# Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Id$
+ 14 May 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> gen_initramfs.sh:
+ Stop removing lvm/dmsetup from the initramfs (bug #415697), reported by
+ I.zaufi, bug introduced in 9f36ecc125bf2c20bd28c0ad513577a858140a77 affects
+ genkernel >=3.4.30
12 May 2012; Sebastian Pipping <sping@gentoo.org> arch/x86/kernel-config,
arch/x86_64/kernel-config, defaults/kernel-config:
Set CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y on x86, x86_64, default for udev
# See bug 382555
mv ${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm-temp/sbin/dmsetup.static ${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm-temp/bin/dmsetup ||
gen_die 'LVM error: Could not move dmsetup.static to dmsetup!'
- rm -rf ${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm-temp/{lib,share,man,include,{s,}bin/{lvm,dmsetup}}
+ rm -rfv ${TEMP}/initramfs-lvm-temp/{lib,share,man,include,sbin/{lvm,dmsetup}}
if [ -x /sbin/lvm -o -x /bin/lvm ]