\ No newline at end of file
+Well, here's my version too. It only does getctime -- using a real XML parser, instead of regexp ugliness -- and maybe recentchanges, but that may be bitrotted, or maybe I never finished it, as I only need the getctime. As for actual commits, I have previously voiced my opinion, that this should be done by the plugin generating a patch bundle, and forwarding it to darcs in some way (`darcs apply` or even email to another host, possibly moderated), instead of the hacky direct modification of a working copy.
+[[toggle text="show" id="tuomov"]]
+[[toggleable id="tuomov" text="""
+# Stubs for no revision control.
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use IkiWiki;
+package IkiWiki;
+sub rcs_update () {
+sub rcs_prepedit ($) {
+ return ""
+sub rcs_commit ($$$) {
+ return undef # success
+sub rcs_add ($) {
+sub rcs_recentchanges ($) {
+ my $num=shift;
+ my @ret;
+ eval q{use Date::Parse};
+ eval q{use XML::Simple};
+ my $repodir=$config{srcdir};
+ if (-d "$config{srcdir}/_darcs") {
+ my $child = open(LOG, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ exec("darcs", "changes", "--xml",
+ "--repodir", "$repodir",
+ "--last", "$num")
+ || error("darcs changes failed to run");
+ }
+ my $data=<LOG>;
+ close LOG;
+ my $log = XMLin($data, ForceArray => 1);
+ foreach my $patch ($log->{patch}) {
+ my $date=$patch->{local_date};
+ my $hash=$patch->{hash};
+ my $when=concise(ago(time - str2time($date)));
+ my @pages;
+ my $child = open(SUMMARY, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ exec("darcs", "annotate", "-s", "--xml",
+ "--match", "hash: $hash",
+ "--repodir", "$repodir")
+ || error("darcs annotate failed to run");
+ }
+ my $data=<SUMMARY>;
+ close SUMMARY;
+ my $summary = XMLin("<lame>$data</lame>", ForceArray => 1);
+ # TODO: find @pages
+ push @ret, {
+ #rev => $rev,
+ user => $patch->{author},
+ #committype => $committype,
+ when => $when,
+ #message => [@message],
+ pages => [@pages],
+ }; # if @pages;
+ return @ret if @ret >= $num;
+ }
+ }
+ return @ret;
+sub rcs_notify () {
+sub rcs_getctime ($) {
+ my $file=shift;
+ eval q{use Date::Parse};
+ eval q{use XML::Simple};
+ local $/=undef;
+ # Sigh... doing things the hard way again
+ my $repodir=$config{srcdir};
+ my $filer=substr($file, length($repodir));
+ $filer =~ s:^[/]+::;
+ my $child = open(LOG, "-|");
+ if (! $child) {
+ exec("darcs", "changes", "--xml", "--reverse",
+ "--repodir", "$repodir", "$filer")
+ || error("darcs changes $filer failed to run");
+ }
+ my $data=<LOG>;
+ close LOG;
+ my $log = XMLin($data, ForceArray => 1);
+ my $datestr=$log->{patch}[0]->{local_date};
+ if (! defined $datestr) {
+ warn "failed to get ctime for $filer";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $date=str2time($datestr);
+ debug("found ctime ".localtime($date)." for $file");
+ return $date;