Keeping changes syncronized by hand is madness :p.
I also added arrows (after suggestions from both Mom and Prof. Cruz)
showing data flow to/from the physical nodes to their associated
software package. There's also a new dashed separator between the
software packages and the physical nodes.
on packages in the \pyafm\ stack (\cref{fig:calibcant:stack}).
- \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={
- markings,% switch on markings
- mark=% add a mark for screw threading
- between positions 0 and 1 step 1pt
- with
- {
- \draw (0, 2pt) -- (1pt, -2pt);
- }
- }
- ]
- \tikzstyle{every node}=[text depth=0pt, rounded rectangle,
- draw=blue!50, very thick, minimum height=1.7em]
- \node[shape=rectangle,draw=none,inner sep=0]
- (image) at (0,0) {
- \asyinclude{figures/schematic/afm}};
- \node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
- (daq) at ($(image.south west) + (-0.5, -1)$) {DAQ card};
- \node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
- (motor) at ($(image.south) + (0, -1)$) {motor};
- %\draw[
- \coordinate (thermocouple) at ($(image.west) + (1, -4pt)$);
- \node (pycomedi) at ($(daq) + (-5,0)$) {pycomedi};
- \node (pypiezo) at ($(pycomedi) + (0,1)$) {pypiezo};
- \node (pyafm) at ($(pypiezo) + (0,1)$) {pyafm};
- \node[black!20] (unfold-protein) at ($(pyafm) + (0,1)$) {unfold-protein};
- \node (stepper) at ($(pycomedi) + (2,1)$) {stepper};
- \node (pypid) at ($(stepper) + (2,0)$) {pypid};
- \node (h5config) at ($(pycomedi) + (-3,0)$) {h5config};
- \node (calibcant) at ($(unfold-protein) + (-3,0)$) {calibcant};
- \draw (pypiezo) -- (pyafm);
- \draw (stepper) -- (pyafm);
- \draw (pypid) -- (pyafm);
- \draw[black!20] (pyafm) -- (unfold-protein);
- \draw (h5config) -- (pypiezo);
- \draw (h5config) -- (pyafm);
- \draw[black!20] (h5config) -- (unfold-protein);
- \draw (pyafm) -- (calibcant);
- \draw (h5config) -- (calibcant);
- \draw[purple] (pypid) -- (thermocouple);
- % begin thermometer symbol
- \draw[blue!20, line width=4pt, cap=round]
- (thermocouple) -- ($(thermocouple) + (0,12pt)$);
- \fill[blue!20] (thermocouple) circle (5pt);
- \draw[red, line width=2pt, cap=butt]
- (thermocouple) -- ($(thermocouple) + (0,8pt)$);
- \fill[red] (thermocouple) circle (4pt);
- % end thermometer symbol
- % begin motor screw
- \draw[black!20, line width=4pt]
- (motor) -- (image.south); % shaft with decoration threads
- \draw[black, decorate, ultra thin]
- (motor) -- (image.south); % shaft with decoration threads
- % end motor screw
- \draw[red]
- (pypiezo) -- (pycomedi) -- (daq) -- ($(image.south) + (-6pt, 0)$);
- \draw[red, line width=2pt] (pycomedi) -- (daq);
- \draw[blue] (stepper) -- (pycomedi) -- (daq) -- (motor);
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzstack{black!20}{}
\caption{Dependency graph for \calibcant, which shares the
\pyafm\ stack with \unfoldprotein. Only the ``brain'' module
changed with respect to
+% draw a thermometer in TikZ
+% usage: \thermometer{bulb-location}
+ \draw[blue!20, line width=4pt, cap=round] #1 -- +(0, 12pt);
+ \fill[blue!20] #1 circle (5pt);
+ \draw[red, line width=2pt, cap=butt] #1 -- +(0, 8pt);
+ \fill[red] #1 circle (4pt);
+% shared figure between pyafm and calibcant
+% usage: \tikzstack{unfold-protein-color}{calibcant-color}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={
+ markings,% switch on markings
+ mark=% add a mark for screw threading
+ between positions 0 and 1 step 1pt
+ with
+ {
+ \draw (0, 2pt) -- (1pt, -2pt);
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ \tikzstyle{every node}=[text depth=0pt, rounded rectangle,
+ draw=blue!50, very thick, minimum height=1.7em]
+ % hardware nodes and coordinates
+ \node[shape=rectangle,draw=none,inner sep=0]
+ (image) at (0,0) {
+ \asyinclude{figures/schematic/afm}};
+ \node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
+ (daq) at ($(image.south west) + (-0.25, -1)$) {DAQ card};
+ \node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
+ (motor) at ($(image.south) + (0, -1)$) {motor};
+ \coordinate (thermocouple) at ($(image.west) + (1.4, -4pt)$);
+ \thermometer{(thermocouple)}
+ \coordinate (photodiode) at ($(image.west) + (1, 26pt)$);
+ \coordinate (piezo) at ($(image.south) + (-6pt, 0)$);
+ \draw[black!20,dashed] ($(daq.south west) + (-10pt, 0)$) -- +(0, 4);
+ % software nodes
+ \node (pycomedi) at ($(daq) + (-6,0)$) {pycomedi};
+ \node (pypiezo) at ($(pycomedi) + (0,1)$) {pypiezo};
+ \node (pyafm) at ($(pypiezo) + (0,1)$) {pyafm};
+ \node[#1] (unfold-protein) at ($(pyafm) + (0,1)$) {unfold-protein};
