accept_keywords = self.mysettings["ACCEPT_KEYWORDS"].split()
pkgdict = self.mysettings.pkeywordsdict
aux_keys = ["KEYWORDS", "LICENSE", "EAPI", "SLOT"]
+ # Hack: Need to check the env directly here as otherwise stacking
+ # doesn't work properly as negative values are lost in the config
+ # object (bug #139600)
+ egroups = os.environ.get("ACCEPT_KEYWORDS", "").split()
for mycpv in mylist:
keys, licenses, eapi, slot = self.aux_get(mycpv, aux_keys)
matches = match_to_list(cpv_slot, pkgdict[cp].keys())
for atom in matches:
+ pgroups.extend(egroups)
if matches:
# normalize pgroups with incrementals logic so it
# matches ACCEPT_KEYWORDS behavior