\nDo you want to replace it?', 'Confirm', wx.YES_NO|wx.ICON_QUESTION|wx.CENTER)
-# if dialogConfirm.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
-# done = True
-# else:
-# done = True
-# perspective = self._mgr.SavePerspective()
-# if nameExists(name):
-# #check the corresponding menu item
-# menuItem = self.GetPerspectiveMenuItem(name)
-# #replace the perspectiveStr in _pespectives
-# index = self._perspectives[name][0]
-# self._perspectives[name] = [index, perspective]
-# else:
-# #simply add the new perspective to _perspectives
-# index = len(self._perspectives)
-# self._perspectives[name] = [len(self._perspectives), perspective]
-# menuItem = self._perspectives_menu.AppendRadioItem(ID_FirstPerspective + len(self._perspectives), name)
-# menuItem.Check()
-# self._SavePerspectiveToFile(name, perspective)
-# #uncheck all perspective menu items
-# #as these are radio items, one item has to be checked at all times
-# #the line 'menuItem.Check()' above actually checks a second item
-# #but does not toggle
-# #so we need to uncheck all other items afterwards
-# #weirdly enough, menuitem.Toggle() doesn't do this properly either
-# for item in self._perspectives_menu.GetMenuItems():
-# if item.IsCheckable():
-# if item.GetLabel() != name:
-# item.Check(False)
-# def OnView(self, event):
-# menu_id = event.GetId()
-# menu_item = self.MenuBar.FindItemById(menu_id)
-# menu_label = menu_item.GetLabel()
-# pane = self._mgr.GetPane(menu_label)
-# pane.Show(not pane.IsShown())
-# #if we don't do the following, the Folders pane does not resize properly on hide/show
-# if pane.caption == 'Folders' and pane.IsShown() and pane.IsDocked():
-# #folders_size = pane.GetSize()
-# self.panelFolders.Fit()
-# self._mgr.Update()
-# def OnSize(self, event):
-# event.Skip()
-# def OnTreeCtrlCommandsLeftDown(self, event):
-# hit_item, hit_flags = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.HitTest(event.GetPosition())
-# if (hit_flags & wx.TREE_HITTEST_ONITEM) != 0:
-# self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.SelectItem(hit_item)
-# self.panelProperties.SelectedTreeItem = hit_item
-# #if a command was clicked
-# properties = []
-# if not self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.ItemHasChildren(hit_item):
-# item_plugin = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemParent(hit_item)
-# plugin = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(item_plugin)
-# if self.configs.has_key(plugin):
-# #config = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetPyData(item_plugin)
-# config = self.configs[plugin]
-# section = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(hit_item)
-# #display docstring in help window
-# doc_string = eval('self.do_' + section + '.__doc__')
-# if section in config:
-# for option in config[section]:
-# properties.append([option, config[section][option]])
-# else:
-# module = self.panelCommands.CommandsTree.GetItemText(hit_item)
-# if module != 'general':
-# doc_string = eval('plugins.' + module + '.' + module + 'Commands.__doc__')
-# else:
-# doc_string = 'The module "general" contains Hooke core functionality'
-# if doc_string is not None:
-# self.panelAssistant.ChangeValue(doc_string)
-# hookepropertyeditor.PropertyEditor.Initialize(self.panelProperties, properties)
-# event.Skip()
-# def UpdatePlaylists(self):
-# #setup the playlist in the Playlist tree
-# tree_root = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.GetRootItem()
-# playlist_root = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.AppendItem(tree_root, playlist.name, 0)
-# #add all curves to the Playlist tree
-# curves = {}
-# for index, curve in enumerate(playlist.curves):
-# ##remove the extension from the name of the curve
-# ##TODO: optional?
