/* Derived from Embedded Moose by Josh Triplett <josh@freedesktop.org>
- * Edited by W. Trevor King <wking@drexel.edu> to support:
+ * Edited by W. Trevor King <wking@tremily.us> to support:
* - Sidebars
* - <code>
* - streamlined layout (fewer borders, etc.)
+ * - added fun fonts
+@font-face {
+ font-family: Pecita;
+ src: url("/font/Pecita-reduced.woff") format("opentype");
+ /* http://pecita.eu/police-en.php */
body {
background: #e7e7e7;
background: #4b6983;
padding: 10px;
color: #ffffff;
- font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-family: Pecita, sans-serif;
.header a {
margin-right: 1ex;
color: #ffffff;
- font-family: sans-serif;
.actions ul {