# ChangeLog for media-sound/alsa-driver
# Copyright 2002-2006 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog,v 1.239 2006/12/03 19:52:30 corsair Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/ChangeLog,v 1.240 2006/12/06 11:43:47 flameeyes Exp $
+ 06 Dec 2006; Diego Pettenò <flameeyes@gentoo.org>
+ alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild:
+ Important change: make ALSA_CARDS an use-expanded variable, so list all the
+ available drivers during emerge -pv output; the default for all profiles now
+ is to build all drivers (ALSA_CARDS unset), but in the next days proper
+ default subsets will appear on the architecture profiles. Also fix bug
+ #156729 (remove doc useflag as it's mostly internal drivers documentation
+ that is available on the site and rarely useful to users, in case it can be
+ re-added as app-doc/alsa-driver-docs), and bug #156757 (add check for
+ CONFIG_FW_LOADER when using emu10k1 driver as it's now needed, thanks to
+ Stefan Wimmer for reporting). Fix quoting, cleanup decisions for kernel
+ checks, remove very ancient einfo message, use elog instead of einfo.
03 Dec 2006; Markus Rothe <corsair@gentoo.org> alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild:
Stable on ppc64
+Hash: SHA1
AUX alsa-driver-1.0.10-gfp-flags.patch 955 RMD160 ed4d383d6608110c5c3a7ebef2a0fc636ea77d82 SHA1 5bfdc27dbb955b9d2761f6a6ca05c826777c5d24 SHA256 f7976e121aad036e11550212b26f2d4568cc688687e950bcdc14ef5932f3eb66
MD5 075d7776dfb62176431e206a9cd5fc84 files/alsa-driver-1.0.10-gfp-flags.patch 955
RMD160 ed4d383d6608110c5c3a7ebef2a0fc636ea77d82 files/alsa-driver-1.0.10-gfp-flags.patch 955
MD5 50ff8f799846587b055c416226461783 alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5160
RMD160 abad5a48b406673f2a8fa62a41415fe434299338 alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5160
SHA256 497b820de807f9c3812b2e33dc117a9be8f3bbe00db67e31f2800775cdd9e95a alsa-driver-1.0.13.ebuild 5160
-EBUILD alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 5307 RMD160 a4f71c0500a058e640932b1aa8b17ca98c6eaf53 SHA1 d35b1fb867e27633aab22302d5c94620368809fa SHA256 55328da7d9e93fc2e850a7eb011629b3c5caf6e0682aa1a384d82256e0ad8da8
-MD5 aedcf7d68e8f29bc0345b00126dd2a65 alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 5307
-RMD160 a4f71c0500a058e640932b1aa8b17ca98c6eaf53 alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 5307
-SHA256 55328da7d9e93fc2e850a7eb011629b3c5caf6e0682aa1a384d82256e0ad8da8 alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 5307
+EBUILD alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 6505 RMD160 ce0689d8ea6247c3a8628d541c9fe9aed95cad97 SHA1 62044056121f74ecb872af428b9722ea0ed8c90d SHA256 47db73f481f397d9c1b842d7908bc6cc82f888bf89b485ebd5035e311e0a0a7e
+MD5 4a373322d9d4324f7cba2ea87bcbb915 alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 6505
+RMD160 ce0689d8ea6247c3a8628d541c9fe9aed95cad97 alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 6505
+SHA256 47db73f481f397d9c1b842d7908bc6cc82f888bf89b485ebd5035e311e0a0a7e alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild 6505
EBUILD alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 4939 RMD160 ffc8cdac211e2136904639fe54c9aca242c3d7a9 SHA1 7fcb2126ef4c538a3128c954172652283310bf99 SHA256 92c3eea9df5cc7a53049d601098f0f296a01dd7f69e76ad1b874c2e9896ad22c
MD5 c34a52c4d50bc207111ac34f68f82cdb alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 4939
RMD160 ffc8cdac211e2136904639fe54c9aca242c3d7a9 alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 4939
SHA256 92c3eea9df5cc7a53049d601098f0f296a01dd7f69e76ad1b874c2e9896ad22c alsa-driver-9999.ebuild 4939
-MISC ChangeLog 40574 RMD160 3fcbb717728d0a90e250f2bdf65b84eea7e44d10 SHA1 022ae189e3c8f2f98c12b2a7d8e5a931e6a7bf82 SHA256 e9d632b6c8baa233c71a5248ec18c28c4b35388f83d8eaba0a1bcfa5c885caa5
