>try to figure out the problem, and correct the function to give the right
+### Test Driven Development - the joy of Red/Green/Refactor
+Instead of fixing the above code, we're going to delete get_sightings, and do a very simple run through TDD.
+The big idea here is that you think about your problem and write your unit tests *before*
+you write a single line of code.
+- This forces you to think about what your problem in terms of different modes of
+ success/failure and various edge cases, rather than just the basic functionality.
+- It means that you implement the right amount of functionality without overbuilding.
+- It also gives you a ready-made specification for your design
+We have already written our first 4 test cases.
+- Run ``nosetests``. You will see everything fail (Red)
+Now we're going to write a bare minimum ``get_sightings`` that passes the first test case. The code will be
+really stupid
+ def get_sightings(filename, focusanimal):
+ return (2, 17)
+This is clearly wrong BUT it passes a couple of test cases. It has also forced you to think about the structure of your function.
+Now that you have a couple of Greens you would refactor the code to be a little smarter.
+Continue to repeat this process of turning Red to Green; then refactoring and cleaning up.
+Hopefully, this actually helps you write better code that has fewer bugs, and gives you deeper insight into the structure of your
+ def get_sightings_loop(filename, focusanimal):
+ # Load table
+ tab = ml.csv2rec(filename)
+ # Standardize capitalization of focusanimal
+ focusanimal = focusanimal.capitalize()
+ # Loop through all records, countings recs and animals
+ totalrecs = 0.
+ totalcount = 0.
+ for rec in tab:
+ if rec['animal'] == focusanimal:
+ totalrecs += 1
+ totalcount += rec['count']
+ if totalrecs==0:
+ meancount = 0
+ else:
+ meancount = totalcount/totalrecs
+ # Return num of records and animals seen
+ return totalrecs, meancount
+__BONUS__ If there is time, write some tests that will pass for a different csv file.
Making a Standalone Script