-# #item_text, extension = os.path.splitext(curve.name)
-# #curve_ID = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.AppendItem(playlist_root, item_text, 1)
-# curve_ID = self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.AppendItem(playlist_root, curve.name, 1)
-# if index == playlist.index:
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.SelectItem(curve_ID)
-# #create the plot tab and add playlist to the dictionary
-# plotPanel = wxmpl.PlotPanel(self, ID_FirstPlot + len(self.playlists))
-# notebook_tab = self.plotNotebook.AddPage(plotPanel, playlist.name, True)
-# #tab_index = self.plotNotebook.GetSelection()
-# figure = plotPanel.get_figure()
-# #self.playlists[playlist.name] = [playlist, tab_index, figure]
-# self.playlists[playlist.name] = [playlist, figure]
-# self.panelPlaylists.PlaylistsTree.Expand(playlist_root)
-# self.statusbar.SetStatusText(playlist.get_status_string(), 0)
-# self.UpdatePlot()
-##Everything sending an event should be here
-# def _measure_N_points(self, N, whatset=1):
-# '''
-# general helper function for N-points measures
-# '''
-# wx.PostEvent(self.frame,self.list_of_events['measure_points'](num_of_points=N, set=whatset))
-# while 1:
-# try:
-# points=self.frame.events_from_gui.get()
-# break
-# except Empty:
-# pass
-# return points
-# def _clickize(self, xvector, yvector, index):
-# '''
-# returns a ClickedPoint() object from an index and vectors of x, y coordinates
-# '''
-# point = lh.ClickedPoint()
-# point.index = index
-# point.absolute_coords = xvector[index], yvector[index]
-# point.find_graph_coords(xvector, yvector)
-# return point
-# def UpdatePlot(self):
-# def add_plot(plot):
-# if plot['visible'] and plot['x'] and plot['y']:
-# color = plot['color']
-# style = plot['style']
-# if style == 'plot':
-# axes.plot(plot['x'], plot['y'], color=color, zorder=1)
-# if style == 'scatter':
-# axes.scatter(plot['x'], plot['y'], color=color, s=0.5, zorder=2)
-# def add_plot2(plot):
-# if plot.visible and plot.x and plot.y:
-# if plot.style == 'plot':
-# axes.plot(plot.x, plot.y, color=plot.color, zorder=1)
-# if plot.style == 'scatter':
-# axes.scatter(plot.x, plot.y, color=plot.color, s=0.5, zorder=2)
-# playlist_name = self._GetActivePlaylistName()
-# index = self._GetActiveCurveIndex()
-# playlist = self.playlists[playlist_name][0]
-# curve = playlist.active_curve()
-# plot = playlist.get_active_plot()
-# figure = self.playlists[playlist_name][1]
-# figure.clf()
-# exclude = None
-# if curve.data.has_key('manipulated'):
-# exclude = 'raw'
-# elif curve.data.has_key('raw'):
-# exclude = 'manipulated'
-# if exclude is not None:
-# #TODO: what is this good for?
-# if not hasattr(self, 'subplot'):
-# axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
-# axes.set_title(plot.title)
-# axes.set_xlabel(plot.units[0])
-# axes.set_ylabel(plot.units[1])
-# for set_of_plots in curve.data:
-# if set_of_plots != exclude:
-# plots = curve.data[set_of_plots]
-# for each_plot in plots:
-# add_plot(each_plot)
-# #TODO: add multiple results support
-# #for fit in curve.fits:
-# if curve.fits.has_key('wlc'):
-# for plot in curve.fits['wlc'].results:
-# add_plot2(plot)
-# self.panelResults.DisplayResults(curve.fits['wlc'])
-# else:
-# self.panelResults.ClearResults()
-# axes.figure.canvas.draw()
-# else:
-# self.AppendToOutput('Not able to plot.')
+ Spawns a :class:`hooke.engine.CommandEngine` subprocess and
+ then runs the UI, rejoining the `CommandEngine` process after
+ the UI exits.
+ """
+ ui_to_command = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ command_to_ui = multiprocessing.Queue()
+ command = multiprocessing.Process(
+ target=self.command.run, args=(ui_to_command, command_to_ui))
+ command.start()
+ try:
+ self.ui.run(self, ui_to_command, command_to_ui)
+ finally:
+ ui_to_command.put(ui.CloseEngine())
+ command.join()
def main():
app = Hooke(debug=__debug__)
- app.main()
+ try:
+ app.run()
+ finally:
+ app.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':