-MD5 4d11cfa73a71b078e419e42d9ded0169 ChangeLog 40574
-RMD160 3fcbb717728d0a90e250f2bdf65b84eea7e44d10 ChangeLog 40574
-SHA256 e9d632b6c8baa233c71a5248ec18c28c4b35388f83d8eaba0a1bcfa5c885caa5 ChangeLog 40574
+MISC ChangeLog 41422 RMD160 357016851e55214ec595d4106a3f73eae77adae6 SHA1 586a325740eb9fac67ea7a186e0b8d829ebf7ebe SHA256 6c7e4928ccfe036d3ef339f968d37fb3afdc6fece54148cbc2417d42c125976e
+MD5 1cca64688f19e5a8c2b3a8a1f9efa412 ChangeLog 41422
+RMD160 357016851e55214ec595d4106a3f73eae77adae6 ChangeLog 41422
+SHA256 6c7e4928ccfe036d3ef339f968d37fb3afdc6fece54148cbc2417d42c125976e ChangeLog 41422
MISC metadata.xml 220 RMD160 e49f8bb330d1798cd2c8ee5335cef1784f0d7ccb SHA1 1b895fe6cae4b8eab08ba1a6a1212baf4b4b4105 SHA256 8570ef11cd59b0d8edb71e78eecaec423616836b10eacb86bee0de941f0ae054
MD5 7c52acc7d4fe40bac97d3198a43dcbd6 metadata.xml 220
RMD160 e49f8bb330d1798cd2c8ee5335cef1784f0d7ccb metadata.xml 220
MD5 685a59fc770ac322194ea3b8bc32c4bb files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130 298
RMD160 d71e795772659d99f3a6db5fc5ea335274136646 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130 298
SHA256 4d4b80e773755a488ee5d08ef3835ff58cd0dff79c4427dfdb97074e5ef52b58 files/digest-alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130 298
-MD5 68b329da9893e34099c7d8ad5cb9c940 files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 1
-RMD160 c0da025038ed83c687ddc430da9846ecb97f3998 files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 1
-SHA256 01ba4719c80b6fe911b091a7c05124b64eeece964e09c058ef8f9805daca546b files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 1
+MD5 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 0
+RMD160 9c1185a5c5e9fc54612808977ee8f548b2258d31 files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 0
+SHA256 e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 files/digest-alsa-driver-9999 0
+Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild,v 1.1 2006/11/30 20:33:53 flameeyes Exp $
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/alsa-driver/alsa-driver-1.0.14_pre20061130.ebuild,v 1.2 2006/12/06 11:43:47 flameeyes Exp $
KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~x86"
-IUSE="oss doc debug"
+IUSE="oss debug"
+IUSE_CARDS="seq-dummy dummy virmidi mtpav mts64 serial-u16550 mpu401 serialmidi loopback
+portman2x4 pcsp ad1848-lib cs4231-lib adlib ad1816a ad1848 als100 azt2320 cmi8330
+cs4231 cs4232 cs4236 dt019x es968 es1688 es18xx gusclassic gusextreme gusmax
+interwave interwave-stb opl3sa2 opti92x-ad1848 opti92x-cs4231 opti93x miro
+sb8 sb16 sbawe sgalaxy sscape wavefront pc98-cs4232 msnd-pinnacle ad1889 als300
+als4000 ali5451 atiixp atiixp-modem au8810 au8820 au8830 azt3328 bt87x ca0106 cmipci
+cs4281 cs46xx cs5535audio darla20 gina20 layla20 darla24 gina24 layla24 mona mia
+echo3g indigo indigoio indigodj emu10k1 emu10k1x ens1370 ens1371 es1938 es1968
+fm801 fm801-tea575x hda-intel hdsp hdspm ice1712 ice1724 intel8x0 intel8x0m korg1212
+maestro3 mixart nm256 pcxhr riptide rme32 rme96 rme9652 sonicvibes trident via82xx
+via82xx-modem vx222 ymfpci pdplus asihpi powermac aoa aoa-fabric-layout aoa-onyx
+aoa-tas aoa-toonie aoa-soundbus aoa-soundbus-i2s sa11xx-uda1341 armaaci
+s3c2410 pxa2xx-i2sound au1x00 usb-audio usb-usx2y vxpocket pdaudiocf sun-amd7930
+sun-cs4231 sun-dbri harmony soc at91-soc at91-soc-eti-b1-wm8731 pxa2xx-soc
+pxa2xx-soc-corgi pxa2xx-soc-spitz pxa2xx-soc-poodle pxa2xx-soc-tosa"
+for iuse_card in ${IUSE_CARDS}; do
+ IUSE="${IUSE} alsa_cards_${iuse_card}"
- sparc? ( >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.50 )
# Which drivers need PNP
local PNP_DRIVERS="interwave interwave-stb"
+ local FW_DRIVERS="emu10k1"
- SND_ERROR="ALSA is already compiled into the kernel."
