## nginx
-To run CGI under nginx, just use a FastCGI wrapper like [this one](http://technotes.1000lines.net/?p=23). The wrapper must be started somehow just like any other FastCGI program. I use launchd on OSX.
+To run CGI under nginx, you need to use a FastCGI wrapper. The wrapper must be started somehow just like any other FastCGI program. You can use launchd on OSX.
In Linux, you will need the spawn-fcgi and fcgiwrap packages and start
them with:
+Also, note that the `/tmp/fcgi.socket` file needs to be writable by the webserver. I am also unsure as to the security of this setup, as I am using this only on my dev server. Needless to say that [[real fastcgi support|todo/fastcgi_or_modperl_installation_instructions]] would be great. ;) --[[anarcat]]
## boa