$ret->{valid} = JSON::true;
$ret->{message} = sprintf('Successfully validated "%s" through the OpenPGP Web of Trust.', $uid);
} else {
- my @subvalid_key_fprs= map { $_->{fingerprint} } @{$uid_query->{subvalid_keys}};
my $resp = Crypt::Monkeysphere::MSVA::MarginalUI->ask_the_user($gnupg,
- \@subvalid_key_fprs,
+ $uid_query->{subvalid_keys},
msvalog('info', "response: %s\n", $resp);
foreach my $keyfpr (@subvalid_key_fprs) {
- my $fprx = sprintf('0x%.40s', $keyfpr->{fpr}->as_hex_string());
+ my $fprx = sprintf('0x%.40s', $keyfpr->{fingerprint}->as_hex_string());
$logger->log('debug', "checking on %s\n", $fprx);
foreach my $gpgkey ($gnupg->get_public_keys_with_sigs($fprx)) {
$logger->log('debug', "found key %.40s\n", $gpgkey->fingerprint->as_hex_string);
if ($cert->hex_id =~ /^([A-Fa-f0-9]{16})$/) {
my $certid = $1;
# disregard self-certifications (see MS # 2569):
- if (lc($certid) eq lc(substr($keyfpr->{fpr}->as_hex_string(), -16))) {
+ if (lc($certid) eq lc(substr($keyfpr->{fingerprint}->as_hex_string(), -16))) {
$logger->log('debug', "found self-sig 0x%.16s\n", $certid);
Peer's OpenPGP key fingerprint: 0x%.40s
GnuPG calculated validity for the peer: %s",
- $keyfpr->{fpr}->as_hex_string,
+ $keyfpr->{fingerprint}->as_hex_string,
# FIXME: what about revoked certifications?