- SOUND_ERROR="Your kernel doesn't have sound support enabled."
- SOUND_PRIME_ERROR="Your kernel is configured to use the deprecated OSS drivers. Please disable them and re-emerge alsa-driver."
- PNP_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require PNP in your kernel (${PNP_DRIVERS}). Either enable PNP in your kernel or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
+ local SND_ERROR="ALSA is already compiled into the kernel."
+ local SOUND_ERROR="Your kernel doesn't have sound support enabled."
+ local SOUND_PRIME_ERROR="Your kernel is configured to use the deprecated OSS drivers. Please disable them and re-emerge alsa-driver."
+ local PNP_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require PnP support in your kernel (${PNP_DRIVERS}). Either enable PnP in your kernel or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
+ local FW_LOADER_ERROR="Some of the drivers you selected require 'Userspace firmware loading support' in your kernel (${FW_DRIVERS}). Either enable that feature or trim which drivers get compiled using ALSA_CARDS in /etc/make.conf."
if [[ "${ALSA_CARDS}" == "all" ]]; then
# Ignore PNP checks for ppc architecture, as PNP can't be enabled there.
- if [[ ${ARCH} != "ppc" ]]; then
- fi
+ case ${ARCH} in
+ ppc|ppc64) ;;
+ *)
+ ;;
+ esac
for pnpdriver in ${PNP_DRIVERS}; do
- hasq ${pnpdriver} ${ALSA_CARDS} && CONFIG_CHECK="${CONFIG_CHECK} PNP"
+ if use alsa_cards_${pnpdriver}; then
+ break;
+ fi
+ done
+ for fwdriver in ${FW_DRIVERS}; do
+ if use alsa_cards_${fwdriver}; then
+ break;
+ fi
emake LDFLAGS="$(raw-ldflags)" HOSTCC=$(tc-getBUILD_CC) CC=$(tc-getCC) || die "Make Failed"
- if use doc;
- then
- ebegin "Building Documentation"
- cd ${S}/scripts
- emake || die Failed making docs in ${S}/scripts
- cd ${S}/doc/DocBook
- emake || die Failed making docs in ${S}/doc/DocBook
- eend $?
- fi
src_install() {
- emake DESTDIR=${D} install-modules || die "make install failed"
+ emake DESTDIR="${D}" install-modules || die "make install failed"
- if use doc; then
- docinto doc
- dodoc doc/*
- rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/doc/Makefile.gz
- docinto DocBook
- dodoc doc/DocBook/*
- rm ${D}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/DocBook/Makefile.gz
- docinto Documentation
- dodoc sound/Documentation/*
- fi
if kernel_is 2 6; then
# mv the drivers somewhere they won't be killed by the kernel's make modules_install
- mv ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}
- rmdir ${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel &> /dev/null
+ mv "${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound" "${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}"
+ rmdir "${D}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel" &> /dev/null
pkg_postinst() {
- einfo
- einfo "The alsasound initscript and modules.d/alsa have now moved to alsa-utils"
- einfo
- einfo "Also, remember that all mixer channels will be MUTED by default."
- einfo "Use the 'alsamixer' program to unmute them."
- einfo
- einfo "Version 1.0.3 and above should work with version 2.6 kernels."
- einfo "If you experience problems, please report bugs to http://bugs.gentoo.org."
- einfo
+ elog
+ elog "The alsasound initscript and modules.d/alsa have now moved to alsa-utils"
+ elog
+ elog "Also, remember that all mixer channels will be MUTED by default."
+ elog "Use the 'alsamixer' program to unmute them."
+ elog
+ elog "If you experience problems, please report bugs to http://bugs.gentoo.org."
+ elog
- einfo "Check out the ALSA installation guide availible at the following URL:"
- einfo "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/alsa-guide.xml"
+ elog "Check out the ALSA installation guide availible at the following URL:"
+ elog "http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/alsa-guide.xml"
- if kernel_is 2 6 && [ -e ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound ]; then
+ if kernel_is 2 6 && [ -e "${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound" ]; then
# Cleanup if they had older alsa installed
- for file in $(find ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN} -type f); do
+ for file in $(find "${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/${PN}" -type f); do
rm -f ${file//${KV_FULL}\/${PN}/${KV_FULL}\/kernel\/sound}
- for dir in $(find ${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound -type d | tac); do
- rmdir ${dir} &> /dev/null
- done
+ find "${ROOT}/lib/modules/${KV_FULL}/kernel/sound" -type d -print0 | xargs rmdir