+ \node (stepper) at ($(pycomedi) + (2,1)$) {stepper};
+ \node (pypid) at ($(stepper) + (2,0)$) {pypid};
+ \node (h5config) at ($(pycomedi) + (-3,0)$) {h5config};
+ \node[#2] (calibcant) at ($(unfold-protein) + (-3,0)$) {calibcant};
+ % software connections
+ \draw (pypiezo) -- (pyafm);
+ \draw (stepper) -- (pyafm);
+ \draw (pypid) -- (pyafm);
+ \draw[#1] (pyafm) -- (unfold-protein);
+ \draw (h5config) -- (pypiezo);
+ \draw (h5config) -- (pyafm);
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{% draw unfold-protein in black (the default)
+ \draw[#2] (pyafm) -- (calibcant);
+ \draw[#1] (h5config) -- (unfold-protein);% default path on top
+ }{%
+ \draw[#1] (h5config) -- (unfold-protein);
+ \draw[#2] (pyafm) -- (calibcant);% default path on top
+ }
+ \draw[#2] (h5config) -- (calibcant);
+ % hardware connections
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \draw[purple, ->] (thermocouple) -- (pypid);
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ % begin motor screw
+ \draw[black!20, line width=4pt]
+ (motor) -- (image.south); % shaft with decoration threads
+ \draw[black, decorate, ultra thin]
+ (motor) -- (image.south); % shaft with decoration threads
+ % end motor screw
+ \draw[red, <->] (pypiezo) -- (pycomedi);
+ \draw[red, <->, line width=2pt] (pycomedi) -- (daq);
+ \draw[red, ->] (daq) -- (piezo);
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ \draw[red, ->, out=180, in=90] (photodiode) to (daq.north);
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \draw[blue, ->] (stepper) -- (pycomedi);
+ \draw[blue, ->] (pycomedi) -- (daq);
+ \draw[blue, ->] (daq) -- (motor);
+ \end{tikzpicture}
\usepackage{pgf} % fancy graphics
\usepackage{tikz} % a nice, inline PGF frontend
\usetikzlibrary{automata} % graph-theory library
+\usetikzlibrary{backgrounds} % background layers
\usetikzlibrary{calc} % coordinate-calculation library
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.markings} % custom marks
\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing} % braces and other fancy paths
spectroscopy (\cref{fig:pyafm:stack}).
- \begin{tikzpicture}[decoration={
- markings,% switch on markings
- mark=% add a mark for screw threading
- between positions 0 and 1 step 1pt
- with
- {
- \draw (0, 2pt) -- (1pt, -2pt);
- }
- }
- ]
- \tikzstyle{every node}=[text depth=0pt, rounded rectangle,
- draw=blue!50, very thick, minimum height=1.7em]
- \node[shape=rectangle,draw=none,inner sep=0]
- (image) at (0,0) {
- \asyinclude{figures/schematic/afm}};
- \node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
- (daq) at ($(image.south west) + (-0.5, -1)$) {DAQ card};
- \node[shape=rectangle,draw=black, semithick]
- (motor) at ($(image.south) + (0, -1)$) {motor};
- %\draw[
- \coordinate (thermocouple) at ($(image.west) + (1, -4pt)$);
- \node (pycomedi) at ($(daq) + (-5,0)$) {pycomedi};
- \node (pypiezo) at ($(pycomedi) + (0,1)$) {pypiezo};
- \node (pyafm) at ($(pypiezo) + (0,1)$) {pyafm};
- \node (unfold-protein) at ($(pyafm) + (0,1)$) {unfold-protein};
- \node (stepper) at ($(pycomedi) + (2,1)$) {stepper};
- \node (pypid) at ($(stepper) + (2,0)$) {pypid};
- \node (h5config) at ($(pycomedi) + (-3,0)$) {h5config};
- \node[black!20] (calibcant) at ($(unfold-protein) + (-3,0)$) {calibcant};
- \draw (pypiezo) -- (pyafm);
- \draw (stepper) -- (pyafm);
- \draw (pypid) -- (pyafm);
- \draw (pyafm) -- (unfold-protein);
- \draw[black!20] (pyafm) -- (calibcant);
- \draw (h5config) -- (pypiezo);
- \draw (h5config) -- (pyafm);
- \draw (h5config) -- (unfold-protein);
- \draw[black!20] (h5config) -- (calibcant);
- \draw[purple] (pypid) -- (thermocouple);
- % begin thermometer symbol
- \draw[blue!20, line width=4pt, cap=round]
- (thermocouple) -- ($(thermocouple) + (0,12pt)$);
- \fill[blue!20] (thermocouple) circle (5pt);
- \draw[red, line width=2pt, cap=butt]
- (thermocouple) -- ($(thermocouple) + (0,8pt)$);
- \fill[red] (thermocouple) circle (4pt);
- % end thermometer symbol
- % begin motor screw
- \draw[black!20, line width=4pt]
- (motor) -- (image.south); % shaft with decoration threads
- \draw[black, decorate, ultra thin]
- (motor) -- (image.south); % shaft with decoration threads
- % end motor screw
- \draw[red]
- (pypiezo) -- (pycomedi) -- (daq) -- ($(image.south) + (-6pt, 0)$);
- \draw[red, line width=2pt] (pycomedi) -- (daq);
- \draw[blue] (stepper) -- (pycomedi) -- (daq) -- (motor);
- \end{tikzpicture}
+ \tikzstack{}{black!20}
\caption{Dependency graph for my modular experiment control