"""List bugs"""
-from libbe import bugdir, cmdutil
+from libbe import bugdir, cmdutil, names
import os
def execute(args):
active = True
bugs = [b for b in all_bugs if filter(b) ]
if len(bugs) == 0:
print "No matching bugs found"
+ current_id = names.creator()
+ my_bugs = []
+ other_bugs = []
+ unassigned_bugs = []
for bug in bugs:
- print cmdutil.bug_summary(bug, all_bugs)
+ if bug.assigned == current_id:
+ my_bugs.append(bug)
+ elif bug.assigned is None:
+ unassigned_bugs.append(bug)
+ else:
+ other_bugs.append(bug)
+ def list_bugs(cur_bugs, title):
+ if len(cur_bugs) > 0:
+ print cmdutil.underlined(title)
+ for bug in cur_bugs:
+ print cmdutil.bug_summary(bug, all_bugs)
+ list_bugs(my_bugs, "Bugs assigned to you")
+ list_bugs(unassigned_bugs, "Unassigned bugs")
+ list_bugs(other_bugs, "Bugs assigned to others")
def help(cmd, args):
return get_command(cmd).help()
+def underlined(instring):
+ """Produces a version of a string that is underlined with '='
+ >>> underlined("Underlined String")
+ 'Underlined String\\n================='
+ """
+ return "%s\n%s" % (instring, "="*len(instring))
def _test():
import doctest
import sys