memcachec memcached memory modbus mqtt multimeter mysql netlink
network network nfs nginx notify_desktop notify_email notify_nagios
ntpd numa nut olsrd onewire openldap openvpn oracle ovs_events
- ovs_stats perl ping postgresql powerdns processes protocols python
- python redis routeros rrdcached rrdtool sensors serial sigrok slurm
- smart snmp snmp_agent statsd swap sysevent syslog table tail tail_csv
- target_notification target_replace target_scale target_set tcpconns
- teamspeak2 ted thermal threshold turbostat ubi unixsock
+ ovs_stats perl ping postgresql powerdns procevent processes protocols
+ python python redis routeros rrdcached rrdtool sensors serial sigrok
+ slurm smart snmp snmp_agent statsd swap sysevent syslog table tail
+ tail_csv target_notification target_replace target_scale target_set
+ tcpconns teamspeak2 ted thermal threshold turbostat ubi unixsock
uptime users uuid varnish virt vmem vserver wireless write_graphite
write_http write_influxdb_udp write_kafka write_log write_mongodb
write_prometheus write_redis write_sensu write_syslog write_tsdb
collectd_plugins_perl? ( dev-lang/perl:=[ithreads] )
collectd_plugins_ping? ( net-libs/liboping )
collectd_plugins_postgresql? ( dev-db/postgresql:= )
+ collectd_plugins_procevent? ( dev-libs/yajl:= )
collectd_plugins_python? ( ${PYTHON_DEPS} )
collectd_plugins_redis? ( dev-libs/hiredis:= )
collectd_plugins_routeros? ( net-libs/librouteros )
ping - Build the ping input plugin (measures network latency)
postgresql - Build the postgresql input plugin (executes SQL statements against a PostgreSQL database)
powerdns - Build the powerdns input plugin (collects statistics from the PowerDNS name server or recursor via control socket)
+procevent - Build the procevent input plugin (monitors process starts/stops via netlink library)
processes - Build the processes input plugin (collects the number of processes, grouped by their state or detailed statistics about selected processes)
protocols - Build the protocols input plugin (collects information about the network protocols supported by the system)
python - Build the python language binding plugin (embeds a Python interpreter into collectd for writing plugins)