myfiles = newargs
del newargs
newargs = []
+ # separators for set arguments
+ ARG_START = "{"
+ ARG_END = "}"
+ for i in range(0, len(myfiles)):
+ if myfiles[i].startswith(SETPREFIX):
+ x = myfiles[i][len(SETPREFIX):]
+ start = x.find(ARG_START)
+ end = x.find(ARG_END)
+ if start > 0 and start < end:
+ namepart = x[:start]
+ argpart = x[start+1:end]
+ # TODO: implement proper quoting
+ args = argpart.split(",")
+ options = {}
+ for a in args:
+ if "=" in a:
+ k, v = a.split("=", 1)
+ options[k] = v
+ else:
+ options[a] = "True"
+ setconfig.update(namepart, options)
+ myfiles[i] = SETPREFIX + namepart
+ sets = setconfig.getSets()
# WARNING: all operators must be of equal length
for a in myfiles:
if a.startswith(SETPREFIX):
# support simple set operations (intersection, difference and union)
self._parsed = False = []
+ def update(self, setname, options):
+ self.errors = []
+ if not setname in self.psets:
+ options["name"] = setname
+ # for the unlikely case that there is already a section with the requested setname
+ import random
+ while setname in self.sections():
+ setname = "%08d" % random.randint(0, 10**10)
+ self.add_section(setname)
+ for k, v in options.items():
+ self.set(setname, k, v)
+ else:
+ section = self.psets[setname].creator
+ if self.has_option(section, "multiset") and self.getboolean(section, "multiset"):
+ self.errors.append("Invalid request to reconfigure set '%s' generated by multiset section '%s'" % (setname, section))
+ return
+ for k, v in options.items():
+ self.set(section, k, v)
+ self._parsed = False
+ self._parse()
def _parse(self):
if self._parsed: