Hooke plugin, including description of main Hooke internals.
+import logging
+import StringIO
from numpy import arange
from ..command import Command, Argument, Failure
-from ..playlist import FilePlaylist
-from ..plugin import Plugin
+from ..config import Setting
+from ..interaction import PointRequest, PointResponse
+from ..util.si import ppSI, split_data_label
+from . import Plugin
+from .curve import CurveArgument
class TutorialPlugin (Plugin):
# we instantiate them in a list here, and rely on
# :meth:`hooke.plugin.Plugin.commands` to return copies of
# that list.
- self._commands = [] #CommandInit]
+ self._commands = [DoNothingCommand(self), HookeInfoCommand(self),
+ PointInfoCommand(self),]
def dependencies(self):
"""Return a list of names of :class:`hooke.plugin.Plugin`\s we
enabled if it is missing dependencies.
return ['vclamp']
- #Here we initialize a local configuration variable; see plotmanip_absvalue() for explanation.
- self.config['tutorial_absvalue']=0
- def do_nothing(self,args):
- '''
- This is a boring but working example of an actual Hooke command.
- A Hooke command is a function of the xxxxCommands class, which is ALWAYS defined
- this way:
- def do_nameofcommand(self,args)
- *do_ is needed to make Hooke understand this function is a command
- *nameofcommand is how the command will be called in the Hooke command line.
- *self is, well, self
- *args is ALWAYS needed (otherwise Hooke will crash executing the command). We will see
- later what args is.
- Note that if you now start Hooke with this plugin activated and you type in the Hooke command
- line "help nothing" you will see this very text as output. So the help of a command is a
- string comment below the function definition, like this one.
- Commands usually return None.
- '''
- print 'I am a Hooke command. I do nothing.'
- def do_printargs(self,args):
- '''
- This command prints the args you give to it.
- args is always a string, that contains everything you write after the command.
- So if you issue "mycommand blah blah 12345" args is "blah blah 12345".
- Again, args is needed in the definition even if your command does not use it.
- '''
- print 'You gave me those args: '+args
- def help_tutorial(self):
- '''
- This is a help function.
- If you want a help function for something that is not a command, you can write a help
- function like this. Calling "help tutorial" will execute this function.
- '''
- print 'You called help_tutorial()'
- def do_environment(self,args):
- '''
- This plugin contains a panoramic of the Hooke command line environment variables,
- and prints their current value.
- '''
- '''self.current_list
- TYPE: [ curve.HookeCurve ], len=variable
- contains the actual playlist of Hooke curve objects.
- Each HookeCurve object represents a reference to a data file.
- We will see later in detail how do they work.
- '''
- print 'current_list length:',len(self.current_list)
- print 'current_list 0th:',self.current_list[0]
- '''self.pointer
- TYPE: int
- contains the index of
- the current curve in the playlist
- '''
- print 'pointer: ',self.pointer
- '''self.current
- TYPE: curve.HookeCurve
- contains the current curve displayed.
- We will see later how it works.
- '''
- print 'current:',self.current
- '''self.plots
- TYPE: [ curve.PlotObject ], len=1,2
- contains the current default plots.
- Each PlotObject contains all info needed to display
- the plot: apart from the data vectors, the title, destination
- etc.
- Usually self.plots[0] is the default topmost plot, self.plots[1] is the
- accessory bottom plot.
- '''
- print 'plots:',self.plots
- '''self.config
- TYPE: { string:anything }
- contains the current Hooke configuration variables, in form of a dictionary.
- '''
- print 'config:',self.config
- '''self.plotmanip
- TYPE: [ function ]
- Contains the ordered plot manipulation functions.
- These functions are called to modify the default plot by default before it is plotted.
- self.plots contains the plot passed through the plot manipulators.
- We will see it better later.
- '''
- print 'plotmanip: ',self.plotmanip
- '''self.drivers
- TYPE: [ class ]
- Contains the plot reading drivers.
- '''
- print 'drivers: ',self.drivers
- '''self.frame
- TYPE: wx.Frame
- Contains the wx Frame of the GUI.
- '''
- print 'frame: ',self.frame
- '''self.list_of_events
- TYPE: { string:wx.Event }
- Contains the wx.Events to communicate with the GUI.
- Usually not necessary to use it, unless you want
- to create a GUI plugin.
- '''
- print 'list of events:',self.list_of_events
- '''self.events_from_gui
- TYPE: Queue.Queue
- Contains the Queue where data from the GUI is put.
- Usually not necessary to use it, unless you want
- to create a GUI plugin.
- '''
- print 'events from gui:',self.events_from_gui
- '''self.playlist_saved
- TYPE: Int (0/1) ; Boolean
- Flag that tells if the playlist has been saved or not.
- '''
- print 'playlist saved:',self.playlist_saved
- '''self.playlist_name
- TYPE: string
- Name of current playlist
- '''
- print 'playlist name:',self.playlist_name
- '''self.notes_saved
- TYPE: Int (0/1) ; Boolean
- Flag that tells if the playlist has been saved or not.
- '''
- print 'notes saved:',self.notes_saved
- def do_myfirstplot(self,args):
- '''
- In this function, we see how to create a PlotObject and send it to the screen.
- ***Read the code of PlotObject in curve.py before!***.
- '''
- #We generate some interesting data to plot for this example.
- xdata1=arange(-5,5,0.1)
- xdata2=arange(-5,5,0.1)
- ydata1=[item**2 for item in xdata1]
- ydata2=[item**3 for item in xdata2]
- #Create the object.
- #The PlotObject class lives in the curve library.
- myplot=lhc.PlotObject()
- '''
- The *data* of the plot live in the .vectors list.
- plot.vectors is a multidimensional array:
- plot.vectors[0]=set1
- plot.vectors[1]=set2
- plot.vectors[2]=sett3
- etc.
- 2 curves in a x,y plot are:
- [[[x1],[y1]],[[x2],[y2]]]
- for example:
- x1 y1 x2 y2
- [[[1,2,3,4],[10,20,30,40]],[[3,6,9,12],[30,60,90,120]]]
- x1 = self.vectors[0][0]
- y1 = self.vectors[0][1]
- x2 = self.vectors[1][0]
- y2 = self.vectors[1][1]
- '''
- #Pour 0-th dataset into myplot:
- myplot.add_set(xdata1,ydata1)
- #Pour 1-st dataset into myplot:
- myplot.add_set(xdata2,ydata2)
- #Add units to x and y axes
- #units=[string, string]
- myplot.units=['x axis','y axis']
- #Where do we want the plot? 0=top, 1=bottom
- myplot.destination=1
- '''Send it to the GUI.
- Note that you *have* to encapsulate it into a list, so you
- have to send [myplot], not simply myplot.
- You can also send more two plots at once
- self.send_plot([plot1,plot2])
- '''
- self._send_plot([myplot])
- def do_myfirstscatter(self,args):
- '''
- How to draw a scatter plot.
- '''
- #We generate some interesting data to plot for this example.
- xdata1=arange(-5,5,1)
- xdata2=arange(-5,5,1)
- ydata1=[item**2 for item in xdata1]
- ydata2=[item**3 for item in xdata2]
- myplot=lhc.PlotObject()
- myplot.add_set(xdata1,ydata1)
- myplot.add_set(xdata2,ydata2)
- #Add units to x and y axes
- myplot.units=['x axis','y axis']
- #Where do we want the plot? 0=top, 1=bottom
- myplot.destination=1
- '''None=standard line plot
- 'scatter'=scatter plot
- By default, the styles attribute is an empty list. If you
- want to define a scatter plot, you must define all other
- plots as None or 'scatter', depending on what you want.
- Here we define the second set to be plotted as scatter,
- and the first to be plotted as line.
- Here we define also the colors to be the default Matplotlib colors
- '''
- myplot.styles=[None,'scatter']
- myplot.colors=[None,None]
- self._send_plot([myplot])
- def do_clickaround(self,args):
- '''
- Here we click two points on the curve and take some parameters from the points
- we have clicked.
- '''
- '''
- points = self._measure_N_points(N=Int, whatset=Int)
- *N = number of points to measure(1...n)
- *whatset = data set to measure (0,1...n)
- *points = a list of ClickedPoint objects, one for each point requested
- '''
- points=self._measure_N_points(N=2,whatset=1)
- print 'You clicked the following points.'
- '''
- These are the absolute coordinates of the
- point clicked.
- [float, float] = x,y
- '''
- print 'Absolute coordinates:'
- print points[0].absolute_coords
- print points[1].absolute_coords
- print
- '''
- These are the coordinates of the points
- clicked, remapped on the graph.
- Hooke looks at the graph point which X
- coordinate is next to the X coordinate of
- the point measured, and uses that point
- as the actual clicked point.
- [float, float] = x,y
- '''
- print 'Coordinates on the graph:'
- print points[0].graph_coords
- print points[1].graph_coords
- print
- '''
- These are the indexes of the clicked points
- on the dataset vector.
- '''
- print 'Index of points on the graph:'
- print points[0].index
- print points[1].index
- def help_thedifferentplots(self):
- '''
- The *three* different default plots you should be familiar with
- in Hooke.
- Each plot contains of course the respective data in their
- vectors attribute, so here you learn also which data access for
- each situation.
- '''
- print '''
- self.current
- ---
- Contains the current curve.HookeCurve container object.
- A HookeCurve object defines only two default attributes:
- * self.current.path = string
- The path of the current displayed curve
- * self.current.curve = curve.Driver
- The curve object. This is not only generated by the driver,
- this IS a driver instance in itself.
- This means that in self.current.curve you can access the
- specific driver APIs, if you know them.
- And defines only one method:
- * self.current.identify()
- Fills in the self.current.curve object.
- See in the cycling tutorial.
- *****
- The REAL curve data actually lives in:
- ---
- * self.current.curve.default_plots() = [ libhooke.PlotObject ]
- Contains the raw PlotObject-s, as "spitted out" by the driver, without any
- intervention.
- This is as close to the raw data as Hooke gets.
- One or two plots can be spit out; they are always enclosed in a list.
- *****
- Methods of self.current.curve are:
- ---
- * self.current.curve.is_me()
- (Used by identify() only.)
- * self.current.curve.close_all()
- Closes all driver open files; see the cycling tutorial.
- '''
- print '''
- The plot that is spitted out by the driver is *not* the usual default plot
- that is displayed by calling "plot" at the Hooke prompt.
- This is because the raw, driver-generated plot is usually *processed* by so called
- *plot processing* functions. We will see in the tutorial how to define
- them.
- For example, in force spectroscopy force curves, raw data are automatically corrected
- for deflection. Other data can be, say, filtered by default.
- The default plots are accessible in
- self.plots = [ libhooke.PlotObject ]
- self.plots[0] is usually the topmost plot
- self.plots[1] is usually the bottom plot (if present)
- '''
- print '''
- Sometimes the plots you are displaying *right now* is different from the previous
- two. You may have a fit trace, you may have issued some command that spits out
- a custom plot and you want to rework that, whatever.
- You can obtain in any moment the plot currently displayed by Hooke by issuing
- PlotObject = self._get_displayed_plot(dest)
- * dest = Int (0/1)
- dest=0 : top plot
- dest=1 : bottom plot
- '''
- def do_cycling(self,args):
- '''
- Here we cycle through our playlist and print some info on the curves we find.
- Cycling through the playlist needs a bit of care to avoid memory leaks and dangling
- open files...
- Look at the source code for more information.
- '''
- def things_when_cycling(item):
- '''
- We encapsulate here everything has to open the actual curve file.
- By doing it all here, we avoid to do acrobacies when deleting objects etc.
- in the main loop: we do the dirty stuff here.
- '''
- '''
- identify()
- This method looks for the correct driver in self.drivers to use;
- and puts the curve content in the .curve attribute.
- Basically, until identify() is called, the HookeCurve object
- is just an empty shell. When identify() is called (usually by
- the Hooke plot routine), the HookeCurve object is "filled" with
- the actual curve.
- '''
- item.identify(self.drivers)
- '''
- After the identify(), item.curve contains the curve, and item.curve.default_plots() behaves exactly like
- self.current.curve.default_plots() -but for the given item.
- '''
- itplot=item.curve.default_plots()
- print 'length of X1 vector:',len(itplot[0].vectors[0][0]) #just to show something
+ def default_settings(self):
+ """Return a list of :class:`hooke.config.Setting`\s for any
+ configurable plugin settings.
+ The suggested section setting is::
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__)
+ You only need to worry about this if your plugin has some
+ "magic numbers" that the user may want to tweak, but that
+ won't be changing on a per-command basis.
+ You should lead off the list of settings with the suggested
+ section setting mentioned above.
+ """
+ return [
+ # We disable help wrapping, since we've wrapped
+ # TutorialPlugin.__doc__ ourselves, and it's more than one
+ # paragraph (textwrap.fill, used in
+ # :meth:`hooke.config.Setting.write` only handles one
+ # paragraph at a time).
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section, help=self.__doc__,
+ wrap=False),
+ Setting(section=self.setting_section, option='favorite color',
+ value='orange', help='Your personal favorite color.'),
+ ]
+# Define common or complicated arguments
+# Often, several commands in a plugin will use similar arguments. For
+# example, many curves in the 'playlist' plugin need a playlist to act
+# on. Rather than repeating an argument definition in several times,
+# you can keep your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) by defining the
+# argument at the module level and referencing it during each command
+# initialization.
+def color_callback(hooke, command, argument, value):
+ """If `argument` is `None`, default to the configured 'favorite color'.
+ :class:`hooke.command.Argument`\s may have static defaults, but
+ for dynamic defaults, they use callback functions (like this one).
+ """
+ if value != None:
+ return value
+ return command.plugin.config['favorite color']
+ColorArgument = Argument(
+ name='color', type='string', callback=color_callback,
+ help="Pick a color, any color.")
+# See :func:`hooke.ui.gui.panel.propertyeditor.prop_from_argument` for
+# a situation where :attr:`type` is important.
+class DoNothingCommand (Command):
+ """This is a boring but working example of an actual Hooke command.
+ As for :class:`hooke.plugin.Plugin`\s, the class name is not
+ important, but :attr:`name` is. :attr:`name` is used (possibly
+ with some adjustment) as the name for accessing the command in the
+ various :class:`hooke.ui.UserInterface`\s. For example the
+ `'do nothing'` command can be run from the command line UI with::
+ hooke> do_nothing
+ Note that if you now start Hooke with the command's plugin
+ activated and you type in the Hooke command line "help do_nothing"
+ you will see this very text as output. That is because we set
+ :attr:`_help` to this class' docstring on initialization.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ # See the comments in TutorialPlugin.__init__ for details
+ # about super() and the docstring of
+ # :class:`hooke.command.Command` for details on the __init__()
+ # arguments.
+ super(DoNothingCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='do nothing',
+ arguments=[ColorArgument],
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ """This is where the command-specific magic will happen.
+ If you haven't already, read the Architecture section of
+ :file:`doc/hacking.txt` (also available `online`_). It
+ explains the engine/UI setup in more detail.
+ .. _online:
+ http://www.physics.drexel.edu/~wking/rsrch/hooke/hacking.html#architecture
+ The return value (if any) of this method is ignored. You
+ should modify the :class:`hooke.hooke.Hooke` instance passed
+ in via `hooke` and/or return things via `outqueue`. `inqueue`
+ is only important if your command requires mid-command user
+ interaction.
+ By the time this method is called, all the argument
+ preprocessing (callbacks, defaults, etc.) have already been
+ handled by :meth:`hooke.command.Command.run`.
+ """
+ # On initialization, :class:`hooke.hooke.Hooke` sets up a
+ # logger to use for Hooke-related messages. Please use it
+ # instead of debugging 'print' calls, etc., as it is more
+ # configurable.
+ log = logging.getLogger('hooke')
+ log.debug('Watching %s paint dry' % params['color'])
- '''
- The following three lines are a magic spell you HAVE to do
- before closing the function.
- (Otherwise you will be plagued by unpredicatable, system-dependent bugs.)
- '''
- item.curve.close_all() #Avoid open files dangling
- del item.curve #Avoid memory leaks
- del item #Just be paranoid. Don't ask.
+class HookeInfoCommand (Command):
+ """Get information about the :class:`hooke.hooke.Hooke` instance.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ super(HookeInfoCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='hooke info',
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ outqueue.put('Hooke info:')
+ # hooke.config contains a :class:`hooke.config.HookeConfigParser`
+ # with the current hooke configuration settings.
+ config_file = StringIO.StringIO()
+ hooke.config.write(config_file)
+ outqueue.put('configuration:\n %s'
+ % '\n '.join(config_file.getvalue().splitlines()))
+ # hooke.plugins contains :class:`hooke.plugin.Plugin`\s defining
+ # :class:`hooke.command.Command`\s.
+ outqueue.put('plugins: %s'
+ % ', '.join([plugin.name for plugin in hooke.plugins]))
+ # hooke.drivers contains :class:`hooke.driver.Driver`\s for
+ # loading curves.
+ outqueue.put('drivers: %s'
+ % ', '.join([driver.name for driver in hooke.drivers]))
+ # hooke.playlists contains a
+ # :class:`hooke.playlist.NoteIndexList` of
+ # :class:`hooke.playlist.Playlist`\s. Each playlist may
+ # contain several :class:`hooke.curve.Curve`\s representing a
+ # grouped collection of data.
+ playlist = hooke.playlists.current()
+ if playlist == None:
+ outqueue.put('current playlist: %s (%d of %d)'
+ % (playlist.name,
+ hooke.playlists.index(),
+ len(hooke.playlists)))
+ curve = playlist.current()
+ if curve == None:
+ return
+ outqueue.put('current curve: %s (%d of %d)'
+ % (curve.name,
+ playlist.index(),
+ len(playlist)))
+class PointInfoCommand (Command):
+ """Get information about two user-selected points.
- c=0
- for item in self.current_list:
- print 'Looking at curve ',c,'of',len(self.current_list)
- things_when_cycling(item)
- c+=1
- return
- def plotmanip_absvalue(self, plot, current, customvalue=None):
- '''
- This function defines a PLOT MANIPULATOR.
- A plot manipulator is a function that takes a plot in input, does something to the plot
- and returns the modified plot in output.
- The function, once plugged, gets automatically called everytime self.plots is updated
- For example, in force spectroscopy force curves, raw data are automatically corrected
- for deflection. Other data can be, say, filtered by default.
- To create and activate a plot manipulator you have to:
- * Write a function (like this) which name starts with "plotmanip_" (just like commands
- start with "do_")
- * The function must support four arguments:
- self : (as usual)
- plot : a plot object
- current : (usually not used, deprecated)
- customvalue=None : a variable containing custom value(s) you need for your plot manipulators.
- * The function must return a plot object.
- * Add an entry in hooke.conf: if your function is "plotmanip_something" you will have
- to add <something/> in the plotmanips section: example
- <plotmanips>
- <detriggerize/>
- <correct/>
- <median/>
- <something/>
- </plotmanips>
- Important: Plot manipulators are *in pipe*: each plot manipulator output becomes the input of the next one.
- The order in hooke.conf *is the order* in which plot manipulators are connected, so in the example above
- we have:
- self.current.curve.default_plots() --> detriggerize --> correct --> median --> something --> self.plots
- '''
- '''
- Here we see what is in a configuration variable to enable/disable the plot manipulator as user will using
- the Hooke "set" command.
- Typing "set tutorial_absvalue 0" disables the plot manipulator; typing "set tutorial_absvalue 1" will enable it.
- '''
- if not self.config['tutorial_absvalue']:
- return plot
- #We do something to the plot, for demonstration's sake
- #If we needed variables, we would have used customvalue.
- plot.vectors[0][1]=[abs(i) for i in plot.vectors[0][1]]
- plot.vectors[1][1]=[abs(i) for i in plot.vectors[1][1]]
- #Return the plot object.
- return plot
-#how to add lines to an existing plot!!
-#configuration files
-#gui plugins
+ Ordinarily a command that knew it would need user selected points
+ would declare an appropriate argument (see, for example,
+ :class:`hooke.plugin.cut.CutCommand`). However, here we find the
+ points via user-interaction to show how user interaction works.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plugin):
+ super(PointInfoCommand, self).__init__(
+ name='point info',
+ arguments=[
+ CurveArgument,
+ Argument(name='block', type='int', default=0,
+ help="""
+Data block that points are selected from. For an approach/retract
+force curve, `0` selects the approaching curve and `1` selects the
+retracting curve.
+ ],
+ help=self.__doc__, plugin=plugin)
+ def _run(self, hooke, inqueue, outqueue, params):
+ data = params['curve'].data[params['block']]
+ while True:
+ # Ask the user to select a point.
+ outqueue.put(PointRequest(
+ msg="Select a point",
+ curve=params['curve'],
+ block=params['block']))
+ # Get the user's response
+ result = inqueue.get()
+ if not isinstance(result, PointResponse):
+ inqueue.put(result) # put the message back in the queue
+ raise Failure(
+ 'expected a PointResponse instance but got %s.'
+ % type(result))
+ point = result.value
+ # Act on the response
+ if point == None:
+ break
+ values = []
+ for column_name in data.info['columns']:
+ name,unit = split_data_label(column_name)
+ column_index = data.info['columns'].index(column_name)
+ value = data[point,column_index]
+ si_value = ppSI(value, unit, decimals=2)
+ values.append('%s: %s' % (name, si_value))
+ outqueue.put('selected point %d: %s'
+ % (point, ', '.join(values)))